Transcript Slide 1
Article 29
(goals of education)
Education must develop every
child’s personality, talents and
abilities to the full. It must encourage
the child’s respect for
human rights, as well as respect for
their parents, their own and
other cultures, and the environment.
 To
ensure that all the students
in this school are equipped to
recognise and challenge
bullying behaviour wherever it
happens - whether face to
face or in cyberspace.
behaviour by an individual
or group
repeated over time
that intentionally hurts another individual
Or group
All bullying, unacceptable and should not be
It can affect anyone - children, young people
or adults.
 name
 physical abuse
 cyber-bullying via text messages
 social media /face
Don’t be a bystander - look out for each
If you see something, say something
Report what makes you feel
What is cyberbullying?
Sending threatening emails or intimidating someone
Social Networking Sites
Posting hurtful comments on someone's profile, faking profiles
Saying nasty things in chat and instant messaging
Ganging up on another player or excluding them
Making prank calls, nasty texts and photo messages
Making people do things on webcams that upset them
FORUMS and Message Boards
Ganging up on someone, excluding someone,
making hurtful comments
93% of young people in the UK now have
access to a computer or mobile phone
Each day about 20 million ‘tweet’
69% of parents add their children to their
Facebook friends
12% of 11–16 year olds in the UK have
received an unwanted sexual
message/image online
88% of images young people put online
reappear on ‘parasite website’
58% of young women in a recent poll said
that Facebook was more important than
their parents
 You
have the right to feel safe
and not be cyberbullied when
using digital technologies
Top tips and tricks
Don’t post stuff that is very personal – keep information general
Think carefully about posting pictures online – once it’s there, anyone can see it
or use it
Don’t share your passwords – keep your personal information private!
It’s not a good idea to meet up with anyone you meet online –
you don’t really know who they are!
Try to think carefully before you write things online – people can get the wrong
end of the stick
Respect other people’s views – just because you don’t agree with them, it
doesn’t mean you have to be rude or abusive
What can you do?
Tell someone you trust
Report any cyberbullying, even if it’s not happening to you
Never respond/retaliate as it could make matters worse
Block the cyberbullies from contacting you
Save and print any bullying messages, posts, pictures or videos
that you receive
Make a note of the dates and times they are received
Keep your passwords private
Don’t post any personal information or pictures online
BBC calls in police over racist Twitter abuse
of The Voice contestant Ruth Brown.
• Internet 'troll' who targeted Louise Mensch
escapes with suspended sentence.
• Victory over cyber bullies: Legal first as
High Court orders Facebook to reveal trolls
who tormented mother for defending
X Factor star.
• Websites will soon be forced to identify
online bullies, or ‘trolls’, under new
government plans.
Who to talk to at school :
Your tutor
Head of Year
Or any Teacher
Extending ABW for two weeks.
 Creating an anti bullying student voice
 Discussing these issues in assemblies/tutor
 Looking at e safety
 Introducing different ways of reporting
incidents through the website.
 You can view this power point again in
What happened?
 What was I thinking when it happened?
 What do I think now?
 Who has been upset by this and how?
 What needs o happen to put this right?