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Bo t
Corpului Didactic
New Ways in English Language Teaching Through Sharing Experiences
Bd. Mihai Eminescu nr. 40, 710171, Botoşani, Romania
Tel/Fax: +40 (0)231 517 556
e-mail: [email protected]
COM – 10 – PR – 19 – BT – TR, RO
The project aims to identify problems about English language teaching
and find new ways such as creative ideas, new approaches in ELT in
order to minimize the problems in ELT.
The main goal of the project is to improve the methods in ELT and have
participants more affective in using and understanding ELT. We also aim
to compare education system in ELT in Turkey to Romania.
Karaman İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü – Turkey coordinator
Casa Corpului Didactic Botosani – Romania coordinator
TOPIC-21 – Foreign language teaching and learning
TOPIC-47 – Quality and evaluation of education
TOPIC-5 - Basic skills
The project will be carried out between two partners; Turkey and Romania so it
will be studied on according to two different education system of foreign
language teaching. Besides sharing experiences in teaching English as a foreign
language, each partner will learn much more about partner country in terms of
its own history, geography, education system, tradition, customs and culture so
that it will improve the each partner as a European dimension. Also we will
contribute to improve the system of foreign language teaching and learning at
different levels of education. It will consider particular areas of teaching foreign
languages such as curricula, materials, methodology, class management,
educational technology and assessment techniques.
The project will be carried out in two parts. One part is related to difficulties,
problems and solutions for these problems of English teaching for teachers and
education sectors. The second part consists of new methods and ways in
teaching English as a foreign language. So it is aimed to raise awareness of
new, different and creative methods in teaching English and have a
collaboration experience in the international area through meetings,
observations, practicing the best application and sharing experiences.
Our concrete objectives of this project and partnership are:
1. To improve the quality of teaching language education system and to
raise quality of language education system by applying new approaches
and finding out new ways for English language teaching and minimize
the difficulties
2. To improve participants' (teachers, directors, students) competence in
ICT and their ability in terms of communication in English
3. To identify the problems, especially Critical Problems while teaching
English and find solutions for them by using creativeness
4. To ensure the participants be aware of new approaches and find new
ways in teaching languages
The expected results are:
- an increase of quality at teaching language education
- raising awareness of new approaches and methods in teaching English as a
foreign language
- a better and more efficient understanding of education system between
- a development of dialogue between the partners
- a development of collaboration between partners by group working
- creating a website and sharing the products of project through a platform
- organizing round tables, communication sessions on education problems
- realizing some products of the activities
- facilitating the collaboration and communication of the parents with all the
factors involved into the educational process
- making activities of monitoring, evaluation of it’s own activity
Both partners (Turkey and Romania) will meet different modules of teaching
and organization. They are aware of the fact that although they know the
same language and communicate with each other, they sometimes have
problems in understanding each other.
They will identify the common problems of using and teaching English. Also
they will identify the new methods of teaching, learning and find ways to solve
them together.
The partners will improve effective communication and cooperation together.
Sharing experiences, exchanges of these experiences, making analyses by
comparing the education system of partners through comparative studies,
meetings, the joint information sessions, awareness campaigns, dissemination
activities, monitoring and evaluation will have an important role and factor in
improving cooperation and collaboration among regions and in affirming the
European dimension of the project.
So it will provide the sustainability of the project.
•All participants will develop their competence in ICT by having e-mails, video conferences
and e-mails and web cams contact between the partners will be recorded and kept during
the project (Objective 1).
•A web page and platform will be prepared. Communication and collaboration between the
partners will be increased (Objective 2).
•Critical problems will be identified and creative solutions will be found through the
meetings of teachers, questionnaires and its results will be discussed at a round table
(Objective 3).
•The seminar related to the new approaches and the results and impacts of them over the
teachers will be discussed (Objective 4).
•Also CDs taken while teaching will be also a sign of evaluation of the project.
Evaluation and monitoring activities will be observed the results of comparison of the term
before the project and after the project. Also forum we done in our website, we check the
ideas and thoughts of participants. We will evaluated with the result of questionnaires at
the end of the project to compare the term and problems. During evaluating, teachers and
staff will write a page to express their ideas of the project and progress of it. Testing
modules in classrooms will help to evaluate the project, too.
We believe this project will improve the creativeness of teachers and staff to create new
solutions or methods in language teaching (Generally, for all objectives).
Each partner will have a website and this website will have a Comenius Regio area to display
information about the project and also include a platform to share experiences and ideas. So
each participating school will also publish the all project activities on their school web-sites.
Also participants of the project and other person will share their ideas through the platform
created in the website. They will come together at the meetings aimed to raise awareness
and discuss about problems and solutions.
At national/European level, meetings result will be published in a magazine and booklet.
Power Point presentations, seminars, information, articles in the school magazine and local
newspapers, TV, organizing symposium, theatrical performance will disseminate the results of
the project. What is more is to publish a handbook so it will also disseminate the project. The
all information of the project and feedback will be published in a handbook and it will be
distributed in each partner.
Local media and lifelong learning community will be informed about the whole activities. So,
others of the wider community will be informed of the project and will be ready to share our
work with others.
We believe our collaboration with the partner region will continue because we
are thinking of working together in a new project after this project. At the end of
the project, we will compare the quality of language teaching education system
in terms of the terms before and after the project in our own regions.
We will go on using the new approaches in English language teaching and
inform each other via e-mails, letters or skype. A new project under Lifelong
Learning Projects after this project is being thought with partner region. (May be
Leonardo da Vinci- VETPRO; to inform English teachers to disseminate the
projects between these partners).
We think it is extremely important to improve ourselves and English language
teaching system in order to communicate and open our doors through English
because it is mostly used.
Thank you!
Casa Corpului Didactic Botosani – Romania
Karaman Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu – Turkey