Transcript I am David

I am David
By Anne Holm
Summary: Chapter 8
David found Switserland very beautiful, but
the Swiss seemed never to laugh.
David wrote Carlo a letter saying he would
not hate him any more as long as he, Carlo,
did not use force again.
When David slipped over the Swiss border
into Germany, a traveller saw him but,
instead of giving him trouble, he gave David
a lift.
4. David became very fond of his
companion, King, and thought him to
be very clever in a doggy way.
5. David stumbled onto some of them
while walking one day.
6. He and King just had enough time to
hide behind a small bush.
7. He realised, however, that they could
not escape without being noticed.
8. King seemed to realise the danger and
sacrificed his life by running to the
soldiers and biting them.
9. In doing so, he attracted attention
away from David who ran to safety.
10. King was shot dead by the soldiers.
11. David’s sorrow made him lose his
appetite for life.
12. Despite his sadness David travelled, with
the help of several lifts, to Copenhagen in
13. David found the address of E Hjorth
Fengel in a telephone directory,
Strandvejen 758.
14. David was almost too scared to knock on
the door, but eventually did.
15. When a woman opened the door, he
recognised her as the woman in the photo
and said in French that he was David.
16. His greatest fear was that he would be
rejected, but she said, “David … My son