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Science and Technology Destination

Madrid, the Capital of Spain is one of the most competitive and profitable cities for investors: open and dynamic. Best cities for localizing busineeses: Madrid jumped from rank 17 in 1990 to rank 7 in 2003.

According to the

European Cities Monitor

Madrid ranks number 3 after Paris and London in future expansión.

Madrid is home to 3 main universities: • Universidad Politécnica • Universidad Complutense • Universidad Autónoma Madrid is the Headquarters of the National Scientific Research Council (CSIC) the first institution in Spain in number of patents. 40% of its researchers work in labs and research centres located within the City.

Research groups have long and extensive relationships with US universities

Opportunities 

Active business and industrial fabric

– Large multinational corporations – Vast network of small and medium business with industrial tradition – Advanced services companies 

High HHRR qualification

– Well trained – Large number of bachelors degrees (21%) and doctors

Madrid is a research cluster in Biomedicine and according to ISSI Thompson the relative impact of its publications make it number 6 in the World. The main R&D centers are: • Biotecnology National Center • “Severo Ochoa” Molecular Biology Center • National Oncology Research Center • “Carlos III” Healthcare Research Institute • “Ramón y Cajal” Neurosience Institute Also within the city of Madrid there is an extensive network of University Hospitals

Madrid also hosts Spain ´s top Agro food reserch centers and in this field, despite being an urban city, the quality and impact of its R&D is excellent.

20% of all R&D expenditure in Madrid is in this field Some breakthrough technologies in animal disease control, specially virology have come from research groups located in Madrid.

The City of Madrid is specially concerned with environmental protection and hosts reserch centers dedicated to R&D in water resources, alternative energies and sustainable urban development.

The National Cathalisis Research Institute is specially active in Fuel Cell technology .

The Politecnica University together with the company Gamesa has contributed with some key advances in Eolic Energy .

Physics, Material Science and Nanotechnology are areas of special interest for our research groups and for companies working on new products based on this new technological frontier.

Madrid has one of the top R&D centers in Europe in Nuclear Physics and Energy Research CIEMAT.

Several research centres are working together towards creating a world class Nanotechnology Institute in Madrid.

Madrid’s New Position 

New City Model:

- Attractive, innovative, creative, cosmopolitan & habitable 

Strategic Turn:

- New Economic Model (more dynamic and sustainable) - Promote knowledge based economic and social activities. - Support emerging industrial sectors.

- Build first class business and industrial infrastructures.

Promote Madrid’s image outside. Let our City be known

Madrid’s TECH PARK  Turn Madrid intro an attraction pole for foreign tech-based capital  Offer top level technological and infrastructure equipment  Support local R&D initiatives  Promote entrepreneurship based on the strong knowledge capabilities  North-South rebalance

 Space to share and spread Knowledge  Business Incubator  Hotels, Commercial, and Sport areas Social  Tech Centers with common I+D center, equipment, Conference showrooms, … (in particular)

BiotechCentre (BIO)  Biotech Services I+D+i Common  Tech Development Areas  Virology y microbiology  Molecular Biology  Genomic y Proteomic  Enzymes and cultures  Industry Sectors  Pharmaceutical  Biomedicine  Agrofood  Energy & Environment  Innovation Unit

NanotechCentre (MAT)  NanoTech Services I+D+i Common 

Tech Development Areas

 Science materials and Technology  Structural Description of  Surfaces  New Materials  NanoTechnology 

Industry Sectors

 Electronics  Transport  Aerospace  Energy  Construction  Automobile industry  Innovation Unit

Bussines Development Center (BUC)  Technology Based Business Incubator  Assistants, Secretaries, …  Incubation nests (Labs, Offices, Lab+Office)  Entrepreneur Sponsorship services 

Entrepreneur Aid Services

 Legal advisors  Strategic Consultancy  Intellectual property  Business Angels network  Etc.

 Innovation promotion and Technology Transfer Unit

Influence upon its environment



Economic Development Agency Madrid City Council Gran Vía 24 28013 Madrid SPAIN Tel: +(34) 91 588 8479 Fax: +(34) 91 480 4963 [email protected]