PhD dissertation - Aarhus Universitet

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Presentation Frans Ørsted Andersen Skoleforskning/ DPU / Aarhus Univeristet


Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 28-04-2020 1 .

Introduction to the TA field 2.Publications and reports 3.Finnish TA practice and experience 4.Evaluation of the Danish TA experiments 5. Theoretical and practical approaches 6. Discussion





Danish websites:

og www.læ

with evaluation reports 2. Andersen, FØ & Højfeldt, G.:

Undervisningsassistenter. Hvad? Hvorfor? Hvem?

Hvordan.? Hans Reitzel, 2012 3. Alborz et al. (2009). The impact of adult support staff on pupils London: Social Science Research Unit.

4. Andersen, F.Ø. (2010). Danish and Finnish PISA results in a comparative, qualitative perspective. In Educational Assessment and Evaluation, 22, 159-175. Springer Science 5. Saloviita, T. & Takala, M. (2010). Frequency of co teaching in different teacher categories. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 25, 4, 389-396. Routledge Group.

Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 3

Why TA’s?

    

Teacher work is seen as increasingly complicated and demandig due to e.g.: More regulation and evaluation from public authorities and parents Growing use of and demnad for digital AV / IT teaching technology More demands for inclusion of pupils with learning difficulties Growing number of pupils with an immigrant background

Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 28-04-2020 4

The new Danish and Norwegian TA arrangements inspired by the Finnish experience

  The use of TA’s in Finland can be seen as a part of the ”Finnish Miracle of Education”. The Finnish TA is by definition a flexible and practical assistant that teachers increasingly rely on in an ever growing amount of tasks. Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 28-04-2020 5

In Finland: Practical assistance in the classroom

       

Pracitical assistance with: … setting up smart boards, tablets, pc’s etc … solving conflicts in the classroom … substitute teaching ….handling breaks and excoursions …. Homework cafes ….. Speciale needs education seems to be more and more necessary for teachers

Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 28-04-2020 6

Official evalutionl of two year 2010-12 Danish TA experiemnt conducted by Rambøll Management, University of Aarhus and VIA University College on behalf of Danish Ministry of Education. Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 28-04-2020 7

The Danish two year experiment and its evaluation

 All participating 25 municipalities and their approx 100 schools evaluated  Surveys to all participating teachers and principals  LRS and WBRS to all participating pupils  Case studies with 8 municipalites.

Results of the evaluation

 Overall results of two years of evaluation in 25 Danish municipalities and around 100 Danishs schools: surprisingly positive in spite of massive resistance from DLF (Danish teachers’ Union)  Both school leaders, teachers, TA’s, pupils, parents and consultants are overwhelmingly positive   Clear positive effects on pupils’ well being and learning, both speciale needs pupil and ”normal” kids.

Clear positive effects on teacher well being and feeling of professional competence Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 28-04-2020 9

Full evaluation report

 To be found at

, Danish Ministry of Education (Ministeriet for børn og undervisning).

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Three types of (Danish) Ta’s

   1. Teacher Training College students who prolong their studies with one or more years. 2. Pedagogues (infant and preschool staff) 3. Un-skilled staff (”club workers”).

 Evaluation show now significant differences between teachers’ perception of the three types. Judgement of TA’s depend on TA personal profile,not on formal background. Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 28-04-2020 11

Official theoretical approaches

  TA’s seen as a way of mediating teachers’ teaching to pupils’ leanring through personal contact and relations.

Mediated learning: Vygotsky, Hundeide, Tzuriel.  ”From Dianostical Practice to Identification of Ressources”  Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 28-04-2020 12

Examples of practice: Odense

 TA’s genally used in:  Large and difficult classes  Periods with cross curricular projects  science education (”Natur og teknik”)  In art classes  Excoursios and breaks Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 28-04-2020 13

Example of TA work schedule: NB almost full 37 hours at school /with pupils Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 28-04-2020 14


  What are the negative sides to using TA’s?

How should the paradox of overwhelming support for TA-use by teachers who actually are involved and heavy resistance from Teachers’ Unions be seen?

 Can the use of TA’s be seen as a way of cutting public spending on schools?

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What now?

 Negotiations right now in Danish Parliament about new school legislation. The TA arrangement may move from ”experiment” to ”permanent”.

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