Transcript Chapter 14

Explain how dictators an militaristic regimes
arose in several countries in the 1930s
Summarize the actions taken by aggressive
regimes in Europe and Asia
Analyze the responses of Britain, France, and
the U.S. to the aggressive regimes
1918-WWI ends
1919-27 nations meet-Treaty of Versailles
Germany resented treaty
Italy and Japan expected more land
Totalitarianism-theory of govt in which a
single party or leader controls the economic,
social, and cultural lives of its people.
1917-1st totalitarian state (Lenin)
Stalin took power in 1924
Cruel and ruthless
Wanted to turn SU into industrial power and
create state-run collective farms– Great Terror
Purged Communist party of traitors
Didn’t get land on Adriatic coast after WWI
from division of Austria-Hungary
Post-war depression
Benito Mussolini
Fascist Party
Followers known as Black Shirts
Outlawed political parties, took over press, secret
police, suppressed strikes
After WWI-democracy, the Weimar Republic
Severe economic trouble and anger over Treaty
of Versailles
Rise of Nazi party…National Socialist German
Workers Party
Adolf Hitler
Opposed the “ism” parties that promoted workers
rights or class interests over German ethnic
Book Mein Kampf (My Struggle)-national best
Stated his explanations for problems in Germany
Criticized many people, political
programs/ideologies, and mostly Jews
Anti-Semitic-prejudice against Jews
1938-Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
1920s-Democracy…ended in 1930s with
Military leaders argued expansion throughout
Asia would solve economic troubles
1937-took control of Chinese rails
Did not become a totalitarian dictatorship,
stayed constitutional monarchy
League of Nations
Weak b/c America didn’t join, no army, “long on
words, short in action”
Restored army and nullified Treaty of Versailles
Wanted to expand, 1935 seized Saar, 1936 Rhineland
1935 invaded Ethiopia
Policy of France and Britain against aggressive
Granting concessions to a potential enemy in
hope it will maintain peace
Caused fascist leaders to become more aggressive
Austria-no choice, union called Anschluss
Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia)
Munich Conference-Munich Pact