Transcript Document

Circolazione Oceanica “Wind Driven”
R. Mosetti: Corso di Oceanografia A.A. 2011-2012
Stewart: Capitolo 9:
paragrafi: 9.2; 9.3; 9.4
Le principali correnti oceaniche indotte dal vento
How do winds drive the ocean circulation?
Ekman dynamics: equations
f is Coriolis parameter, u and v are the zonal and meridional ocean
currents,  a ‘viscosity’ parameter. What is is saying is that at each
level, the Coriolis force is balanced by the momentum flux
convergence (i.e. friction from within the mixed layer)
Boundary conditions: at surface, the vertical shear of the current is tied to the wind
stress; at depth, currents approach zero at infinite depth. x and y are the wind stress in
N/m2, and the 0 the seawater density.  is the momentum diffusion coefficient
The solution of the above equations with these boundary conditions give the Ekman
spiral. They can be integrated over depth to give the depth-integrated transport:
The above relationships thus gives the total Ekman transport over the mixed layer
given the wind stress, density of seawater 0, and the Coriolis parameter f. Note that
•Meridional wind stress gives a zonal transport, and zonal wind stress a meridional
transport (as we talked about before)
•the transport goes as the inverse of the Coriolis parameter f - the closer it is to the
equator, the more ‘effective’ the Ekman transports.
•Relationship breaks down at the equator (since f=0 there) Example: suppose the zonal wind stress in the subtropics at 30 degrees N is 0.15
N/m2 to the west. What is the Ekman transport associated with this wind stress?
Ans: y = 0 N/m2 so no zonal volume transport. x = -0.15 N/m2 (note sign). Note that f = 2
sin (pi/6) = , and 0 ~ 1035 kg/m3, so the meridional volume transport (applying the
equation in the previous slide) is
VE = - (-0.15 N/m2) / (1035 kg/m3 x 7.3x10-5s-1) = 1.99 m2/s - its to the North
Note that if you multiply VE by the density of seawater, you get 2.05x103 kg/(m.s)
which is the mass transport (i.e. 2.05 x 103 kg/s across a unit meter of zonal distance)
How do winds drive the ocean circulation?
Ekman currents: comes through surface wind on the mixed-layer ocean; the
stress is transmitted into the mixed layer through turbulent motions, and is
balanced by Coriolis effects. The ocean velocity is at 45 degrees to the
right of the wind at the surface, and ‘spirals’ with depth (see figure). The
mean motion averaged over the mixed layer is perpendicular (right in the
NH, left in the SH) of the wind direction.
Wind stress is the stress of
the wind on the water
surface. Units are N/m2.
Typically denoted as x and
y for the zonal and
meridional components.
“The Ekman spiral is one of the oldest
results in dynamical oceanography. It
was first proposed (conceptually) by the
great Norwegian explorer Fridtjof
Nansen. As part of a polar expedition in
the late 1890s, Nansen froze his ship
Fram into the ice north of Spitzbergen
Island and allowed it to drift for more
than two years. During the expedition
he noticed that the drift of the boat was
generally to the right of the wind.
Nansen proposed that this motion was
the result of the Coriolis force, which
causes objects to veer to the right in the
northern hemisphere and to the left in
the southern hemisphere. He supposed
further that as the ice pushed on the
water immediately below it, that water
would move still further to the right of
the wind, though a little more slowly.
Extended down through the water
column, the result would be a spiral
structure. “
(from Anand Gnandesikan’s
Ekman layer depth
• Depth: depends on eddy viscosity AV
E-Depth = (2AV/f)^1/2
• Eddy viscosity AV is about 0.05 m2/sec in
turbulent surface layer, so Ekman layer
depth is 20 to 60 m for latitudes 80° to 10°.
How to create a subtropical gyre circulation I
Recall that surface winds in the
15-45 degree range consists of
easterly trades and midlatitude
How to create a subtropical gyre circulation III
Ocean surface ‘domes’
up, and a geostrophic
ocean current is
produced that balances
the resulting pressure
Blue: Ekman flow
Red: Geostrophic flow
Ekman Transport
The red box...
Ekman transport is
proportional to wind stress
 greater transport for
greater wind stress
At the convergence,
water piles up and sinks,
thus depressing the
thermocline and
deepening the nutricline!
The convergence of waters by the Ekman transports cause downwelling
The opposite - caused by
divergence of surface
waters - is called
Important points to note
• The sea level pile-up is a result of the convergence of
the Ekman transport
• The Ekman layer is ONLY 50-100 meters thick
• The resulting pressure gradient is felt throughout the
water column
• Thus the geostrophic current occurs over a MUCH
greater depth than the depth of the wind-driven layer,
as much as the top 200 to 500 meters
Equatorial upwellling.
Ekman flow
Equatorial upwellling. Recall that the winds on the equator are easterly - from the
east. Now, consider what the Ekman flow would do north and south of the equator.
Because of the reversal in the Coriolis parameter, it turns out that the Ekman flow
is polewards in both hemispheres - in other words, the ocean circulation is
diverging at the equator. In order to compensate for this divergence, water has to
be brought up from below the mixed layer - hence equatorial upwelling. This
mechanism is responsible for the cold tongues over the eastern equatorial Pacific
and Atlantic.
Wind-driven ocean
circulations (cont)
Equatorial current
and countercurrents
Equatorial undercurrent
Quello che succede nella realtà……
Coastal upwelling: suppose this is the northern hemisphere, and the wind is
parallel to the coastline as shown below. The Ekman flow as a result will be
to the right of the wind - in other words, away from the coastline. But, in
order to obey mass continuity, this has to be compensated for by bringing in
water from below the mixed layer - i.e. upwelling. Since the upwelled water
is cold, the upwelling regions have cold sea surface temperature.
Cosa succede nell’ “Interior”?
Stewart: Capitolo 11
Sverdrup Transport (Interior)
Tutte e due (a e b) sono consistenti con il wind stress!
Qual’è quella reale?