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Transcript berytech18-11-2009

21st Century Work Environment?

These people, Are they:





Earning money?

Losing money?

Talking to Grandma?

Searching a new job?

Ordering food?

Finding love?

Watching movies?

WEB 2.0: 2003

Why did some Web Companies survive the Dotcom bust?

Tim O’Reilly

WEB 2.0:

The Web as a platform:

Google is the middleman between the user and his online experience.

The Long Tail:

The collective power of the small sites that make up the bulk of the web's content

WEB 2.0:

Collective intelligence

Collective intelligence applications depend on managing, understanding, and responding to massive amounts of user-generated data in real time.

The Cornucopia of The Commons (Bricklin)

The intensive repetition of identical navigation schemes creates the condition of a collective intelligence and shared value.

WEB 2.0: Faceb000000000k


: 200 000 000


: 300 000 000 $


: 1 000


: 11 000 000 000 $

Ranked N °2…

WEB 3.0 or Web²: The meaning revolution

Web 3.0 – Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, Ora Lassila (2001)

A new form of Web content that is


to computers will unleash a revolution of new possibilities:

The Semantic Web


Web Squared – Tim O’Reilly (2008)

The Web meets the real World: everything and everyone in the world casts an “information shadow” or

WEB 2.0 is a collection of micro tools

Free, accessible, simple design and always under construction!

Blogs RSSyndication Wikis Podcasts Social Networking Peer-to-peer Mash-ups Aggregators …

2009 - Where is the Enterprise 2.0?

Enterprise 2.0: an enterprise that has entirely transformed a key business process using web 2.0 tools ?

But Web 2.0 is about content, usage and people not about processes

• • •

Content: Trust your users!

The wisdom of crowds (Suriowecki)

Usage: Users add value

! Crowd sourcing (Howe & Robinson)

People: Cooperate, don’t control

! Wirearchy (Husband)

Conditions of success

Ambitious use of Web 2.0 tools Complete integration in existing worflows Change in management practices and organizational structures Top management act as role model for adoption Launching Web 2.0 in conjunction with other strategic initiatives


Where is the potential financial return of Web 2.0 tools?

Nothing is holding back Web 2.0 initiatives Company culture doesn’t encourage the use of Web 2.0 tools No incentive to adopt or experiment No skills Structure of the company too hierarchical


Competitive advantage / new market opportunities New culture, new responsibilities, new autonomy Tight interactivity with customers and suppliers Adoption leads to more adoption Business units rather than IT depts are driving the selection of tools Gathering of business culture data, shared content on experiences

And for the marketer?

The reasons why

Social Media holds the promise of exponential growth (GenY, success stories…) For brands, it is also a new way of reaching (more and better) people in a less intrusive, more personal, more likable fashion It is more modern and fashionable than your old-fashioned website Social media appeals to many a professional marketer because markets are conversations

The reasons why not!

Losing control – Study: 77% of FB, T users onw Legal minefield Online negative buzz Just for techies, not serious!

Waste of time and money (No ROI)

The rules have changed

Social media is collaborative – Societing (Cova, Badot, Bucci) Customers share knowledge RSS killed the E-Mail Star Web 2 is about content – CRM is about blog content The secret society of Buzz The I’s : Interactivity, Intelligence, Intregration, Individualization…

Change your mind

New marketing tools: Social Networking – MySpace, Facebook Micro blogging – Twitter, FriendFeed User generated content sites – YouTube, Flickr

“You're no longer the only message sender in the game. Your customers are finding their voice and using it, too.”

Change your mind

Blogging for profit - Write what you know - Topics and keywords - Avoid offensive material


- Use Spell Check and Proper Grammar Promote Your Blog

Change your mind

Example Brita: British N °1 in water filtration 1 - Launched a social site called filter for good – Don’t drink from bottles!

2 – Voting and pledging -> Free coupons 3 – GoogleMap in Facebook = 50.000 « pledgers » (Concern -> Pledge > Relevant value for user… Buzz.)

Change your mind

Example onVoo: Video chatting service

Gather a group of online influencers and community builders They scheduled video conversation times and promoted them to their communities. The (ooVoo) technology powered the conversation but it wasn't the subject of conversation.“ First event: 25 hosts, who promoted the day and encouraged their communities to get involved and download ooVoo. Hundreds of blog posts and 1,300 Twitter mentions.

Some piece of advice

RSS instead of E-mail? Why? (Source: Web2center) - Possible embedding of audio & video - 100% DELIVERABILITY (E-mail is around 60%) - Spam Free Ireport on YouTube : Do your own ad!

Viral marketing… Create a blog, not a website! –

Some piece of advice

Some ideas for Twitter: Market with 140 characters Objective: Get as many followers as possible Integrate your blog RSS and your Twitter account Useful for PR strategy

Some piece of advice

Another Example: Facebook 1-800-FLOWERS


Application to send flowers online Operation « Birthday Shootout »


Post your friends Bdate.


Incentive + free draw for free flowers


Pickup 10 fans and send them flowers Branding > Innovative and interactive


Ad campaign


Caritative operation: 6000 fans > 2000$ for an orphanage

Some piece of advice

Facebook Marketing is about communication, not advertising News feed Ads Flyers Ads Groups (Page with content, design) – Free to set up Applications: Create for use – make your app viral – get feedback

Before jumpin’ in

Time and energy?

Keep focused on the strategy and the corporate content Plan, organize, anticipate, don’t just follow the trend Don’t be formal or rigid Try as many tools as you can

Final word

Social media is a tremendous opportunity for Marketing managers wanting to add zest to their strategies and campaigns as long as they can decipher the myths behind social media, avoid the common traps, learn the language and hire the right kind of seasoned professionals to handle such initiatives properly. “visionarymarketing“

By the way, did I say the word computer, once?
