Second National Community Building Forum: Taking Stock Of

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Transcript Second National Community Building Forum: Taking Stock Of

National Community of Practice on Transition

Past, Present and Future


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States: AL, AZ, CA, NH, PA, VA, ND, DC, DE, WI, MI 14 National Organizations 5 TA Centers Federal Partners (DOE, DOT, DOL, DOJ



Transition CoP meeting

State College, PA July, 2004

• Participants: state team from AL, AZ, CA, NH, Pa, and VA representing education, VR, and families • Identify the community purpose – to advance

interagency participation

in transition – to create or strengthen a

meaningful youth role

• Establish routine communication (monthly conference calls) • Build a

National Community of Practice on Transition



Transition CoP meeting

State College, PA July, 2004

Team members from each of the six States agreed to: • Hold a debriefing meeting within 30 days to discuss Community work with the State Director of Special Education, Director of Vocational Rehabilitation, the State’s Parent Training and Information Center, other State agencies, and higher education institutions • Work with interagency staff to identify opportunities within the State to start interagency work and promote youth involvement • Work with interagency staff to identify up to three youth per State to become part of the cross-state Community of Practice. A person from each State would act as a liaison to these youth to assure that they are prepared to fully interact in the Community.

• Would attend (with a youth representative) each statewide meeting and debrief with the entire Community in monthly State conference call.

• Would meet face-to-face as a Community once a year to deepen interactions.

• Would form Practice Groups on specific issues and conduct “learning calls” to inform the full Community of the work of Practice Groups.



Transition CoP meeting

Williamsburg, VA March, 2005

• Participants: state team from AL, AZ, CA, NH, Pa, VA, DE, and DC representing education, VR, families, and youth • Practice Group kick off – Strategies for statewide engagement – Strengthening the Youth Role – Outreach to Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice and Mental Health – Increasing Accessible Transportation and Increasing Transportation Options



Transition CoP meeting

Arlington, VA February, 2006

• Participants: state team from AL, AZ, CA, NH, Pa, VA, DE, and DC representing education, VR, families, and youth; 14 national organizations, 6 TA centers, federal agencies • Build representation from states, agencies, national organizations, technical assistance providers and other groups • Moving to Outcomes: How Community Adds Value in Serving Transitioning Youth? • New Practice Groups kick off –


Post-secondary Strategies

What did we accomplish so far?

Measure 1:

Building connections to state efforts

Measure 2:

Communicating the potential of the

‘community’ Measure 3:

Using the Community Connections

Measure 4:

Maintain regular communication

Measure 5:

Stimulating the work of the issues focused groups, the practice groups

How Did We Do in our First Year?

Measure 1:

Building connections to state efforts

• • Support states to implement Community of Practice strategy on the state and local level

Outreach to new states ND, WI, MI and DE

How Did We Do in Our First Year?

Measure 2: ‘community’

Communicating the potential of the

• Work with organizations, agencies and national TA providers to share the potential of


• Build representation from states, agencies, national organizations, technical assistance providers and other groups • Accepted an invitation to present at the CSAVR conference (April, 2005), RSA and Transition Summit (June 2005), CWLA conference (June, 2005) and the CEC/DCDT conference (April, 2006)

How Did We Do in Our First Year?

Measure 3:

Using the Community Connections

• Connecting the Community to National, State and Local Initiative in Transportation • Partnership with Department of Transportation, and Easter Seals/United We Ride • NASDSE/NAPAS Initiative Around Youth with Disabilities in the Juvenile Justice System • Invitations to community members to keep the work connected • Emerging connections as the initiative progresses • Connect with CWLA

How Did We Do in Our First Year?

Measure 4:

Maintain regular communication

• Monthly Community Calls • 11:30 am every second Wednesday

How Did We Do in Our First Year?

Measure 5:

Stimulating the work of the issues focused groups, the

practice groups

• The practice groups became well developed this year • Juvenile Justice Practice Group connected with National CoP on School Behavioral Health • Youth Practice Group presented to all state directors at NASDSE meeting and is leading the major effort with all the states in the community

What’s Next for the National



• Continue to focus on outcomes • Develop assessment of community building in a state • Overarching focus on youth role and engaging families from diverse backgrounds • Building leadership opportunities on all levels