Transcript Slide 1

Technology comes from the mind of a human. It can change our lives in good or bad ways. For example firearms and automatic weapons kill people. And medicines can save people.

Eyeglasses were invented in 1286. They help people with eye problems such as near and far sighted, double vision, and stigmatism. They are so important today because they help people with these eye problems live normal lives.

They can also help in eye protection. For example people use it when they are welding, snowboarding, in chemistry, mining, other occupations, and sports.

Suspension Bridges were invented in 1350. They help people cross over a large body of water or chasm. But back then the bridges were woven with grass, sticks, and objects like that. They couldn’t hold much weight.

Today, bridges are made of steel and strong materials. They can hold millions of pounds at one time. Some even ascend so boats can pass through.

Flying machines were invented in 1500. They were able to lift people and objects up in the air. Then, they only went up in the air and floated back down. The first flying machines were very much like gliders. They could only hold one person.

Today, jet planes can stay in the air for long periods of time and can hold hundreds of people and massive amounts of weight. They can travel across the world. Helicopters can even hover in midair and save people by lifting them out of dangerous situations. The Chinook helicopters can lift about 26,000 pounds externally.

The steam engine was invented in 1698. They helped power trains and boats . The engine runs on steam hence the name steam engine. Today the steam engine is the arm chair of more complex engines. Some people still want to use it to be environmental ly friendly.

The lightning rod was invented in 1752. It works by absorbing electricity caused by lightning and carries it to the ground safely. It helps us today by keeping tall buildings and structures from burning to the ground.

Vaccinations were invented in 1798. They can prevent diseases in a mammal. Today, they can prevent a disease or epidemic such as the Chicken Pox or Swine Flu.

The refrigerator was invented in 1834. But then it was only a small box that was called an icebox. Everyday you would have to get ice. Today, the actual refrigerator holds and keeps food cold and fresh in an orderly fashion.

X-rays were invented in 1895. They help doctors see bones in humans and animals. Today doctors and dentists use them to look at bones and teeth.

Antibiotics were invented in 1928. People use them when they have an infection. The first antibiotic was penicillin. Today they help us by killing an infection. There are over one hundred antibiotics today used to target specific infections.

The World Wide Web was invented in 1990. This was exciting because it had color, animations, pictures and sound. Using a Web Browser allowed people to surf the Web finding games, social sites, or shopping. Today, people browse the web for many, many reasons.

So, technology has made some people lazy and some live their lives at break neck speed. Even so, it brings us closer to our friends and family. Cell phones, e-mail, Facebook, and other communication devices and social networking sites allow us to chat and keep in touch easily. However, the television for example has become one of our greatest distractions. Most Americans spend four hours daily watching their set and less time with their family. In the future they could make an iPhone 10 with wild and weird apps. But all we really know is that technology will probably be more complex.