Transcript Slide 1

Computer History
By: Justine Hansen
The Internet has a lot of history starting in
the 1960’s when the department of
defense experimented with a computer
network called ARPANET and from that
point on it has blossomed into something
Main Points
-Early computional devices
-Early Computers
-Generations and main component
Early Computional Devices
• Abacus was used in Asia for performing
Asthmatic processes.
• Mark 1 Is the enzyme that is in humans
that is encoded by the mark 1 gene.
• Punched Cards were invented by Basile
Bouchan in 1725.
Early Computers
• ENIAC is a electronic numerical integrates
and computer.
• EDSAC is a electronic discrete variable
automatic calculator.
• EDVAC is a electronic discrete variable
automatic computer.
• UNIVAC is a universal automatic
• First microcomputers made up the
minicomputers CPU with one integrated
Generations and Main Component
• Vacuum Tubes-Invented
by Presper Eckert and
John Mauchly in 1946.
• Transistors- Invented by
John Barbeen, William
Sheckly, and Walter
Brattain in 1947.
• Integrated CircuitInvented by Jack Kilby
and Robert Noyce in
1946- 1971.
• Microprocessor- Invented
by Ted Hoff in 1971.
• Artificial IntelliengenceStill in development.
Inventors and Developers
• Steven Jobs was born February 24th 1955
in California and he died October 5th 2011
of pancreatic cancer. He invented many
things and was a part of the formation of
Apple computer inc.
• Steven Wozniak was an American
computer engineer and programmer.
• Marc Andreesen invented Netscape.
• Department of Defense in the 1960’s they
created the computer network ARPANENT.
Steve Wozniak
Marc Andreesen
Department of Defense
• Charles Babbage was known as the father
of computing, he invented the first
mechanical computer.
• Bill Gates is an American business icon.
• Tim Berners Lee was an English computer
scientist and invented WWW.
Charles Babbage
Bill Gates
Tim Berners Lee
• Herman Hollerith invented the computer
punch cards
• Blaise Pascal was a French
• John Von Newman was an American
• Herman Hollerith
• Blaise Pascal
• John Von Newman
• J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly
invented the computer corporation EMCC
in 1946-1950
• Formation of Microsoft was invented by
Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1981
• Formation of Apple Computers was
invented by Steve Jobs and Steve
Wozniak in 1971
• Paul Allen was involved with Microsoft
• J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly
• Microsoft
• Apple
• Paul Allen
• Birth of Net began in the 1960’s with the help of
the Department of Defense.
• First Browser was invented by Marc Andreessen
called mosaic
• ARPANET - Advanced research projects agency
First browser
Now that you learned about the history of
computers I hope that one day you can
use this information to good use.