CE&CR enabling resources Support for “Big Community, Small

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South Gloucestershire Council Children, Adults and Health

Review of integrated children’s services

Voluntary Sector July 2014

Service delivery framework


  • Council savings plan agreed on 19 Feb 14  savings plan for 2014 –17 details savings targets for all council services  supported by a framework for 2017-20 to outline broad savings Savings target of £590K for ICS from 15/16 Will also be impacted by changes to the education services grant


• Child is best placed within their family, with clear permanent alternatives available if that is not possible • Multi-agency early help to support families within their community • Minimise the number of “professional touches” for a child/family/young person during their involvement with ICS • Maximise opportunities for improved outcomes and narrowing attainment gap • Continuum of support to meet need from early help to child protection (and reduce escalation of need) • Team around the child/family; common business process


• Legal framework • Mutli-agency partnership working • Early help strategy • Minimise the number of different key workers experienced by a child/family • National developments (e.g. family justice reform, new Ofsted framework, adoption guidance, troubled families) • Establishment of 0-25 disability service • Further integration of service provision


• Identify and put in place the most appropriate organisational configuration – Demonstrate optimum efficiency and effectiveness – Meets the needs of C&YP in South Gloucestershire • Deliver the required savings • Define delivery parameters for the overall service and for each function • Define evidence based programmes to focus on outcomes for C&YP • Consider opportunities for further integration


• All functions and staff within SGC integrated children’s services division are in scope of the review with the exception of: – Children’s health and disability – Special educational needs – Priority neighbourhood youth workers – EDT – Armadillo • 276 FTEs

Project team

• Tracy Allison • Nick Lowe, Nicola Hannaford • Geri Palfreeman/Katie Harwood • Joanna Smith • Lindsay Gee • Simon Crisp • Susannah Hill • Nicola Plant • Sarah Thompson Service lead Service mgr service mgr NBT SG CCG Police ELS HR lead Project mgr With additional advice from colleagues in: • Legal, finance, property, voluntary sector, commissioning and Comms

Approach / timeline

• Consider “as is” • Research models in other LAs Apr/May Apr/May • Develop preferred delivery model June/July • Engagement of Partners • CYP Committee model decision • Staff/TU structure consultation • Organisation structure decision • WFC begins June/July Sept Oct/Nov Nov Dec

Progress to date – research

• Interviews conducted with 13 other LAs – Most also reviewing their delivery model – Varying levels of integration between: • social care and preventative services • Multiple agencies delivering services for C&YP – Focus on early help – One example of commissioning statutory provision

Progress to date – key themes from staff drop in sessions

• Build on what is already working well - stability • Less management not less front line staff • More focus on services for adolescents / homeless 16+ year olds • Improve stepping down of cases from social care • Clear description of services and thresholds • First Point is important • Less complex IT systems

Progress to date – “as is” analysis (BA interviews, data analysis and SWOT)

• Improve profile of First Point • Court work responsibility • Management structure for LAC & Care Leavers • Geographical location of teams • Expansion of FIF offer • Consider Staying Put parameters for care leavers • Strengthen Early help

First Point Childrens Centres Childrens Centres Childrens Centres Social Worker YISS LDA Homelessness 16+ Troubled Families Champion SC1


FISS CAF Champion Troubled Families CIN


CIN Assessment Courtwork Child Protection YOT LAC Adoption Permanency Worker Fostering Care Leavers Participation Accreditation (including DoE)

Engagement Importance of Partnership engagement Opportunity for further integration Footprints Long term visioning
