Transcript Slide 1

League of Young Voters
Why Vote?
Hampshire County
Youth Conference
15th July 2014
Welcome to
Hampshire County Council
Introductions and Domestics
• respect one another
• understand that we are all entitled to our
views and opinions
• behave in a way that the place you are
representing would expect
• stay in the Ashburton Hall
What is today all about?
What is social action?
“Riot broom army”
What is social action?
Social media campaigns
What is social action?
What is social action?
Getting your voice heard
What is social action?
Publicity stunts
The Jimmy Mizen Foundation
Jimmy was murdered when
sticking up for his younger
brother who’d been bullied
By sharing Jimmy’s story
with young people, The
Foundation allows them to
see the catastrophic effects
of violence
Peace café’s/Safe havens
A revolution?
Make Your Mark
Champions needed!
Youth Voice in
UK Youth Parliament & Youth
Voice Representatives
Youth Voice
• 1 year in office
• Getting your views
• Link between you and Hampshire
County Council
• Sit on the Children’s and Young
People’s Scrutiny Committee
• Get involved in lots of other events
Members of the
Aged 11-18
2 year term of office
4 MYP and 4 Deputy positions available
Work on campaigns
Meet Councillors and officers at HCC
Represent your views
Help run Hampshire County Youth
Keep in touch!
UKYP Hampshire
Hampshire Youth Voice Representatives
Follow us on
Workshop 1
Create the debate (votes at 16)
Isle of action
Social action in action
• Yservices for young
• New Forest Youth
Advisory Group
Social Action projects
• The My Community Project is an
ambitious initiative that harnesses the
power of youth potential to deliver
powerful, positive and impactful projects
in their Communities.
• We are passionate about providing
projects and services that will develop
young leaders and ambassadors for
change who will work together to leave
a lasting impact in their community.
How the project is delivered
• A My Community project is offered to each
Y Services youth project
• Young people identify the initiative they
wish to support/develop or campaign for
• Young people choose how to support the
• Programme is undertaken over a period of
• All young people are recognised for their
Help for Heroes sponsored stay
This project included a visit
from an ex-serviceman who
explained some of the issues
Other examples of Projects
• Naomi House
Hospice Community
Mosaic - Genesis
• Rowans Hospice
Helping Hands
fundraiser - Xperience
• Raising awareness of
Drug Driving –
through a DVD –
Gosport Detached
• Volunteering at an
SEN provision to
support activities
• Developing youth
work in Stubbington –
opening a new
provision - Fareham
• Additional Needs
Football Project – Car
wash – Odyssey
• Improvements to the
local area in
Portchester -public
toilets - Odyssey
Some social action projects have
been inspired by young peoples’
The Helping Hands project was
undertaken through the personal
impact of the loss of a friends’
parent through cancer.
Young people, cut out, collated
decorated hands from friends,
Councillors and attendees at the
local Snap Disco and created a
piece of art which was presented
to the Hospice.
Over £100 was raised and
presented to;
The Rowans Hospice, Purbrook
Local projects also include:
fundraising for homeless and
developing youth provision
We ask young people What is important to you in your
What will your Legacy be?
We support young people to Put their thoughts in action
Support their creative ways to
achieve social action
• Y Services supports programmes that encourage
people to create positive change through social
Each year three young people are chosen from
across all the Y Projects to receive this award.
The criteria for nominations include young people
who have undertaken practical action in the
service of others, which is:
carried out by working together
done for the good of others - individuals,
communities and/or society
brings about social change and/or value
Promotes the work of the charity to other young
Y Ambassador badges are presented
For more information please
Abi Facey
Youth Development worker
[email protected]
Review your school
Curriculum for Life
The ‘no homework’ party
The ‘leave school early’ party
The ‘no uniform’ party
Visit the Stalls in ‘The Street’
Vote in the election
Please return to your seats and be
ready to start at 1:10pm
Join In
Vote with your feet
Show me the money
Election results
To vote or not to vote?
That is the question
Make Your Mark
• Largest national youth consultation
• Vote on 15 topics
• Top 5 debated in House of Commons
by MYPs
• Next years UKYPs campaign chosen
• Champions needed
• Register now!
Are you the next us?!
UKYP elections 2015
> Deadline for nominations January 15th
> Candidate briefing January 24th
Youth Voice rep interviews
> March 2015
Inspired to make
something happen?
• ‘Approved by you’ grants – contact
your County Councillor
• Young Citizen of the Year
• Youth on Board Award
• Diana Award
• Employers acknowledgment
Postcard Pledge Selfies
End of Conference
Thank you for coming, we
hope to see you next time!