Transcript Slide 1

Term 4
Investigate colour wash, primary and secondary colours to paint under the sea creatures for an underwater scene.
English – We will begin our English this
term by looking at ‘Balanced Arguments.’
where two points of view are impersonally
discussed by the writer. We will prepare
for our balanced arguments in exciting
ways! We will also be investigating the
features of persuasion, before using
these skills to try and persuade others!
Science – Our Science this term will be
about ‘Life Cycles.’ We will be grouping
different types of living things, before
reflecting on the stages of life that we go
through as adults.
‘It’s Not Fair!’
Maths – In Maths this term, we will be looking at
a range of topics including Ratio and Proportion,
Shape, Decimals and Fractions, before attempting
to transfer our knowledge to word problems.
PSHE – In this term’s PSHE, we will be looking at
the effects that other people’s opinions could
have on us, as well as the consequences that our
behaviour could cause.
French – In French this term, we will be
thinking about different activities that
we do in our spare time!
Computing – In computing, we will be creating and debugging programmes
to guide partners along routes. We will also be using ICT to research the
lives of others at various points in time and in different places all over
the world.
PE – In PE this term, we will begin to look at tactics
and skills that we can implement into Tag Rugby
situations, before becoming more familiar with the
game. We will also be swimming on Wednesdays.
History – Our History lessons will investigate the events surrounding, as
well as the importance of, the creation of the Magna Carta. They will also
aim to think about different time eras in which there were instances of
injustice. This will particularly focus on the Ancient Egyptians, Rosa
Parks, Martin Luther King and Apartheid in South Africa.
Geography – Our Geography in Term 4 will look at
how climates can differ in the continent of Africa.
We will also investigate land use in rural and urban
areas of Africa before comparing our lives to those
who live in the Kenyan countryside.
R.E. – In the run up to Easter, this holiday will become the focus of our
RE lessons. We will not only think about the Easter story, but we will also
consider how Christians see life as eternal, and how this affects their
actions every day.
Art and Design / Design Technology – We will be
researching the meaning of the ‘Fair Trade’ logo,
before designing, creating and evaluating a new ‘Fair
Trade’ product.