Transcript Background

The background
• Anne a Refugee Community Health Nurse
at a local CHS has been providing support
to a recently arrived Hazari refugee couple
Elaha and Ahmad
Elaha and Ahmad’s Story
• Elaha is 27 years old and is in the late stage of
her pregnancy.
• She has no family connections in Australia.
• Elaha and Ahmad are living with a distant
‘family’ member from the Ahmad’s side .They
have been staying in the lounge room.
• Ahmad is in his late 30’s and has a diagnosed
mental illness.
Who is currently involved
Anne is coordinating referrals for the
Elaha and Ahmad to a GP and
providing general care.
A community guide from AMES is trying to
sought out long term housing.
Local GP is providing general health
care and support re pregnancy
Ahmad is being treated at the Foundation
House for Survivors of Torture for PTSD.
The story continues....
• The baby has just been born at the local public
hospital following a long and difficult
premature labour which resulted in caesarean
section birth.
• The baby required neonatal intensive care and
has been in IC for a week and is likely to be
discharged in home in a few days .
• Elaha has preeclampsia and requires on going
medical/nursing support although she has
been discharged home.
Who is involved now?
Hospital Social Work
Maternal and
Child Health
What needs to happen?
• Get everyone together quickly to identify with Elaha
and Ahmad their immediate and longer term
• Develop an Interagency care plan to reflect these
• Agree on who is going to do what and when and how
to coordinate an ongoing interagency care
• Work together and keep communication channels
open around how things are progressing.
• Work together to monitor and review the care plan
at agreed times.
Some of the challenges
• Language
• Trust (both clients trust of providers and between
providers – a key issue was around the sharing of
information between providers)
• Getting providers together to develop a shared strategy
and understanding
• Time consuming (Provider coordination and
communication required)
• Sharing information (no shared record)
• Keeping track of information (some paper, some phone
Question to ponder
How could e-technology have helped?