e-Business - Timsoft eLearning

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Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Timsoft, VLE - eLearnTS
Training Program
Online Course
Peer Mentoring Activities
eLearning Community
Educational Projects
Carmen Holotescu
University Politehnica of Timisoara,
Timsoft Ltd, Romania
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
eLearning Definition
eLearning means the use of multimedia technologies and
quality materials, simulations
 online resources
 collaboration, sharing,
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Current situation - Europe
 “eLearning: Designing tomorrow’s education” initiative – CE, 24
May 2000
 eLearning Europa
 Many schools and universities offer online modules for their
courses, online courses, or even degrees online; 75% companies
use eLearning in their training programs
eLearning Programme 2004-2006: “Promotion of digital
literacy, creation of European virtual campuses, e-Twinning of
schools in Europe and promotion of teacher training and
transversal actions for the promotion of e-learning in Europe ”
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Current situation - Romania
eLearning Romanian Projects – universities, schools,
• http://www.timsoft.ro/resurse.shtml
Online courses can be accreditated only by the Open
Distance Learning ( ODL ) Commission of the Ministry
of Education, Research and Youth, which has recently
elaborated the minimal rules for the use of eLearning in ODL
 “New training programs should prepare and support teachers
and trainers in shifting from being providers and delivers of
subject matter content to moderators and facilitators of learning
within student-centered approaching to learning.”
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Timsoft experience in eLearning
Timsoft Ltd – http://www.timsoft.ro - is an active actor in
developed VLE eLearnTS , with variants in Romanian and
English; flexible, secure, based on open technologies: Perl,
offers online courses – IT, Management,
Councelling, eTraining
hosts Romanian eLearning Community; eJournal
organizes international online workshops – partner
e-Learning Centre UK – http://www.elearningcentre.co.uk
Partner in Educational Projects
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Authoring system - An authoring component used by the space
administrators in creation and edition of the materials.
Registration system - The database with the participants specific
A content delivery function - The content may be in the form of text,
images, sounds, animations.
A navigation model - Syllabus, members list, links.
Synchronous tools - Chat-room allows the members to communicate in
real time between them and with the instructors; Live Chat .
Asynchronous tools - e-mail and conferences ( web-forums). The
conferences constitute the central part of the environment.
Security system - A component for controlling the access to the virtual
• VLE was recently extended with an authoring tool based on XML for
tutorials, evaluation tests
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Training program
 Training Program for eTrainers
Online Course – runs on a regular basis, offered also in 2 Phare
Peer Mentoring Activities
Online Community
 Participants: teachers from schools and universities, and trainers
from firms
 The program is aimed at training the participants to carry out:
• online courses and
• online events, such as online workshops and RT meetings,
giving them knowledge and experience in online communication
and collaboration.
 Skills for eTutors listed by recognized International organizations as
Institute of IT Training in UK or International Board of Standards for
Training, Performance and Instruction in USA
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Online Course Model (1):
 Learning process = Student centered process – Constructivist approach
 Applied Adult Education Principles: self-directedness and an active
learner role, as well as solution-centered activities
 Adapted to Learning Styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic
 eLearning Methodologies: PBL, Study Cases, Group Projects
 Materials: static and dynamic parts; experts are invited
 Conferences: asynchronous discussions – quality: reflection, searching,
validation, more active members
 Ongoing Evaluation
 Participants: course Co-authors
 Empowerment Evaluation
• Participating in an online training program allows new facilitators,
themselves nontraditional students, to learn experientially under the
same conditions as their future students.
• Training provides an opportunity for facilitators to learn about online
learning, but also provides a model for best practices.
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Online Course Model (2):
 Trainees and Instructor = Learning Community
clearly stated objectives, a set of guiding principles
subtle, experienced, enthusiastic instructor
motivated, interested participants
integrate content with discussions
informal sharing – tacit knowledge
metaphors for linking the participants
– good virtual environment.
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
New materials: eLearning Standards and LOS, RSS and Weblogs
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Peer mentoring activities
 an experienced teacher is assigned – a mentor. Throughout a few weeks,
the mentor and mentee discuss teaching strategies, and observe each
other’s online class for new ideas and feedback.
eLearning Community
 http://www.timsoft.ro/comunitate.shtml
Purposes: to share experience and to start new projects; to become a
community of practice
 Over 500 members: teachers, students, trainers, developers
 Activities in virtual space:
 Discussions ( Conferences ) on eLearning topics, new events
 Online Resources
 Week Link
 Guests – interviews published in the eLearning eJournal
 International Online Workshops – together with e-Learning Centre UK –
 Online Communities
 eLearning Methodologies
 eLearning eJournal
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Project 1: Career Orientation and Counseling –
 CEDU – project coordinator
 Involved over 150 persons from 3 counties and Bucharest: schools, firms,
Labours agencies, education managers, ministries
 eCollaboration: each group has its own virtual space
 Partners Group – work on studies for tailoring schools offer to market needs,
competencies based curriculum
 Counseling Group – studies, materials for 5 online courses, activities for site
 “My Career” Clubs Group – teachers from schools discuss clubs activities,
 participate in online courses
 Moderators were trained
 Advantages in managing and monitoring the project
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
Project2: eLearning for
Managers – http://www.timsoft.to/phare
in the county of Cluj
Online courses delivered by
university teachers and HR
Virtual environment for the
project team
Facilitators Training
7 Online courses tailored on the
specific needs of the firms
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28
Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers
 The trainees learn about eLearning, the online course itself being
a model for best practices
 The program assures a continuous learning and improving
 Extended in european projects - the SUPERCOMET II European
project – 20 countries
 Thank you!
The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI2004 - Education and e-learning,
Timisoara, Romania, May, 27-28