CAP Observe Course slides

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Transcript CAP Observe Course slides

Authored by Rich Simerson 01-Mar-2004 Modified by Lt Colonel Fred Blundell TX-129 Fort Worth Senior Squadron For Local Training Rev 6.0 02-Jan-2014

This Training Slide Show is a project undertaken by Lt Colonel Fred Blundell of the TX-129 Fort Worth Senior Squadron, Fort Worth, TX for local use to assist those CAP Members interested in advancing their skills. The information contained herein is for CAP Member’s personal use and is not intended to replace or be a substitute for any of the CAP National Training Programs. Users should review the presentation’s Revision Number at the end of each file name to ensure that they have the most current publication.


Mission Observer Requirements

  Trainee  Qualified General Emergency Services (GES)   Qualified as Mission Scanner At least 18 years of age (minimum; should be mature)   101T-MO familiarization and preparatory training Commanders authorization Qualification  101T-MO requirements    Complete Basic Communications User Training and Task L-001 Exercise participation (two separate missions) Unit certification and recommendation 3

CAPR 60-Series Review

Observer Duties and Responsibilities

         Primary Responsibility during searches: Visual Search Report for briefings Assist in planning – may be mission commander Check necessary equipment aboard (checklists) Assist in avoiding obstacles during taxiing Assist in setting up and operating radios Assist in setting up and operating nav equipment Maintain situational awareness Assist in monitoring fuel status 5

Observer Duties and Responsibilities


        Assist enforcing the sterile cockpit rules Assist pilot during searches, particularly ELT Keep mission base/high bird appraised of status Coordinate scanner assignments, schedule breaks, monitor crew for fatigue & dehydration Maintain observer’s log Report for debriefing Assist with all post-mission paperwork Keep track of assigned equipment and supplies 6

    

Observers Log

Departure Pt.

Check Points Ident Freq Mag Hdg

Observer Log

Mission Date Total Dist ETE Takeoff Time Fuel Time Dist Ground Speed ETE Remain ETA ATA Fuel Remain

Inflight Observations




     CAPF 100 CAPF 101 CAPF 101Ts CAPF 104 CAPF 108 8

CAPF 104

Mission Flight Plan/Briefing Form Page 1 9

CAPF 104

Mission Flight Plan/Briefing Form Page 2 10

CAPF 104

Mission Flight Plan/Briefing Form Page 3 11

CAPF 104

Mission Flight Plan/Briefing Form Page 4 12

CAPF 104

Mission Flight Plan/Briefing Form 13

FAA Flight Plan

FAA Form 7233-1



Flight Plans and Forms Summary

     Forms are important!

Complete, accurate and legible Label attachments


implement the CAP mission Know the source regulations  CAPR 60-1 (flying operations)    CAPR 60-3 CAPR 60-4 MOUs 15

Records For Your Aircrew File

(Optional But Recommended)

       Current CAP Membership card Current CAP 101 card Current CPR, Basic Care, Bloodborne Pathogens cards CAP Communications certificate (CAPF 76, if held) Award of Aeronautical Rating (CAPF 2a) Emergency Notification Data (CAPF 60) Total Scanner/Observer hours (photocopy from your logbook) 16

Remember to check the credentials of non-CAP passengers (Center)





Throughout these slides, each objective is followed by

:   The mission specialty rating to which the objective applies (S = Scanner; O = Observer; P = Pilot) The section in the

Aircrew Reference Text

to the objective may be found where the answer 19



    Describe how to use the Audio Panel and FM radio. {O & P; 4.1.2 & 4.1.3} Describe how to recognize a stuck mike, and corrective actions. {O; 4.1.5} Discuss CAP FM radio reports {O & P; 4.1.6}  List the minimum required reports Discuss in-flight services {O; 4.3}  Flight Service Station (FSS) purpose and how to contact    ATIS information and how to obtain it AWOS/ASOS information and how to obtain it The importance of PIREP’s 20

Using the Audio Panel

     On/Off, Volume control Mic Selector switch and receiver switches Split mode Swap mode Intercom mode 21

Audio Panel

Transmitter combinations Intercom modes 22

Using the FM Radio

  Main and Guard (squelch is automatic) Normal settings:  MN      G1 HI 4 or 6 to scroll through frequencies 5 Scan (if enabled) 2 (increase brightness) and 8 (decrease brightness) 23

Using the FM Radio


   Volume controls (Guard is receive only) Main usually set to ‘004’ (Air-to-Ground) Normally G1 (Air to-Ground) [G2 is Primary] If base wants to call you, you will hear them no matter what (Main) frequency you’re on  Just take MN/GD switch to GD, answer, then back to MN 24

Stuck Mike

   Can block transmissions Indications:   The ‘ T ’ symbol or TX LED remains illuminated You don’t receive a reply to your transmission  Difference in radio background noise Try re-keying the microphone or turning the radio off and then back on 25

FM Radio Reports

   Radio check (initial flight of the day) Minimum required reports:  Take-off (wheels up)    Entering search area Exiting search area Landing (wheels down) Operations normal (Ops Normal) reports  Defined during briefing, usually every one-half hour 26


    The radio is the primary link to the ATC system The most important part of pilot-controller communications is understanding Brevity is important Professionalism is important; it enhances safety and brings you better service 27


     Check for proper frequency Check volume Mentally compose message before transmitting

Listen before transmitting

Key mike, pause briefly before talking 28

Message Format

   Who *Who you are calling *Who you are Where *Your location What *Your request 29

CAP Aircraft Call Signs

    CAP has the FAA authorized callsign “ CAP ” FAA call signs are stated in ‘group’ form CPF 4239 is stated as “ CAP Forty-Two Thirty-Nine ” AIM 4-2-4.a.5 and FAA 7110.65


CAP Aircraft Call Signs


   CAP aircraft should only use the word “ Rescue ” in their call sign when priority handling is critical “CAP Forty-Two Thirty-Nine Rescue ”

DO NOT abuse this!


In-Flight Services - FSS

    Flight Service Stations (FSS) provide weather information before and after takeoff Some FSS provide transcribed weather briefings FSS can provide assistance to a pilot who has temporarily misplaced himself (i.e., he’s lost) FSS having voice services on VOR or NDB broadcast at 15 minutes after the hour    Weather reports and advisories Pilot and radar reports Alerts and Notices to Airmen (NOTAM) 32

In-Flight Services - ATIS

   Broadcast continuously (taped) Actual weather information, updated hourly conditions warrant or when special Frequency found on sectional or in A/FD 33

In-Flight Services AWOS

    Automated Weather Observation System On sectional by airport name Transmitted UHF or on navaid Real time information includes:    Location and time Wind speed, direction and gusts Temperature and dew point    Altimeter setting Density altitude when it exceeds field elevation by 1000’ Can go to

or call 800-any-awos 34

In-Flight Services - ASOS

    Automated Surface Observing System On sectional by airport name Transmitted VHF or on navaid; also telephone Real time information may include:  Location and time      Wind speed, direction and gusts Visibility and cloud height Temperature and dew point Altimeter setting Density altitude when it exceeds field elevation by 1000’ 35

In-Flight Services PIREP’s

   Pilot Weather Reports Very useful to other pilots Information should include:  Type of aircraft (Cessna 172)       Location (usually in relation to a VOR) Cloud bases, tops and layers Flight visibility Precipitation Visibility restrictions (e.g., smoke, haze and dust) Temperature and wind 36




     Discuss how convection currents affect aircraft glide path. (O) Discuss wind patterns around high- and low-pressure areas. (O) Define “ freezing level ” and “ lapse rate ” (O) Discuss airframe icing and its affect on aircraft performance. (O) Discuss carburetor icing and its affect on aircraft performance. (O) 38



    Discuss the characteristics of cold, unstable air masses and warm, stable air masses. (O) Concerning reduced visibility conditions, state the minimums for: (O)  VFR visibility  Cloud bases when they cover one-half the sky  How far aircraft must remain below cloud cover Discuss the dangers of windshear. (O) Describe the ‘ stages ’ of a typical thunderstorm and discuss the dangers of flying too close. (O) 39


     The most important aspect of weather is its impact on flight conditions Safety is paramount Navigation — Visual verses Instruments Effects on Search   Prevailing visibility Search visibility  Search patterns and altitudes Information — National Weather Service, Flight Service Stations, Flight Watch, PIREP’s 40

Weather — Circulation


Weather — Circulation


     The earth rotates Air moving north is pulled toward the east This builds a high pressure belt about 30 degrees latitude The northerly air flow cools and starts southward These large circulations are responsible for mixing the air and most weather 42

Circulation Around a High



Circulation Around a Low



Upward Convection Currents

   Terrain which heats up creates updrafts Updrafts tend to keep you from descending Normally where there are updrafts there are also downdrafts NORMAL GLIDE PATH EFFECT OF CONVECTION CURRENTS



Downward Convection Currents

  Terrain which remains cool up creates downdrafts Downdrafts cause you to descend GLIDE PATH DUE TO CONVECTION CURRENTS NORMAL GLIDE PATH




 As altitude increases the temperature decreases at a fairly uniform rate of 3.6 degrees F per 1000 feet; this is known as

lapse rate

 Use this on hot days to determine how high you should climb to get to a comfortable temperature  At some altitude the air temperature reaches the freezing temperature of water; the freezing level 47


   Frost Snow Icing  Airframe  (lift & weight) Carburetor Rime ice is rougher Glaze ice is clearer Lift Decreases Drag Increases Thrust Decreases Weight Increases 48

Causes of Frontal Activity



Warm Front

WARM AIR Nimbostratus Altostratus Cirrostratus Cirrus COLD AIR St Louis Indianapolis Columbus Pittsburgh


Cold Front

WARM AIR COLD AIR Cumulonimbus St Louis Indianapolis Columbus Pittsburgh


Occluded Front

Cumulonimbus WARM AIR Nimbostratus Altostratus Cirrostratus Cirrus COLD AIR COLD AIR St Louis Indianapolis Columbus Pittsburgh


Reduced Visibility

  Under almost all circumstances, VFR daytime flight requires:  At least three miles visibility  When clouds cover more than one-half the sky, cloud bases must be no lower than 1,000 ft. AGL  Search aircraft must usually remain at least 500 ft. below the cloud deck There are exceptions: ask your PIC 53

Reduced Visibility


       Fog Haze Snow White out Blowing dust Affected by sun angle and direction Aircrew must increase vigilance during these conditions 54


   Planning flight around high terrain requires special care Wind currents on the downwind side can be very strong Ridges and peaks should be cleared by at least 2000 feet Flight Path 2000 ft.

Wind 55

Wind Shear

 Thunderstorms  Fronts - wind shear may advance as far as 15 nm  Air flow around obstacles Windward 56

Wind Shear


  Two potentially hazardous situations, dangerous mainly during landing:  Tailwind turns calm or to a headwind  Headwind turns calm or to a tailwind Pilot must adjust quickly 57

Weather Thunderstorms

Cumulus Stage Mature Stage Dissipating Stage


Radio Services

      Flight Service Station (FSS) Flight Watch (122.0) Automatic Terminal Information Service(ATIS) Transcribed weather broadcasts (TWEB) Scheduled weather broadcasts  Fifteen minutes after the hour  Alerts, hourly weather, Advisory, Pilot Reports, Radar Pilot Weather Reports (PIREP) 59

High Altitude And Terrain Considerations



  Concerning atmospheric pressure: (O)  State the pressure at sea level, and describe how to compensate for ‘other-than-sea level pressures’ when setting the altimeter  Discuss the three factors that affect the density of an air mass.

 Define density altitude State the phases of flight affected by a decrease in atmospheric pressure, and how aircraft performance is affected. (O) 61



  Discuss strategies to compensate for high DA during searches. (O) Discuss mountainous terrain precautions and strategies. (O) 62

Atmospheric Pressure

    A barometer is used to register changes in pressure; measured in inches of mercury Standard sea-level pressure and temperature:   29.92 inches of mercury 59 degrees F (15 degrees C) A change of 1000 feet in elevation makes a change of about one inch To correct for local elevation, set altimeter to latest reading (ATIS/AWOS/ASOS/FSS) or enter field elevation 63

Density Altitude

    Three factors:  Pressure   Temperature Humidity Altitude and pressure combined to determine pressure altitude Add non-standard temperature to get density altitude Pilots calculate (next slides) or can get on ASOS 64

Density Altitude



Flight Computer

 Circular slide rule  Density altitude    Nautical to statute miles True airspeed Other stuff 66

Aircraft Performance

  Density altitude and aircraft weight have a tremendous effect on aircraft performance Both must be accurately calculated, especially for mountain flying missions 67

Pressure vs. Performance

     As altitude increases pressure decreases; this decrease can have a pronounced effect on flight:  Engine (hp) and prop are less efficient  Take off distance, climb rate, and landing distance effected Take off distance almost doubles with a 5000 foot elevation increase Rate of climb slows with higher elevation Landing distance increases with higher elevation Higher Humidity, Heat or Height result in reduced aircraft performance 68

Reduced Performance



     Don ’ t fly at high elevation during the hottest part of the day Carefully calculate DA and weight Reduce load:  Less fuel  Crew of three instead of four  Less baggage Remember “ High to Low, Look out Below ” altimeter setting hourly) (update If you fly in the mountains, take the Mountain Fury Course 70

Flight Near Mountainous Terrain

  Crews must be constantly careful that the search never takes them over terrain that rises faster than the airplane can climb. Narrow valleys or canyons that have rising floors must be avoided, unless the aircraft can be flown from the end of higher elevation to the lower end, or the pilot is certain that the aircraft can climb faster than the terrain rises. Careful chart study by the crew prior to flight will help identify this dangerous terrain. If you fly in the mountains, take the Mountain Fury Course 71

Flight Near Mountainous Terrain



Flight Near Mountainous Terrain



Flight Near Mountainous Terrain


Fli ght Path 20 00 ft.

W ind 74

Navigation and Position Determination



   Discuss considerations for operating near controlled airports, and identify them on a sectional. (O) Discuss the following special use airspaces, and identify them on a sectional:  Prohibited and Restricted Areas (O)  Military operating areas and training routes (O) Discuss the use and limitations of the following:  ADF (O)    VOR (O) DME (O) GPS (O) 76



   Given a sectional chart, a plotter, and two airports: (O)  Plot the course   Identify check points along the route Calculate how long it should take to get from one airport to the other, flying at 100 kts with no wind Given Attachment E of the U.S. National SAR Supplement to the International Aeronautical and Maritime SAR Manual, grid a sectional. (O & P) (and Attachment 1) Given coordinates and a sectional, use the Standardized Latitude and Longitude Gird System to draw a search grid. (O & P) 77

BAK North


BAK South


Electronic Aids to Navigation

     Automatic direction finder (ADF) Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range (VOR) Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Long Range Navigation (LORAN) Global Positioning System (GPS) 80


 A utomatic D irection F inding     Oldest system Fair accuracy Low cost Homing only

Aircraft headed North Needle always points toward the station


Using ADF to Determine Position

 A utomatic D irection F inding     ADF Oldest system Fair accuracy Low cost Homing only 82


 V ery High Frequency O mnidirectional R anging    VOR Very common Most air routes defined by VORs Good Accuracy

Radial VOR provides heading and course deviation indication








Using the VOR to Determine Position

   Turn the OBS knob until the needle centers with a FROM flag Read the bearing from the station directly at the top Plot the bearing on the chart 86

Keeping Track of Position


   D istance M easuring E quipment TACAN or VORTAC Very Accurate when flying directly towards


Slant range Ground Range





        L ow Frequency O mnidirectional R adio A ided N avigation Accurate Aircraft & Ships Susceptible to precipitation; western coverage spotty S M S S M S M Master Station S Secondary Station S S S S M S M M S M 90

    G lobal P ositioning S ystem 24 Satellites GPS receiver Very accurate



Position Determination

 Sectional or Map  Work from larger to smaller   Work from a known location to present location Watch the scale on maps   Remain suspicious if all points don’t seem to line up right Use groups of 3 characteristics to verify position 92

Sectional Aeronautical Charts

   1 to 500,000 Medium to slow speed aircraft Types of Information: Legend, Aeronautical, Topographical 93

Standardized Lat/Long Grid System

   This system does not require special numbering Lat-long of lower right corner defines the grid (latitude first) Letters are used to define sub-grids

36/102 AA 103-00 W 36/102 ADB 102-00 W 37-00 N A B C A B C D 102-45 W C B D 36-30 N 36-00 N 102-30 W 103-00 W 102-00 W


Know Your Chart Symbols


Search Planning and Coverage



    In basic terms, discuss how search planners determine the Maximum Area of Probability and then the Probability Area. (O) Given a POD table, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various search altitudes and speeds over the three major types of terrain. (O) Discuss the importance of proper execution of search patterns. (O) Optional – Review POD example 97

Narrowing the Search

   Search Involves  Estimating the position of the wreck or survivors   Determining the area to be searched Selecting the search techniques to be used Maximum Possibility Area  Circle around the Last Known Position   (LKP) The radius is equal to the endurance of the aircraft Correct for wind Probability Area  Where is the aircraft likely to be 98

Search Factors

   Factors which effect detection  Weather; terrain; lighting conditions   Sweep Width (W) Track Spacing (S)   Coverage Factor (C) Probability of Detection (P) Determine factors for search area coverage  Type and number of aircraft available  Search visibility Probability Of Detection (POD) 99

Determining the Maximum Possibility Area

No Wind Endurance Flight level winds: 330/20 Aircraft Speed: 100 Kts Endurance: 2 Hours LKP Wind vector 200 NM Corrected for wind Maximum possibility area


Probability Area

     Where was the last point where radar had the aircraft identified?

Is there an ELT?

Was there a flight plan (even if not on file with the FAA)?

Dead reckoning from LKP and heading Reports of sightings  Other aircraft  People living along the intended route of flight 101

Narrowing the Probability Area

          Flight plan Weather information National Track Analysis Program data Airports along the intended flight track Aircraft performance Pilots flying habits Radar coverage as a limiting factor Nature of terrain along the flight track Position reports — fuel stops, etc.

Most likely within 5 miles of intended track 102

Search Priorities

        Areas of bad weather Low clouds and poor visibility Areas where weather was not as forecast High terrain Areas not covered by radar Reports of low flying aircraft Survival factors Radio contacts or MAYDAY calls 103

Probability of Detection (POD)

    POD expressed as a “percent” search object was detected Four interrelated factors used to calculate:   Track Spacing Search Visibility   Search Altitude Type of Terrain Cumulative POD calculated using a chart “Effectiveness” must also be considered 104

POD Table


POD Chart - Detail


SEARCH ALTITUDE (AGL) Track Spacing 500 Feet 0.5 nm 1.0



700 Feet 0.5 nm 1.0



1,000 Feet 0.5 nm 1.0



SEARCH VISIBILITY 1 mi 2 mi 3 mi 4 mi 35% 20 15 10 40% 20 15 10 40% 25 15 15 60% 35 25 60% 35 25 65% 40 30 20 20 20 75% 50 35 75% 50 40 80% 55 40 75%


40 30 80% 55 40 30 85%


45 30 30 35 35 106

Cumulative POD Chart

Previous POD

5-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-40% 41-50% 51-60% 61-70% 71-80% 80+% 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 25 35 45 55 65 70 45 50 60 65 75 60 65 70 80 70 75 80 80 85 90 80 80 80 85 85 90 90 95 85 85 90 90 90 95 95 95 95+ 5-10% 11-20%21-30%31-40%41-50%51-60%61-70%71-80% 80+%

POD For This Search


Electronic Search Patterns



    Discuss the various types of ELTs. (O) Describe how an ELT can be detected. (O) Describe how the aircraft DF works in both the Alarm and DF modes. (O) Discuss using the DF during a typical ELT search (O)    Response during initial phase, including signal fade Response when getting close Response as you pass over the beacon 109



   Describe the following ELT search methods: (O)  Homing   Wing null Aural  Signal Discuss signal reflection and interference. (O) Describe how to silence an ELT and the legal issues involved. (O) 110

Emergency Locator Transmitter Direction Finding for Aircrews Use Of Equipment Commonly Found In CAP Aircraft


Objective the Elusive ELT

   Automatic radio beacon (100 milliwatts)  Roughly equal to that of a regular flashlight Can be heard on a line-of-sight basis.

Remember that the ELT may be attached to an aircraft or vessel in distress!


  


Activated by g-force (when armed)  Some can be activated by the pilot in the cockpit Three frequencies:  121.5 MHz (VHF emergency)   406.025 MHz (third generation advanced ELT/EPIRB/PLB) General types:  243 MHz (UHF emergency – military guard) General aviation aircraft     Military (“beepers” or “beacons”) Marine EPIRB Test station (training practice beacon) Advanced (406) 113

ELT Aircraft Antenna


But they don’t always survive a crash

Most Aircraft Have ELTs Installed


But they don’t always survive a crash

Most Aircraft Have ELTs Installed


Military Beacons

   Most common type is the URT-33/C Personnel ejecting/parachuting will have a 243 MHz beacon Some downed pilots may be able to communicate via two way radio on 243 MHz using a PRC-90 or later military survival radio  Beacon mode transmits like an ELT on 243 MHz 117

Personal Beacons

 Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) or Personal Emergency Transmitter (PET):  Intended for hikers and other remote wilderness travelers   Use a 406 MHz transmitter and a 121.5 MHz homing signal (at only 25 milliwatts) Many are also equipped with a built-in GPS receiver that provides lat/long coordinates   Each PLB must be registered [See discussion of Advanced ELTs] 118

Marine EPIRB

    Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon Similar to an ELT, an EPIRB is used on ships and boats Mandatory on certain commercial vessels Some activate automatically and others are manually activated 119

Advanced ELTs

 Designed to operate with SARSAT/COSPAS  406.025 MHz beacons have data burst encoding that identifies each (registered) individual beacon   Also produces a 121.5 MHz homing signal and may transmit GPS coordinates Sends a coded signal that can be used to obtain the owner's name, address and type of aircraft, so AFRCC can call the number to see if the aircraft is really missing (70% resolved) 120

Advanced ELTs


  Since geostationary satellites process the signal it will be heard more quickly and allow a much faster response (~ 6 hours). If the unit has a GPS receiver, it can transmit lat/long coordinates to further speed the search. The signal can also penetrate dense cover (e.g., trees).

Still very expensive (~ three times as much as a 121.5 MHz ELT) 121

Practice Beacon

    Training Practice Beacons  Includes ones used by CAP All should be converted from 121.6 to 121.775 MHz by now (if it isn ’ t, don ’ t use it) During practice searches, avoid calling the practice beacon an ‘ ELT ’ when communicating over the radio  May cause confusion Always use the term ‘ Practice Beacon ’ 122

Testing an Aircraft ELT

    Can test the aircraft ’ s ELT within the first five minutes after each hour Only allowed up to three sweeps When was the last time you tested the ELT in your aircraft?

Do you regularly monitor 121.5 MHz after you land?

  Ensure your ELT didn’t activate This isn’t considered a test, by the way, but you can try this excuse if you like 123

Inadvertent Activation

      Excessively hard landings (Welcome aboard, Ensign!) Inadvertent change of switch position During removal/installation Malfunction Non-ELT source on 121.5 MHz (computers, broadcast stations, even pizza ovens!) Monsieur Murphy 124

False Alarms

  Approximately 97% of received ELT signals are false alarms  For 121.5 MHz ELTs abut 1 in 1000 are actual emergencies (2 in 100 composite alerts)  For 406 MHz ELTs abut 1 in 10 are actual emergencies What ’ s the big deal?

 SARSAT can only monitor 10 ELTs at once   Easy to overload the system They block emergency communications on 121.5 and 243 MHz (guarded by towers, ARTCC, and the military) 125


Detection Timeline



   For a regular 121.5 MHz beacon:  Said to be a 12-16 nautical mile radius (~ 452 square nm)   Actually an oval shape with a 50% probability of being 15 nm wide and 7 nm high System is more accurate North to South (latitude)  Average six-hour detection/alert For a 406 MHz beacon it ’ s a 1-3 nm radius (~ 12.4 square nm) with 45 – 60 minute detection/alert For a 406 MHz beacon with GPS it detection/alert ’ s a 0.05 nm radius (within 100 yards) with an average five-minute 128

So how should I treat an ELT Mission?

  


Its not possible to know whether an ELT signal is a distress signal or a false alarm Although the statistics are against it, you must act as though it is a distress call  If you take advantage of them, every ELT mission allow you to keep your skills sharp!


Locating the ELT Signal

   Route or parallel track to pick up the signal If no SARSAT hits or definitive LKP:  4,000 to 10,000 AGL  Large track spacing (start at 60 nm, then do halves) Once signal is located, DF the signal 130

Direction Finder (DF)

 A direction finder compares signal strengths from two antenna patterns to let the user know:  When you are “centered” on a signal  headed directly towards OR away from from the signal source  Which direction to turn when not centered  Similar to an ADF needle, but only points left or right, hence the term “left-right homing” 131

L - Tronics DF

  Normal: Alarm toggle in ‘up’ position DF: toggle is ‘down’ 132

DF Antenna

These are mounted on the bottom, but may be on top.


Step 1 Acquire the Signal

   To hear the signal you can use your L-Tronics receiver or one of your comm radios To acquire with a comm radio, turn the squelch OFF (pull out the volume knob out or flip the appropriate switch)   The static you hear may be annoying, but it will allow you to hear the signal at the earliest possible time Allows for a weak or distant signal to be heard Proceed at a reasonable altitude to the SARSAT composite hit, or to the point designated by your incident commander 134

    

Beginning the Search Altitude Selection

Higher altitudes allow for reception of the ELT signal at greater distances ELTs transmit on 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz, both of which limit reception to “line of sight” Terrain will block ELT signals HIGHER is therefore usually BETTER to acquire a signal Medium altitude is generally better for searching (after signal heard) 3,000 to 5,000 AGL




Altitude Selection

45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0


18 136

Intersection Area

Step 2 Track (DF) the Signal

 There are many different ways to DF an ELT signal:  Left-Right DF Homing (L-Tronics DF)   Wing Shadow Method Aural Search   Metered Search Combinations of the above techniques 138

Wing Shadowing

  By flying the airplane in a circle, at some point the wing will block the ELT signal to the receiver antenna  This causes an audible decrease in volume, called a “null” Almost any VHF-AM aircraft communications radio may be used with this method 139

Wing Shadowing Antennas

   To properly use the Wing Shadowing method, you MUST know where the antenna for the radio you are using is installed & located on the aircraft Communications radio antennas are usually, but not always, located above the wings  Can be above the fuselage, in the tail, etc.

L-Tronics Aircraft DF antennas may be above or below the aircraft  Below the aircraft is the preferred installation 140

Communications Antennas Above the Wing

Antennas Above the Wing 141

DF Antennas Below the Wing

Antennas Below the Wing 142

How to DF by Wing Shadowing

    Fly a constant bank angle 360° turn the audio will “null,” or get significantly quieter, when your wing blocks the antenna’s reception of the ELT signal



Wing Shadowing-Signal Blocking For Antennas Above the Wings





Wing Shadowing Antennas Above the Wing

   Turn in a circle until you hear the null (significant decrease in volume) The ELT is 90º to your LEFT SUBTRACT 90º from your heading



Wing Shadowing-Signal Blocking For Antennas Below the Wings





Wing Shadowing Antennas Below the Wing

  Turn in a circle until you hear the null (significant decrease in volume) The ELT is 90º to your RIGHT: ADD 90º to your heading



Aural (Hearing) Search Method

       This is based on the assumption that the area of equal beacon signal strength is circular: do NOT adjust volume during this search; you will need it to determine equal levels of signal Begin by plotting your position as soon as you receive the ELT signal Fly that course for a short distance, then turn 90º left or right and proceed until the signal fades Turn around (180º) and mark where the signal fades on the other side of the circle Plot chord lines similar to that of the diagram Bisect the chord lines at a perpendicular Plot a course to the location where the perpendicular lines intersect: this should be the location of the target!


Aural Search

Equal signal strength circle: barely audible signal in aircraft receiver at search altitude SIGNAL FADES SIGNAL HEARD ELT chord 2 SIGNAL HEARD SIGNAL HEARD SIGNAL FADES


      

Metered Search Build & Fade Method

This search requires a signal strength meter (like that on the L Tronics DF units-if the DF portion of the unit is inoperative you can still use this type of search as long as RECeive is OK.

Note your signal strength when beginning the search.

Fly a straight line until the signal gets lower, then increases to your original level.

Turn 180º and return to the lowest level of signal, then turn 90º left or right.

You should now be headed directly towards or away from the transmitter.

If the signal increases in strength, you are headed directly for the ELT.

If the signal decreases in strength, turn 180º 150

Metered Search



Left-Right DF Homing

  Most CAP corporate aircraft have L-Tronics LA-Series Left-Right Homing DF units These units operate virtually the same, but there are two major varieties:  Single Meter Models  Dual Meter Models 152




243 AUX

L - Tronics DF Types

Single Meter Model ALARM REC DF










VOL 121.775



243 AUX





Frequency Switch

     Selects frequency to be used Use 121.5 MHz for actual ELTs/EPIRBs 243.0 MHz may also be used for all actual electronic searches Use 121.775 MHz for training Refer to owners manual for use of the “AUX” position




243 AUX








   

Mode Switch

Only Single-meter units have this switch  Dual-meter units use two displays, so both REC and DF operate continuously and simultaneously REC is short for RECeive mode  REC makes the unit’s dial work as a strength meter DF is short for Direction Find  ALARM is for NON-MISSION flights only  DF gives left-right homing to the ELT/EPIRB signal Use only during normal flying to alert the presence of an ELT or EPIRB m


VOL REC 243 ALARM 121.775

AUX DF 121.6




Volume & Sensitivity

   Volume controls the audio level to the speaker or headsets Sensitivity controls the amount of signal that enters into the DF unit  It is critical that the proper amount of signal enters the DF: half scale, or the middle, is an optimum starting place As the signal gets stronger, reduce SENSITIVITY , not volume  The DF will be unreliable as too much signal is received, so you must cut out part of it by reducing the sensitivity  More than three-quarters scale is too much




VOL 121.775



243 AUX





DF Settings For Single Meter Models

  MISSIONS  Select 121.5 (or 121.775 for training missions)   Select DF Mode Turn Sensitivity to Maximum (Full Clockwise)   Turn Volume to About Mid-Scale DF Needle Will Move Slightly Left and Right NON-MISSION FLIGHTS  Select 121.5

  Select Alarm Mode Turn Sensitivity To Maximum 157

DF Settings For Dual Meter Models

  MISSIONS  Select 121.5 (or 121.775 for training missions)   Ensure Alarm Toggle Off Turn Sensitivity to Maximum (Full Clockwise)    Strength Meter Will Move Up-Scale to Right NON-MISSION FLIGHTS  Select 121.5

  Turn Volume to About Mid-Scale DF Should Stay About Centered Turn Alarm Toggle On Turn Sensitivity To Maximum 158

Pre-Flight Functional Check

  Just as you pre-flight the rest of the aircraft, you should preflight your DF when going on an ELT electronic search mission These procedures are covered in the Mission Aircrew Reference Text.


Six Steps

   Use these 6 steps for locating ELTs and EPIRBs with L-Tronics LA- series airborne DF equipment Use the full procedure every time for the best results   RECeive HALF     DF TURN CHECK SHOOT Each of these steps will be described in detail in the slides to follow 160

Step 1 - RECeive

   Once you have started to receive the ELT or EPIRB signal on the proper frequency If you have a single-meter unit, turn the mode selector to RECeive and turn the volume to a comfortable level If you have a dual meter unit, refer to the STRENGTH window (no need to change modes) 161

RECeive Mode/Strength Window

   In receive mode or in the strength window, the unit measures signal strength  Needle to the left means low; to the right means high Values are relative depending on the sensitivity you have selected You may still be able to use the strength meter even if the DF is not functioning perfectly  It is possible to locate an ELT using only the Receive Mode   Utilize Aural Search/Metered Search methods to accomplish If the unit isn’t completely operable, try wing shadowing using one of the aircraft’s communications radios and use the DF unit’s strength meter as a backup using the aural/metered methods 162

Step 2: Half

    Now that the unit is in RECeive mode and you have a good signal, turn the Sensitivity Knob to HALF SCALE  This is in the center of the window If you are flying with a dual-meter unit, turn the Sensitivity Knob so the needle reads HALF SCALE in the STRENGTH window A half-scale strength reading will prevent too much signal (over sense) from entering the unit and will provide you with a good starting point It is also the optimum for the DF homing antennas 163

Step 3: DF

   For single-meter units, turn the mode selector knob to DF In DF mode, you can think of the needle as always pointing D irect to the F lipping target.

For dual-meter models, simply refer to the DF window (no need to change modes) 164

A Direction Finding Primer Antenna Theory

   Antennas can be more or less directional depending on their design Imagine a car radio antenna: it is unidirectional  Its pattern looks like the one on the left A Satellite Dish is highly directional  It would have a pattern like the one on the right car radio antenna (monopole) satellite dish (parabolic reflector)

 

DF Antenna

The aircraft DF unit has a 2 or 3 “element” antenna  Commonly, we might call this two or three antennas  It just means there are two or three rods!

This antenna setup is directional   One element actually receives the signal The other elements (rods) reflect the signal away from the first rod Antenna Elements 166

Antenna Reception Pattern

  When viewed from the bottom, an antenna setup like the one pictured on the previous slide produces a reception pattern like the one shown here  This pattern is called “carotid,” which means “heart-shaped” The pattern is the same even if the antennas are mounted above the wing Element 1 2 3 167

DF Unit Antenna Pattern



Direction Finding Mode/Window

     The DF mode rapidly alternates the receiving and reflecting antenna elements  It chooses one element as the receiver and the other two as the reflectors, then switches to the other set This produces a carotid pattern each time the unit switches  one is shown in blue, the other in yellow By comparing the two patterns, the unit will determine when they are equal When they’re equal, the needle centers!

When the needle is centered, the target is either directly ahead or behind you!


Step 4: Turn

   Turn at least one FULL circle, noting where the DF needle centers Under ideal conditions, the needle will center twice   When facing directly at the source of the signal When facing 180º away from the target You will solve this problem (called ambiguity) in the next step 170

DF Centers

Alternating Antenna Patterns

When The Patterns Are Equal, The DF Needle Centers!

ELT (Possibility 2) ELT (Possibility 1) Alternating Antenna Patterns 171

Step 5: Check

   Use T urn to T ell Remembering that in DF mode the needle always points D irect to the F lipping target When you have the needle centered, turn left or right  If you turn left and the needle goes left, the ELT is 180º from your present heading  If you turn left and the needle turns right, the ELT is dead ahead 172


    When Needle Centers  ELT is Directly Ahead or Behind This situation is called “ambiguity” To Solve ambiguity: Use Turn to Tell  Make a turn left or right  The needle always points Direct to the Flipping Target (DF!) ELT (Possibility 2) ELT (Possibility 1) 173

DF Needle

   Compare the YELLOW (LEFT) and the BLUE (RIGHT) antenna patterns In this case, the LEFT pattern is stronger than the RIGHT In DF mode, the needle would then point LEFT  The needle always points Direct to the Flipping Target!

ELT 174

Solving Ambiguity

  Actual ELT position is unknown to user Make a small turn left or right  As a teaching reminder, “Use a TURN to TELL” ELT (Possibility 1) ELT (Possibility 2) 175

Solving Ambiguity

   Actual ELT position is unknown to user Make a small turn left or right  As a teaching reminder, “Use a TURN to TELL” Example:  TURN LEFT  needle goes left ELT (Possibility 1) ELT (Possibility 2) 176

Solving Ambiguity

   Actual ELT position is unknown to user Make a small turn left or right  As a teaching reminder, “Use a TURN to TELL” Example:    TURN LEFT If needle goes left ELT is to your left (behind you) 177

Solving Ambiguity

ELT (Possibility 1)   If you turn Left and the needle moves Right The ELT is in Front of you!

ELT (Possibility 2) 178

Solving Ambiguity

   If you turn Left and the needle moves Right The ELT is in Front of you!

Example:   Turn left Needle goes right ELT (Possibility 1) ELT (Possibility 2) 179

Solving Ambiguity

ELT (Possibility 1)  Solution:   If you turn Left and the needle moves Right The ELT is in Front of you!


Step 6: Shoot


    Use your DG to determine a bearing to the target & follow it You may need to fly through a zone of signal dropout


Be watchful for signs of signal passage  If you get signal passage, consider using the “pinpointing the target” techniques listed in this presentation Frequently repeat the full six steps to ensure you are heading in the right direction and that you didn’t inadvertently over fly the ELT 181

How a L - Tronics DF Unit Works -Summary-

    Two Main Modes of Operation  RECeive  DF RECeive Mode is a Strength Meter  Left is low, right is high DF Mode Centers on Signal  Always points to the signal  Use a Turn to Tell when solving ambiguity Aircraft and ground units work the same way 182


   Reflections of an ELT signal work just like a flashlight off of a mirror Any flat, hard, or wet object can cause signal reflections    Mountains, especially cliff faces Hangars and other metal structures Wet grass or snow  Large bodies of water or ice Power lines can also have a large effect on a low powered signal such as an ELT 183

Beating Reflections

     Check your sensitivity at half-scale or lower  But ensure that its high enough to receive adequate signal Reflections will generally be weaker than the most direct path to the target Following reflections will generally take your closer to the target If sensitivity is set to minimum, try DFing on a different frequency  For example, if you are trying to locate an actual ELT on 121.5 MHz, try locating it on 121.6 or 121.775 MHz when you get close When all else fails, fly somewhere else to get a good DF bearing-or try that at the first sign of problems!


Beating Reflections

m You don’t always need to hear the ELT or EPIRB to find it m A carrier-only signal may be broadcasting with no audible sweep m This is especially true with low or old batteries, damaged ELTs, or spurious transmissions m You can identify a carrier-only signal by DEFLECTION m If it looks like you’re finding an ELT, even if you can’t hear it, you have good DEFLECTION m Good needle deflection generally indicates a signal that is strong enough to DF

Carrier-Only Signals

    You don’t always need to hear the ELT or EPIRB to find it  A carrier-only signal may be broadcasting with no audible sweep This is especially true with low or old batteries, damaged ELTs, or spurious transmissions You can identify a carrier-only signal by DEFLECTION Good needle deflection generally indicates a signal that is strong enough to DF 186

Carrier-Only Signals

    Compare your deflection to another frequency  If you are using 121.5 MHz, try it on 121.775 MHz If deflection is the same in both frequencies, you DON’T have a signal, just random noise If deflection is different, keep at it! You have the signal.

If a signal is only received on 243 MHz, it may be a malfunctioning antenna (e.g., an FAA tower). If you DF to the location (particularly on or near an airport) and you keep ending up at an antenna, investigate. Find out who owns the antenna and its purpose. Inform the IC and let the controlling agency troubleshoot the problem.


Vertical Reflections and Signal Dropout

     The transmission pattern (similar to the reception pattern of the DF antennas, only for transmission) of an ELT is not a perfect circle or sphere It has lobes, or, stronger and weaker points This is accentuated when the ELT is transmitting from a location above the surrounding ground When you get a good DF heading and the signal fades or drops out completely you may just be outside of one of the signal lobes When you reacquire the signal, it should be stronger than when you lost it 188

Signal Dropout

   If you encounter a signal dropout, continue to fly on your last good DF heading You should reacquire the signal in a few minutes  Actual time will depend upon your distance to the target If you are unable to reacquire, return to where you last heard the signal and re-DF



Signal Strength

   The rate of change in signal strength increases as you get closer to the transmitter, and RECeive mode or the STRENGTH window measures signal strength This is due to Maxwell’s inverse square law:  When you double the distance from an object, the energy it you receive from it is 1/4 of what you originally received, or the inverse square: 1/(2 2 ) = 1/4  After Scottish Physicist James Clerk Maxwell, 1831-1879 You will therefore need to turn down the sensitivity to keep the unit at half scale in the RECeive mode or STRENGTH window much more often as you get close to the source of the signal  This should let you know that you’re getting close 190

Signal Strength Rate of Change

2 1



VOL 3 4 5 7 6

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 191

“Cone of Confusion”

   Antennas receive best when the pole is perpendicular to the signal When you approach the directly overhead position on an ELT, your DF will become unreliable   It may swing left and right It may center regardless of your heading You should practice to see what this “station passage” reading looks like  It is similar to crossing a VOR Cone of Confusion 192

Reception in the “Cone of Silence”

  You may also get a significant drop in ELT signal since the antennas don’t receive well directly off of their tips Although called a cone of silence, you will probably only see & hear a large decrease in signal instead of complete silence


antenna signal 193

  

Pinpointing the ELT

If you get a station passage indication, make an approximate 180 degree turn and DF back to the target Repeat this process using different approach angles each time, remembering that your path may be curved due to wind (like uncorrected NDB holding) The point where station passage is received several times should be the location of the target

3 1 2


Pinpointing the ELT

  After you think you have the target located  make a low pass over the suspected location and visually scan   if signal strength decreases significantly or drops out, climb back and try again this is not the target: sometimes false targets will appear due to reflections or other interference If you hear the ELT at low altitude, you probably have the right place  a low pass down a runway might be a good idea if you suspect a particular airport 195

Becker SAR-DF 517

     Completely different theory of operation from L-Tronics DF   Pseudo Doppler Shift Beyond the scope of this course  The advanced ELT course has an explanation Easy to use Displays a delayed average heading to the beacon Can be used on 121.5, 243.0, or 406.025 MHz Able to process newest ELTs, EPIRBs, & PLBs

       Power Mode Page Tune Squelch DF Locate

Becker Operation

   POWER Press the ON/OFF button—unit should power up and illuminate Be prepared to execute the next steps… If you’re not fast enough, you may need to recycle power (turn it off and back on)



     MODE Using the PAGE knob (upper right knob), select:  EMERGENCY for an actual SAR or   TRAINING for a training mission This setting can only be changed on power up Recycle power to change the Mode After setting EMERGENCY or TRAINING, just WAIT until the unit automatically goes to the next page The “wait time” is about 15 seconds Don’t push any buttons or turn any knobs during this period


    Use the PAGE knob to cycle to desired page Page 1 is most like an ADF Page 2 is good for forward quarter only Page 3 is most easily read by the entire crew, but only in relative bearing


       The lower-right +/- knob changes the frequency You want 121,500 for an actual SAR or 121,775 for training You can alternately use 243,000 or 243,550 respectively You will only be able to select training frequencies while in the training mode Similarly, you can only select actual SAR frequencies in the emergency mode 156,800 is for Marine Band Channel 16 EPIRBs Notice the commas: the Becker is made in Europe; the commas replace a decimal point

Squelch Knob


 Adjust the squelch knob on the upper left of the unit    

Squelch Setting Triangle

Ambient Noise Level

 The squelch knob may be marked SQL or DIM (depending when your Becker was made) Adjust the small triangle arrow until it is pointing barely above the solid bar The solid bar represents static or ambient noise, but you will want to listen and make sure that the “static” is not actually a signal When trying to acquire a signal, you may want the squelch all the way down You may also want to do this to make sure you can hear audio from the Becker Turn the lower left knob to adjust the volume to a comfortable listening level

Direction Finding (DF)

           Follow the relative bearings to the ELT Use homing procedures like an ADF Correct for strong winds, if known Remember that these are RELATIVE bearings with the nose of the aircraft being 360°/ 000° !!!

If you are showing a >006> that means turn right 6° If the unit shows <354<, then turn LEFT 6° This is similar to a fixed-card ADF “Rub The Tub” RB + TH = TB Relative Bearing + True Heading = True Bearing This is also true if we replace magnetic bearing and heading instead of the trues: RB + MH = MB Therefore if the Becker DF indicates >010> and you are flying a 270° heading, the magnetic bearing of the ELT is 280°. Add right, subtract left.




Becker Direction Finding Notes

   The clear marbles indicate when the Becker first and last receives the ELT signal in its circle Watching the clear marbles will give you an indication of how coherent your DF solution is  The marbles will always jump around; if they jump around a LOT you don’t have a good DF  You can test this by seeing what your indications are when you reduce the squelch enough to “DF” static   The clear marbles will jump all over the place Static can sometimes look like a carrier-only signal The dark marble should be fairly stable on an actual signal because of signal-averaging software


     After flying over the ELT, you should get a “station passage” indication Turn around and re-DF to locate the target This is similar to locating with the L-Tronics DF If you keep the signal at 090 or 270, you can fly a “turn around a point” using the DF If the target isn’t visually significant, this will give your Scanner(s) the opportunity to put eyes on the target

Bearing on more than One Transmitter

      If bearing from a long distance, the DF will be pointing at the middle of the two transmitters This is because the Becker averages the signals it gets Exactly in the middle between two transmitters, the DF will display an unusable bearing value The clear marbles will swing WIDE (180 degrees or more) when in the middle of 2 averaged signals Exactly over one transmitter the DF will be pointing to another (garbling cone) Tactic for this situation: don’t fly the approach exactly following the indicated averaged bearing: fly about 20 degrees left or right

Becker Thoughts

 The Becker unit is not as sensitive as the L-Tronics DF, so you must be significantly closer to the ELT to get initial signal  Because it uses averaging functions, it will not instantaneously point to an ELT like the L-Tronics unit—there is defnitely a delayed raction  The displays on the Becker lead you to believe that it is a pseudo RMI or ADF type pointer. This is not the case. Even when the complete circle (page 1) is displayed, the arrow only indicates left or right, NOT how much (such as an ADF). The same is true for the “pie” display, page 2  Look to the “dark marble” to indicate the relative direction of the signal; this acts as an ADF-type pointer

Becker Thoughts

    Look to the “dark marble” to indicate the relative direction of the signal; this acts as an ADF-type pointer If you do not have an operable training beacon to practice with, pick an AWOS, ASOS, or other continuously-transmitting source that is within the training frequency range. If you tune it in (see the manual, training mode only) you can DF it. A caution with this method, however, is that an AWOS transmits at least 250 times the power level of an ELT. This makes DFing an AWOS much easier than an ELT Be careful with the unit as it costs roughly $10,000. MAKE SURE THE UNIT IS OFF DURING ENGINE START/SHUTDOWN. Some installations have the DF independent of the avionics master and the unit is sensitive to surges from start/shutdown.

The complete user manual is available at

After Locating the ELT

      After location, coordinate with ground teams to bring them on-scene Use radio communication and relay GPS coordinates Pick up the ground team at a predetermined location and lead them to the target Alternately, coordinate a pick up point on the radio Practice your air-to-ground coordination skills often  try it both with and without radio communication Air-to-ground is CAP’s best unique ES skill!


DF Upon Landing

    Many times the ELT is located at an airfield where it is easier for you to land and locate the ELT than it is to get a ground team to the scene You can use a hand-held radio or hand-held DF unit The most commonly used in CAP is the Little L-Per You did remember to put one of these (with charged batteries) in the aircraft before you left, didn ’ t you?


 Six Steps  Receive   Half DF    Center Turn Shoot

Little L - Per


Which of these planes is it in?

    You land at an airport with multiple hangars and each hangar is full of aircraft This can make it difficult to find the ELT Two methods can help:  Signal-offset  Using a hand-held radio without its antenna If the suspect aircraft has an external DF antenna and you can ’ t get inside to turn the ELT off, try placing an aluminum foil ‘ sleeve ’ over the antenna to see if the signal strength decreases significantly 212

Which of these planes is it in?


 Signal-offset: reflected signals are generally weaker so by tuning your radio further away from the primary frequency you can isolate the signal:  Assume ELT transmitting on 121.5; set to 121.55   As you home in set in 121.6 (you may even work up to 121.7) As you get further away from 121.5 the area where the signal will break through the squelch becomes smaller and smaller (you can even turn up the squelch to get further isolation) 213

Which of these planes is it in?


Using a hand-held radio without its antenna:  Once you’ve narrowed the suspects down to one or two aircraft (usually side-by-side), remove the radio’s antenna and hold it next to one of the ELT antennas       Turn the volume down until you just hear the signal Don’t key the radio’s transmitter with the antenna removed!

Move to the other aircraft’s ELT antenna If the signal is stronger you probably have it; if weaker, its probably the other aircraft May also put an aluminum foil ‘sleeve’ over the antenna Can also combine this with the signal-offset method 214

Which of these planes is it in?


 Use Little L-Per or…  Use Body Shielding   With any hand held aviation band radio, you can locate an ELT A Jetstream radio also works great     Same concept as wing null method, you are just using your body to block the signal to the antenna When you get very close, there will be too much signal to get a null Use Frequency Offset Method—try 121.6 instead of 121.5

As you home in, tune in 121.6—you can tune further away the closer you get

How to Body Shield - The Null


SIGNAL  No Signal To Your Receiver    The Sound Gets Softer!

The ELT Is Directly To Your Back Throw your thumb over your shoulder to point to the ELT


Airmobile UDF Team 101

       Once you’ve narrowed the suspects down to one or two aircraft (usually side-by-side), remove the radio’s antenna and hold it next to one of the ELT antennas Turn the volume down until you just hear the signal Don’t key the radio’s transmitter with the antenna removed Move to the other aircraft’s ELT antenna If the signal is stronger you probably have it; if weaker, its probably the other aircraft May also put an aluminum foil ‘sleeve’ over the antenna Can also combine this with the frequency-offset method

Where is the thing?

 ELTs are usually located in or near the rear of the aircraft. Also look for remote switches.

 Single-engine Cessna: right side of the upper baggage area immediately aft of the baggage door  Multi-engine Cessna: left side of the fuselage just forward of the horizontal stabilizer. Accessed through a small push-plate on the side of the fuselage.

   Single- and multi-engine Piper: in the aft fuselage. Accessed through a small access plate on the right side of the fuselage.

Single- and multi-engine Bonanza: in the aft fuselage. Accessed through a small access plate on the right side of the fuselage.

Large piston twins (e.g., King Air) and small jets: if installed its probably in the rear section. No visible antenna. May have a small round push-plate that lets you manipulate the ELT switch.


Silencing the ELT

   The preferred method is to have the owner (or someone designated by the owner) turn it off and disconnect the battery Second best is to just turn it off  The owner may take the switch to ‘Off’ and then back to ‘Armed’  If this is done, stick around and monitor 121.5 to ensure it doesn’t go off again If you can ’ t find the owner, you may have to build a foil ‘ tent ’ (refer to CAPP-2) 219

Silencing the ELT


     Foil Tent 1’ x 5’ Encloses antenna Flaps at least 18” beyond antenna on fuselage Securely taped (masking tape preferred) 220

Silencing the ELT


  Ensure that the owner is notified that the ELT was disabled If you can ’ t get a phone number, you can place a note on the aircraft (not the window) 221

Legal Issues

     Per CAPR 60-1 Chapter 1, CAP members will not enter private property and should not do anything that could cause harm or damage to the distress beacon or aircraft/boat Entry to the ELT should be made by the owner or operator or law enforcement A transmitting ELT is under the legal authority of the FCC, and federal law requires that it be deactivated ASAP (a crashed aircraft is under the authority of the NTSB) CAP members do not have the authority to trespass onto private property, either to gain access to the aircraft or to enter the aircraft to gain access to the ELT Besides the owner/operator, some owners give FBO personnel permission to enter their aircraft 222

Legal Issues


  While entry upon private property may be justified if such an act is for the purpose of saving life, every effort should be made to obtain the controlling agency's and/or the property owner's consent If you need entry onto private property in order to search for an ELT, law enforcement authorities such as local police, the county sheriff's office or game wardens may be contacted for assistance. 223

Legal Issues


    Normally, local law enforcement officials are happy to assist you; if they are not familiar with CAP and your responsibilities, a simple explanation often suffices If this doesn't work, try calling AFRCC and have them explain the situation The most important aspect is the manner in which you approach the matter The local civil authorities are in charge, if they tell you go home, then phone the IC and/or AFRCC and close the mission 224

Visual Search Patterns and Procedures



  Plan and describe how to fly the following search patterns:  Route (track crawl) (O)   Parallel track (sweep) (O) Creeping line (O)  Point-based (expanding square and sector) (O) Discuss how to plan and fly a Contour Search Pattern (O) 226

The “Stupid Check”

   “ Hey! Wait a minute. This is stupid.

” Do my headings, waypoints, lat/long coordinates, and distances look sensible Perform:  After planning   When you start your pattern Periodically thereafter 227


   The following examples and worksheets are covered to aid in pre-planning a search pattern Designed for non-moving map GPS, but include all the information you need to set up the GX55 Advantages of pre-planning:  Sets the details of the sortie in your mind   Makes entering data (correctly) into your GPS easier Allows pilot and observer to concentrate on their primary task by minimizing navaid setup time and reducing confusion 228

Latitude, Longitude And Distance (And The GPS)

  One minute latitude = 1.0018 nm  Fly one minute north or south, cover one nautical mile (a 1-nm leg width) One minute longitude = anywhere from 0.6572 to 0.9152 nm in the continental U.S.

 Means you ’ ll have to fly anywhere from 1.1 – 1.4 minutes of longitude (east or west) to cover one nautical mile  Not hard to do, but for training we will use one minute = one mile , even though we ’ ll be flying less than 1-nm leg widths  To get the relationship in your area, go to


Route Search

Track of missing aircraft Track of search aircraft 1/2 S 1/2 S


Route Search Example

 Assume we ’ re searching for an aircraft along Highway 46, between Columbus and Greensburg:  Draw the route on the worksheet  Include significant turns in the highway and other identifiers such as towns, airports and major intersections  Search two miles either side of the highway 231

Route Search Worksheet Example 232

Parallel Track Search

1/2 S S S


Grid Search Example

 Assume we ’ re searching STL #104-D for a missing aircraft:  Quarter-grid, 7.5' x 7.5'  Enter the northeast corner  One nm track spacing  North/South legs  No aircraft assigned to adjacent grids 234

Grid Search Worksheet Example m m m m m m GX55 Data Type Grid & Sectional: US , STL Pattern: Parallel Line Grid: 104D2 Spacing: 1 nm Direction of Travel: N/S 235

Creeping Line Search

Direction of Search s s s s s


Creeping Line Search Example

 Assume we ’ re searching for an aircraft along Highway 31:  Draw the route on the worksheet  Start at the intersection of Hwy 31/9 (southeast of Columbus)  Stop at the intersection of Hwy 31/50 (east of Seymour)  Search three miles either side of Hwy 31  1-nm track spacing 237

Creeping Line Search Worksheet Example 238

Creeping Line Search Example (CDI Method)

 Assume we ’ re searching for an aircraft along the extended runway centerline of BMG runway 06:  Draw the route on the worksheet  Search 10 nm beyond the end of runway 06 (southwest)  Search three miles either side of the extended centerline  1-nm track spacing 239

Creeping Line Search Worksheet Example (CDI) m m m m m m m m GX55 Data Type Grid & Sectional: US , STL Pattern: Creeping Line Starting Waypoint: BMG Spacing: 1 nm Direction of Travel: 060º Leg Length: 3 nm Start Side: Right 240

Expanding Square Search (Second Pass Rotated 45



5S 3S 4S 2S S 2S 4S 3S 5S


Expanding Square Search Example

 Assume we ’ re searching for a missing ultra-light:  Draw the route on the worksheet  Center is a 483 AGL tower approximately 8 nm west of Seymour  Use cardinal headings, starting to the north 242

Expanding Square Search Worksheet Example m m m m m m GX55 Data Type Grid & Sectional: US , STL Pattern: Expanding Square Starting Waypoint: N 38º 59 ´ W 86º 10 ´ Spacing: 1 nm Direction of Travel: 000º 243

Sector Search

The pattern and headings are planned in advance Sector search is easier to fly than expanding square This pattern is used when an electronic search has led the crew to a general area to find the exact location visually The pattern provides concentrated coverage near the center of the area S max S mean


This is a difficult and dangerous pattern to fly.

Requires special training such as the

Mountain Flying


Contour Search


Stepping Through a Typical Mission



  Discuss the items you should check before leaving on a mission: (P)        Personal and aircraft items CAPF 71 State the flight time and crew duty limitations (per the current CAPR 60-1) State the three unique entries made by a CAP pilot on a FAA Flight Plan and where they go on the flight plan “IMSAFE” and flight release Preflight & loading Departure Discuss the approach and your actions upon arrival at mission base, including the general briefing. (P) 247

    



Discuss the six steps of ORM and the four principles involved. (P) Discuss the aircrew briefing. (P) Describe the information contained in and how to fill out the front of the CAPF 104. (P) Discuss the items checked and actions taken before leaving on a sortie: (P)  Release and preparation  Preflight and Departure  State when the ‘sterile cockpit’ rules starts and ends Discuss duties during the sortie, including: (P)    Preparations prior to entering the search area Required radio reports State when the ‘sterile cockpit’ rules starts and ends 248



    Discuss your actions upon arrival back at mission base. (P) Describe the information contained in and how to fill out the back of the CAPF 104. (P) Discuss the aircrew debriefing. (P) Discuss your actions upon arrival back home, including: (P)    What to do with the aircraft What to do if you observe signs of post-traumatic stress When the mission is officially over for you and your crew 249

What’s the



   Why do we go to so much trouble to train mission aircrew members and encourage members to spend the time it takes to stay proficient?

Time is such a critical factor

crash searches in missing person or aircraft Treat every minute after you been alerted as critical to the survival chances of the victims 250

Survival Rates

  Of the 29% who survive a crash, 60% will be injured:  81% will die if not located within 24 hours  94% will die if not located within 48 hours Of those 40% uninjured in the crash:  50% will die if not located within 72 hours  Survival chances diminish rapidly after 72 hours 251

Response Times

  Average time from the aircraft being reported missing to AFRCC notification:  15.6 hours if no flight plan was filed  3.9 hours if a VFR flight plan was filed  1.1 hours if an IFR flight plan was filed Average time from the aircraft being reported missing (LKP) to CAP locating and recovering:  62.6 hours if no flight plan was filed   18.2 hours if a VFR flight plan was filed 11.5 hours if an IFR flight plan was filed 252

The Rush?

   What do these statistics tell us?

 We must take each mission seriously!

 Strive to do everything better, smarter and faster !

Training, practice and pre-planning help us accomplish these goals Also tells us, as pilots, to always file a flight plan 253

Leaving Home Base

      Proper uniforms per CAPM 39-1 Required credentials Current charts for the entire trip (gridded, if you have them) Personal supplies and money Equipment such as cell phone and flashlights (including spare batteries) Charts and maps 254

Leaving Home Base


   Check the Weight and balance, CO monitor & Fire Extinguisher status, fuel reserve and management plan, Discrepancy Log Tie-downs, chocks, Pitot cover and engine plugs Equipment such as fuel tester, survival kit, binoculars, sick sacks, and cleaning supplies 255

Leaving Home Base


  Obtain briefing and file FAA Flight Plan Complete “Inbound” 104 and get released by FRO 256

Leaving Home Base “IMSAFE”














FRO Checklist (60-1)


Pre-flight begins even before you even get to the aircraft!



    Check the aircraft: Pre-flight (e.g., CAPF 71, CAP Aircraft Inspection Checklist) Check the date and starting Tach & Hobbs times to ensure you won't exceed:  mid-cycle oil change (40-60 hours, not to exceed four months)   100-hour/Annual 24-month Transponder inspection, Pitot-Static system inspection, Altimeter calibration, & ELT inspection/Battery replacement date  30-day VOR check for IFR flight Check the AD compliance list Fill in the CAP flight log 260



     Check the Discrepancy Log; ensure no discrepancy makes the aircraft unsafe for flight or reduces your ability to accomplish the mission Verify any outstanding discrepancies during your aircraft preflight. If new discrepancies are discovered, log them and ensure the aircraft is still airworthy and mission ready During loading, ensure that all supplies and equipment correspond to what you used in your Weight & Balance Windshield and windows are clean, and that the chocks, tie downs, and Pitot tube covers/engine plugs are stowed Check and test special equipment 261



    Check parking area for obstacles, arrange for marshaller or wing-walker The mission pilot will perform the passenger briefing and review the emergency egress procedure. The pilot should also brief the crew on the fuel management plan and assumptions, and assign responsibility for inquiring about fuel status once an hour.

The pilot will review the taxi plan and taxiway diagram, and assign crew responsibilities for taxi Once everyone is settled in, organize the cockpit and review the "Engine Fire on Start" procedure 262


   Always use the checklists; use the challenge/response method Seat belts and shoulder harness (always <1000 AGL) Collision avoidance! An increasing number of taxi mishaps are the number one trend in CAP. Investigations reveal that pilots are: straying from designated taxi routes, not allowing adequate clearance, not considering the tail and wings during turns, taxiing too fast for conditions, taxiing with obscured visibility, distracted by cockpit duties, and not using other crewmembers to ensure clearance.


  



CAPR 60-1 taxi rules:  Taxi no faster than a slow walk when within 10 feet of obstacles  Maintain at least 50' behind light single-engine aircraft, 100' behind small multi-engine and jet aircraft, and 500' behind heavies and taxiing helicopters Go over the crew assignments for takeoff and departure and make sure each crewmember knows in which direction they should be looking during each.

Remind the crew that midair collisions are most likely to occur in daylight VFR conditions within five miles of an airport at or below 3,000’ AGL

! This means that most midair collisions occur in or near the traffic pattern. Since the pilot has only one set of eyes, this (and aircraft design) leaves several 'blind spots' that the observer and scanner must cover - particularly between your 4 and 8 o'clock positions.




    Be sure and include the DF unit's Alarm light self-test in your scan during startup. The light should blink for several seconds; if it doesn't your unit may be inoperative.

Ensure that the DF, Audio Panel and FM radio are set up properly. If possible, perform an FM radio check. Select your initial VOR radial(s) and GPS setting (e.g., destination or flight plan).

Obtain ATIS and Clearance (read back all clearances and hold-short instructions). Then verify the crosswind limitation. Set up the navigational instruments (e.g., VOR radials and GPS destination, entry points and waypoints) Once you begin taxiing, check your brakes 265

     



Sterile cockpit rules are now in effect!

Keep the checklist close at hand, open to Emergency Procedures Check for landing aircraft before taking the active At takeoff, start the Observer Log with the time and Hobbs for "Wheels Up“ The FAA's "operation lights on" encourages pilots to keep aircraft lights on when operating within 10 miles of an airport, or wherever flocks of birds may be expected While departing the airport environs practice collision avoidance and maintain the sterile cockpit until well clear of traffic and obstacles. The pilot should use shallow S-turns and lift a wing before turns to check for traffic. The crew must keep each other appraised of conflicting aircraft and obstacles 266

Arrival at Mission Base

    Obtain ATIS (or AWOS) as soon as possible. May be able to contact mission base on FM radio.

Review taxi plan/airport taxi diagram and make crew assignments for approach, landing and taxi Make sure each crewmember knows in which direction they should be looking during each. Remind the crew that midair

collisions are most likely to occur in daylight VFR conditions within five miles of an airport at or below 3,000

occurring on final approach

AGL! This means that most midair collisions occur in the traffic pattern, with over half

Sterile cockpit rules are now in effect!


Return to Base Basic Pattern


Arrival at Mission Base

    Practice collision avoidance by turning the aircraft exterior lights on when within 10 miles of the airport. The pilot should use shallow S-turns and lift a wing before turns to check for traffic. Read back all clearances and hold-short instructions Defer after-landing checks until clear Log and report "Wheels Down" Watch for Marshallers and follow their directions, signal Ignition Switch OFF (hold keys out the window) so they can chock 269

Arrival at Mission Base


       Secure the aircraft:  Avionics/Control lock, Master Switch OFF  Tie-downs, chocks, Pitot tube cover and engine plugs  Close windows, Fuel Selector Switch in 'Right' or 'Left,' and Parking Brake OFF; remove personal items and special equipment; lock the doors and baggage compartment.

Oil & fuel, clean windows and leading edges Close FAA flight plan, call FRO Check aircrew and aircraft into the mission Complete “Inbound” 104 Get sortie assignment Determine food and lodging 270

Arrival at Mission Base (In Style)


General Briefing

      Mission objective and status Safety and hazards Mission base procedures Weather Frequencies Code words (Generally No Longer Used) 272

Operational Risk Management

    Accomplish the mission with the least possible risk.

More than common sense, more than just a safety program.

Educated (informed) risk versus taking a gamble.

Part of the CAP culture.


ORM – Six Steps

      Identify the hazards Assess the risks Analyze risk control measures Make control decisions Implement risk controls Supervise and review 274

ORM Principles

   

Accept no unnecessary risks.

Make risk decisions at the appropriate level.

Accept risk when the benefits outweigh the costs.

Integrate ORM into CAP practices, procedures, and planning at all levels.


ORM and the Aircrew

     Acknowledge risks in order to deal with them.

Each crewmember is responsible to look for risks.

Don’t ignore risks; if you can’t eliminate or reduce the risk, tell someone.

PIC has ultimate authority and responsibility to deal with risks during the sortie.

PIC has the responsibility to inform his or her crew of the risks involved, and to listen to and address their concerns.


Aircrew Briefing

 Sortie Objectives  Weather  Altitudes  Duties 277

CAPF 104 Page 1 of 4

- Flight Plan - Briefing form 278

Preparing to Leave on a Sortie

       Check in with briefing officer Check in with air operations Present 104 to flight line supervisor Pilot pre-flights aircraft Observer checks mission equipment and supplies Review flight time and duty limitations Final restroom visit 279

Preparing to Leave on a Sortie


  Pilot’s briefing:  Seat belts and shoulder harness, no smoking  Seat belts & shoulder harness, emergency egress procedure     Fuel management plan and assumptions Taxi plan/diagram, crew assignments Startup and Taxi emergency procedures When sterile cockpit rules are in effect When more than one flight is accomplished by the same crew during the day, subsequent briefings are not required to be so detailed but must, at a minimum, highlight differences and changes from the original briefing 280

Preparing to Leave on a Sortie


  If this is the first sortie of the day the observer will perform an FM radio check with mission base; you may also perform a DF functional check if this is an ELT search. Other special equipment should also be tested before the first sortie.

Enter sortie settings into the GPS (destination or flight plan, entry points and waypoints) 281

Taxi Mishaps

   Becoming a bigger problem each year (#1 trend in CAP) Pilots are:  straying from designated taxi routes     not allowing adequate clearance and not considering the tail and wings during turns taxiing too fast for conditions and taxiing with obscured visibility distracted by cockpit duties not using other crewmembers to ensure clearance Strategies:   Thorough planning and preparation eliminates distractions Crew assignments for taxi   Treat taxiing with the seriousness it deserves

Sterile cockpit rules!


Taxi and Departure

     

The sterile cockpit rules begin at this time

Startup, taxi and departure were covered earlier If there are flight line Marshallers, they will expect you to turn on your rotating beacon and signal the impending engine start before starting the engine. You are also expected to signal (e.g., turn on your pulse light or flash your taxi/landing light) before beginning to taxi.

Observer begins Observer Log with time and Hobbs, reports “Wheels Up” Takeoff, climb and departure were covered earlier Once clear of the airport/controlled airspace environs the crew settles into the transit phase 283

During the Sortie

   Depending on circumstances (e.g., the airspace is still congested or multiple obstacles are present) the sterile cockpit rules are normally suspended at this time.

The aircrew maintains situational awareness at all times during the flight

Double-check navigational settings that will be used in the search area, review search area terrain and obstacles, review methods to reduce crew fatigue during the search or to combat high altitude effects.

Update in-flight weather, file PIREPs, periodically check navigational equipment against each other to detect abnormalities or failures 284

During the Sortie


    The pilot should stabilize the aircraft at the assigned search heading, altitude and airspeed at least two miles before you enter the search area, and turn sufficient aircraft exterior lights on to maximize visibility (so others can "see and avoid") Observer logs and reports “Entering the Search Area,” duty is now Scanner primary Periodic “Ops Normal” reports, Observer asks about fuel status and altimeter setting at least hourly Scanner and observer logs, sketches 285

During the Sortie


   During the actual search or assessment, the aircrew must be

completely honest

with each other concerning their own condition and other factors affecting search effectiveness. If you missed something, or think you saw something, say so. If you have a question, ask.

If target spotted notify mission base

ASAP immediately

; begin recovery Mission commander monitors for fatigue, ensures crew drinks enough fluids, schedules breaks 286

Return to Base - RTB

    When the aircraft completes its mission and leaves the search area, the observer notes the time and the Hobbs reading and reports "Leaving the Search Area“ Double-check heading and altitude with what was assigned for transit to the next search area or return to base.

Reorganize the cockpit in preparation for approach and landing.

Approach, landing and arrival were covered earlier 287

Return to Base – RTB


    Check back in and take a break Drawings or markings made on charts or maps should be transferred onto the CAPF 104 or attached to it Make sure everything is clear and legible

The two most common entries overlooked

when completing the CAP flight plan (front side of the CAPF 104) are "ATD" (actual time of departure) and "Actual LDG Time." 288

CAPF 104

Page 2 of 4 289

CAPF 104

Page 3 of 4 290

CAPF 104

Page 4 of 4 291


    Note both Positive and Negative Use the reverse of CAPF 104 results Used to determine how effective the search was:  Weather — shadows, visibility, snow cover   Terrain — open, flat, mountainous, rough Ground Cover — barren, forest, scrub, sparse, dense  Other information — hazards, changes from plan Used to calculate the “ probability of detection ” that is used for subsequent search planning 292



     Complete the reverse side of the CAPF 104 Discuss items on the 104 Assemble attachments Report to debriefer Be TOTALLY HONEST during the debriefing 293



     Crew comments about effectiveness Crew remarks of SAR effectiveness Times (and Hobbs readings) Sketches and attachments Be TOTALLY HONEST during the debriefing 294

The End of the Mission

      Turn in equipment and supplies Settle fuel, food and lodging bills Plan the trip home Fill out “Outbound” CAPF 104 Check weather and file FAA Flight Plan Check out with mission staff, obtain flight release 295

The Trip Home

       Maintain crew discipline and continue to use mission procedures and checklists SAR personnel can experience post-traumatic stress, so look for signs (refer to CAPR 60-5) Once on the ground, secure the aircraft and ready it for its next mission Close FAA Flight Plan Complete the “Outbound” 104 Ensure ability to complete CAPF 108 Once everyone is at home , call mission base with Hobbs from the ‘Outbound’ 104 296

Local Drills and Exercises

     Easy Inexpensive Very Efficient Very Worthwhile Fun 297

Crew Resource Management



      Discuss failures and error chain. (O) Discuss situational awareness. (O) Discuss how to regain SA once lost. (O) Describe barriers to communications. (O) Define/discuss task saturation. (O) Discuss assignments and coordination of duties. (O) 299


rew Why





 Properly trained aircrew members can collectively perform complex tasks better and make more accurate decisions than the single best performer on the team  An untrained team's overall performance can be significantly worse than the performance of its weakest single member  We will cover behavior and attitudes of teamwork and communication among team members 300

Why CRM?


      CAP Aircraft accidents 9 Per 100,000 hours A/C flight incidents A/C ground incidents Fatalities 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 5 6 3 1 7.79

28 7 7 4.16

27 8 2 4.76

19 3 3 2.34

12 6 2 0.94

16 8 0 301

     MISHAP Taxi Ground Landing Other

Why CRM?


1998 9 4 8 4 1999 4 6 8 3 2000 9 3 10 2 302


  Parts and equipment  Mechanical failures People  Human failures 303

The Error Chain

   A series of event links that, when considered together, cause a mishap Should any one of the links be “ broken ,” then the mishap probably will not occur It is up to each crewmember to recognize break the error chain a link and 304

Situational Awareness (SA)

  Know what is going on around you at all times Requires:    Good mental health Good physical health Attentiveness  Inquisitiveness 305

Loss of SA

     Strength Of An Idea Hidden Agenda Complacency Accommodation Sudden Loss Of Judgment 306

Symptoms of Loss of SA

       Fixation Ambiguity Complacency Euphoria Confusion Distraction Overload 307

Hazardous Attitudes

      Anti-Authority Impulsiveness Invulnerability Macho Resignation Get There It-us 308

Regaining SA

   Reduce workload: Suspend the mission.

Reduce threats:  Get away from the ground and other obstacles (e.g., climb to a safe altitude).

 Establish a stable flight profile where you can safely analyze the situation.

Remember: “Aviate, Navigate, Communicate” 309

How do we get it back?

   Trust your gut feelings “Time Out,” “Abort,” or “This is Stupid.”  Pilot establishes aircraft in a safe and stable configuration, and then discuss the problem Sterile Cockpit   Limit talk to the minimum necessary for safety.

Taxi, takeoff, departure, low-level flying, approach, landing 310

Barriers to Communication

  Hearing  The biological function of receiving sounds, converting them to electrical impulses, and having the brain interpret them Listening  Correctly identifying what the sender has sent in their message 311

Barriers to Communication


 Distracters  Physical/Mental: Noise, static, simultaneous transmissions; fatigue and stress   Wording: Incomplete or ambiguous message, too complex or uses unfamiliar terminology Personal: Boring, lack of rapport or lack of credibility 312

Task Saturation

   Too much information at one time Too many tasks to accomplish in a given time Usually occurs when an individual is confronted with a new or unexpected situation and loses SA 313

Task Saturation


   Keep your workload to an acceptable level If you feel overwhelmed, tell the others before becoming saturated and losing you situational awareness Watch your team members for signs of saturation 314

Identification of Resources

  External and Internal Identify your resources, know where to find them, and how

to use them to accomplish the mission


Assignment of Duties

   CAPR 60-3 Flight Related -- Aircraft Commander Mission Related -- Incident Commander 316

Crew Coordination

   Understand and execute your assignments Communicate Question 317


     Pay close attention to all briefings Understand the “big picture” Watch for task overload in yourself and other crewmembers 67% of air transport accidents occur during 17% of the flight time - taxi, takeoff, departure, approach and landing. Keep casual conversation and distractions to a minimum during these phases of flight.

Begin critical communications with instructions, then explain 318



       Successful missions hinge on each and every crewmember Learn how to use the procedures and tools available to you, and use them correctly Never stop learning Don’t be afraid to ask questions Never criticize someone for asking questions Anyone can call

“ Time Out ”, “ Abort ”,


“ This is Stupid ”

Remember that the Mission Pilot must make the final decision based on the crew’s input.



Always Think Safety!