Transcript 1to7

Chapter 5 #1) Why did Rutherford’s atomic model need to be replaced?

Rutherford’s model looked a bit like a solar system

It didn’t explain such things as why elements give off light of specific colors when heated: Example: fireworks, iron

#2) What was the basic new proposal in the Bohr model?

That electrons each contain a specific amount of energy as defined by their orbit. The further out the electron orbits, more energy the electron has. Orbits are fixed distances.

#3) What does the quantum mechanical model determine about electrons in atoms?

That electrons can only orbit in very specific energy levels, they cannot orbit BETWEEN these levels.

#4) How do two sublevels of the same principle energy level differ from each other?

P-orbital S-orbital Play Chem ASAP from PHschool The orbitals are shaped differently.

#5 How can electrons in an atom move from one energy level to another?


Bohr Model

#6) The energies of electrons are said to be quantized. Explain what that means.

Each electron contains in its orbital a very specific amount or “quantum” of energy. If an electron gains or loses energy, it must change its orbital.

Cool periodic table #7) How many orbitals are in the following sublevels?

a. 3p sublevel b. 2s sublevel c. 4p sublevel d. 3d sublevel e. 4f sublevel