Module 9 – Specific Aspects of the Evaluation of a Project

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Transcript Module 9 – Specific Aspects of the Evaluation of a Project

Module 2 – Monitoring and Evaluation Definitions


Monitoring and evaluation are tools that

make it possible to identify and measure the results of projects, programs or policies

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Why the Concern?

To evaluate and adjust strategies and


To report on progress to interested

parties, clients, taxpayers and the general public

To identify and share with others best

practices and lessons learned

To improve the programming of new

interventions and strategies

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Provides regular information on how

things are working

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Monitoring: Definition

A continuous data collection and analysis

process is implemented to assess a project ( a program or a policy) and compare it with the expected performance

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Evaluation can only be done after a certain

time and requires more thorough investigations

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Evaluation: Definition

A systematic and objective measurement

of the results achieved by a project, a program or a policy, in order to assess its relevance, its coherence, the efficiency of its implementation, its effectiveness and its impact, as well as the sustainability

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Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring assesses progress in

implementation of ongoing programs

Evaluation provides a snapshot against

some benchmarks at a point in time of programs that may or may not be continuing

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Monitoring and Evaluation Rationale

MonitoringHolds implementers accountable for

delivery of inputs

Provides basis for corrective actionProvides assessment of continued


EvaluationAccountability - was money well spent?Learning - what could we do better next


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Monitoring and Evaluation - Focus

MonitoringWas delivery according to plan?What were the deviations?Were they justifiable?EvaluationRelevanceAppropriatenessSuccessCost effectivenessLessons learnedEffectivenessImpactSustainabilityEfficiency 2020-04-29 10

Monitoring and Evaluation Timing

MonitoringOngoing or periodic throughout the life of

the program

EvaluationTypically at mid-point in a funding cycle, a

year before the end

Impact evaluation - 3 to 5 years afterwardsDelay depends on the nature of the project 2020-04-29 11

Focus of the Module

The design and implementation of a

monitoring system will not be addressed here

There are many documents that you can

review on this topic outside this workshop. Specific training is also available.

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Reminder: The Four Basic Components of Any Project, Program or Policy Objectives Program of activities (a strategy) Budget

Basic triangular pyramid 2020-04-29



Monitoring and Evaluation, and the Chain of Project Results … to undertake activities...

… the direct results of which...

… must have effects...

Resources are mobilized… This chain is based on a series of logical relationships (if… then) called "causal relationships" … and an impact on development Monitoring Evaluation

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Logical Structure of a Project or Program Resources are mobilised … to undertake activities...

… the direct results of which...

… must have effects… … and an impact on development Human material and financial resources Activities: building, training, organising, treating, writing ...

Built buildings, trained staff, implemented processes, written legislations… Harvests rescued, higher performing public service, more effective justice system Improved food supply, higher level of education, longer life expectancy, better constitutional State Resources inputs outputs outcomes Impact

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Evaluation can be Approached at Three Levels What is the world dynamics ?

General issue of project, program and policy evaluation What is my organization doing in this movement ?

Who leads this movement ?

Are there national specificities ?

Evaluation within the organization Individual practice What is this organization’s (this client) evaluation culture? Its evaluation practices?

Where is research at ?

What do I know how to do ?

What should I know how to do ?

How can I enrich my experience ?

What definitions, vocabulary, practices?

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