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SABITA Health & Safety Seminar 2012
• Much Asphalt is a Murray & Roberts
company and 100% owned by M&R
• As an organization we strictly adhere to
the M & R ethos of Health & Safety
• Today I would like to share with you:
– Some of the challenges we face on a daily
basis and how we deal with these
challenges with specific reference to:
• How do we work and live safely?
• Monitoring and reporting as a management
• Progress regarding the DuPont
Bradley Curve
Health and Safety as a journey
• Over the years we have made good
progress in installing a positive health
and safety culture and we have
significantly reduced the lost time injury
rates nationally.
• Safety is a journey and needs all the
help from renowned organizations to
apply proven best practices that will
improve health and safety performance.
• Western Cape LTIFR = 0
 How do we avoid accidents?
 Can one predict human behaviour ?
 How does human behaviour influence
attitudes and actions
 How do you instill good human
 How do you instill a sound health and
safety culture?
Health and Safety Culture
 After suffering a series of significant
incidents in the workplace, we soon
realised that we have not been able
to adequately address key factors that
underpin our health and safety
performance and culture.
 Cannot continue with same actions
taken in the past
 Drastic measures needed to be taken
Independent assessment of the Health
and Safety Culture within Much Asphalt
• The M & R Holdings board and DuPont
Sustainable Solutions undertook a
comprehensive assessment of the Group’s
South African operations against best
practices of safety management standards
and to develop a set of improvement
– Safety Perception Survey
– Safety Management Evaluation
• Embarked on a journey to ZERO HARM
Journey to Zero Harm: What motivates
Supervisory Control
Personal Commitment
Team Building
Team Commitment
Development in Team
Help Others Conform
Personal Goals
Value for Each Other
Care for Self
Team Goals
“I do it so none of us gets
“I do it so I don’t get caught”
“I do it so I don’t get hurt”
Dependent culture
Independent culture
Interdependent culture
Safety Culture
Progress on DuPont Bradley Curve
• Evident that some of the employees
are still in the dependent stage,
while others are in the independent
stage – great deal of overlapping
– Means that some of the employees still
need to given instructions
– Quite a number of employees follow the
SWP (Safe Work Procedure)
– Monitoring of measures put in place
Challenge vs Solutions
• Health and Safety Awareness Training
Bitsafe Training (bitumen decanting)
Hunt for Hazards (plant & offices)
Reporting all incidents & accidents
Investigating all accidents & incidents
24 Hour Safety Alerts
• Branches operating as little empires
remained a challenge.
– Made progress – gap between actual practice and
the desired reality did not demonstrate the effort
put into this campaign – moving from dependent
to independent.
OHSAS 18001
• Much Asphalt then aspired to become OHSAS 18001
accredited. As an accredited member, all branches
had to step up to the required standards and operate
in this framework.
– This provided a great sense of direction and
uniformity among the branches – Same vision for
– All documentation was standardized
• The implementation of a good Health and Safety
Management System gave rise to new aspirations,
greater heights, greater achievements that
underpinned the Much Asphalt branding of:
“….Together we can…”
The Health and Safety
Management System
Monitoring and reporting as a management tool –
monthly reporting
• Corporate & Branch specific objectives
• Branch Management plan
– Reporting on Near Misses (40-60 per month)
– No blame policy
– Added benefit visible felt leadership (VFL’s)
• Branch Indicators (Target vs Actual)
• Safety meetings / Invocoms / Wellness Talk
• Planned Task Observations
• Near Misses
Continuous Improvements
To align ourselves to get to next level of excellence in
Health and Safety
• 10 FRCP (Fatal Risk Control Protocol) were introduced
– Simple terms = 10 Life saving rules
• Core values of Much Asphalt
“…Together we can…”
• Care - for our people
• Act with Integrity – in all business dealings
• Are Accountable – and taking responsibility for
our actions
• Respect - people’s differences treating them
with dignity
• Are Committed – to deliver on our promises
“…Together we can achieve ZERO HARM…”
Safety Perception Survey
• A culture assessment survey that
identifies key insights provided from a
cross-section of the organisation from
corporate office leadership to factory
floor workforce. This is a self evaluation
of the prevailing safety culture within
the culture
Safety Management
Evaluation (SME)
An assessment and data analysis process
(which includes fieldwork, interviews and sight
tours) designed to look at closely at the
process by which each operating business
current cultural safety and risk-based elements
are managed. This rigorous process serves to
help validate the SPS findings and offers a
complete picture of how our
organisational culture and risks.