Transcript Slide 1

Vision showcase
The National College of Computer Science
Romania, Piatra Neamt
Elena Genoveva Irimia, Raluca Ciocan, Mariana Mindru
Our vision for mentoring team 7.4
“Exploit the leader in you!”
What means?
Collaboration + communication
Teamwork and teambuilding
The central ethos of the National College of Computer Science is
placed here:
Who are we?
• We have 32 classes, profile real, specialty mathematicsinformatics, intensive informatics
• Students ages between 11 - 19 years
• Our web page is:
OF THE YEAR in Romania
Now we are the MENTOR SCHOOL
Who are we?
• We implement various project (COMENIUS ):
-the bilateral partnership with a school from Italy, called
Young Journalist-Heralds of Tradition
-the multilateral partnership with schools from Germany,
Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, called SOS WATER
-the host school for assistant Comenius- Germany language,
French language
• We organize a International Festival of Mathematics and
Informatics, in partnership with UNESCO Romania and
MICROSOFT Romania - here you find the
information about the competitions of the festival
We would like to approach innovation in
terms of:
• Achieving a real exchange of best practices and ideas
• developing of common projects
• developing a culture of leadership
• increasing student voice through common projects and
exchange of ideas
Achieving a real exchange of best practices
and ideas:
 Creating a virtual identity for the team mentoring on the
 Development communication channels via Live Meeting or
Windows Live account
 Making the online presentations of projects, visions, best
 Establishment of contacts between teachers of the same
areas for to share the teaching tools, innovative
approaching in the classroom
Development of common projects
 Team 7.4. have opportunity to apply for EU funded projects called
Youth in Action (is a project for every country which is or not in
European Community)
 Team 7.4. will develop on-line projects about innovation,
leadership, voice of students
 You are invited to be a part of the International Festival of
Mathematics and Informatics
Developing a culture of leadership
You are important for the team. The team is important for you.
We have two approach for :
leadership=independence+interdependence+respect+ trust+
leadership=finding the solutions to the problems of our innovative
We would like to create a virtual identity for each school of team 7.4.
We will stimulate the experience exchange in learning, teaching and
Any opinion is important to us because each of us learn from the
experience of others.
Increasing student voice through common
projects and exchange of ideas
The most important changes we envision for students:
Team work makes us stronger !
The voice of the students is the most important in
implementation strategies, take decision, promote
new projects.
- creating on-line areas on the web page where we
can promote the projects and the results of the students.
What means for us this program:
Peer learning and assessment +group learning and
assessment = 21st century skills.
Learn from your experience and from others experiences!
Every opinion is important to create the big picture!
Accept the challenges! All of these means progress!
How can OUR Innovative Schools community (Team 7.4) help?
Promoting didactical and IT tools.
Creating a virtual environment of education for the development of
common projects.
Educating teachers and students through these Virtual
Universities, live meetings, demonstrative activities, competitive
challenges or projects.
Give us a little bit more that you are asked to do. This means a step
forward for all our schools.
Share your ideas with all of us! Maybe you’ll find answers to your
unspoken questions.
We would like to work with anybody!
We would like to develop common projects for students!
We are interest to put together students with the same
age, same concerns !