Presented by Public Financial Management 650 Third Ave

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Transcript Presented by Public Financial Management 650 Third Ave

Preparing a Right of Way
Request for Acquisition
Missouri Local Programs
How to request right of way acquisition authority
for obligation of federal funds in right of way
acquisition or “notice to proceed”-no federal
First Steps
The form must be placed on the Local Public Agency Letterhead. Either retype the form on agency letterhead or
fill in the form using the on line EPG form 236.18.2 (create link) and then copy and past the contents onto the
agency letterhead.
Fill in the following information
Fill in the date of the request
Fill in the name of the District Transportation Planning Specialist or the name of the person MoDOT has
requested you send the request to.
Fill in the name of the person who is sending in the request along with their title.
Subject: Request for RW Acquisition Authority (A-Date)
Federal Project Number:
Fill in the Federal Project Number here.
Route or project name:
Fill in the route or project name here.
Fill in the stationing of termini limits of the project from the RW plans which must be
Length of Project:
Fill in the length of project in feet or miles.
Funding Selection: (select only on funding option)
Select either a request for federal participation in all RW activities or,
Select no Federal Participation (Request for Notice to Proceed –No Federal Participation)
Section One
 Section One: All items in this section must
include the approval date.
Date Preliminary Design Plans Approved:
Date RW Plans Approved:
Environmental Document Approved by FHWA: Copy of Environmental
Approval must be
Select a Document Type: Double click this “button” and three
options will be provided to select from.
Clearance Date:
Fill in the date Preliminary
Design Plans Approved
MoDOT fills in this date as
the RW Plans are to be submitted for
approval with this request.
Fill in the Clearance Date.
Section One Continued:
Historic Section 106 Approved by MoDNR:
Attach one copy of Section
106 Approval.
Clearance Date –Section 106:
Fill in the date of the
section 106 approval
Clearance Date-Archeological Review:
Fill in the date of the
approved archeological
review or check the N/A
box if not applicable.
Clearance Date-Eligible Structure on new RW: Fill in the date of clearance
if an eligible structure has
been identified within the
new RW limits.
Date of Public Meeting:
Fill in the date the Public
Meeting was held if one
was required.
Section Two
Who will conduct RW Activities?
If MoDOT is conducting or participating in RW activities provide the
supplemental agreement date. The supplemental agreement is to address
reimbursement of MoDOT expenses.
Is the LPA staffed and adequately equipped
perform acquisition activities in compliance
with the Code of Federal Regulations?
Check the box next to the appropriate
LPA will contract with the following individuals
from MoDOT’s Approved Rosters:
Check Yes or No.
Check all appropriate
Section Three
Questions must be answered with an estimated dollar amount.
Project Total cost Percentage:
Name of “Other” Participating Entity, if any:
Breakdown of Relocation Cost:
Comments Here:
Fill in the total RW Cost estimate. Break the estimate
in the appropriate percentage split based upon the
programming agreement.
Provide the percentage split for
Federal , Local and/or Other.
Fill in the name of
“other” participating
entities, if any.
Fill in the amount estimated for
Relocation assistance and Moving
Cost. Also Provide the number of
Residential and Business Units
requiring relocation benefits.
Provide any additional comments here.