Lifestyle Evangelism

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Transcript Lifestyle Evangelism

Session I
“Just the Facts”
Can a quiet, timid Christian go out and
 Is it possible for the average Christian to
be transformed into an evangelizing
witness of Jesus Christ?
the same as filling pews.
 an occasional raid by a visiting celebrity.
 a matter of impassioned and repeated calls for
 a system.
 proclamation alone or presence alone.
 an optional extra for those who like that sort of
Traditional Definition:
“Presenting the facts of the Gospel to
people in such a way that they can make an
immediate decision to become a
A Better Definition:
“Letting people know about Jesus and how
one can become part of God’s family.”
Lifestyle Evangelism:
“Letting people know about Jesus and how
one can become part of God’s family, and
doing it as a natural part of your daily
living in a way that is suited to your
individual personality and temperament.”
The love of God constrains us.
 It brings glory to God.
 The Lord commands us to witness.
 The gift of the Holy Spirit.
 People are lost without Christ.
 It is our responsibility.
 It is our privilege.
Session II
“Let’s Get Personal”
“Far too many Christians have been
anesthetized into thinking that if they
simply live out their faith in an open and
consistent fashion, the people around them
will see it, want it, and somehow figure out
how to get it for themselves.”
Bill Hybels
“Christians are to be good news before
they share the good news.”
Joe Aldrich
“The best argument for
Christianity is Christians; their
joy, their certainty, their
completeness. But the strongest
argument against Christianity is
also Christians – when they are
somber and joyless, when they
are self-righteous and smug in
complacent consecration, when
they are narrow and repressive,
then Christianity dies a
thousand deaths.”
Sheldon Vanauken
“We loved you so much that we were
delighted to share with you not only the
gospel of God but our lives as well, because
you had become so dear to us.”
Makes us thirsty.
 Spices things up.
 Preserves.
 Requires potency
and proximity in
order to work
Makes things visible.
Helps to see things
 When we look into
the biblical use of the
term “light,” the
central idea that
emerges is that of
clearly and
presenting God’s
truth to others.
HP + CP + CC = MI
MI = Maximum Impact
 HP = High Potency
 CP = Close Proximity (Salt)
 CC = Clear Communication (Light)
For Them, ask God to:
 Pull them toward Himself
 Open their eyes to the emptiness of life without
 Help them see their need for forgiveness
 Help them grasp the meaning and importance
of the cross of Christ
 Open the person’s heart to God’s love and truth
For You, ask God to:
 Help you live a consistent and attractive
Christian life
 Give you wisdom in knowing how to approach
the relationship
 Grant you appropriate boldness and courage
 Use you to help lead this person into a
relationship with Christ
Are we too busy to be about our Father’s
real business?
 If so, how can we reorder our priorities
to place HIS interests first?
Not merely in the words expressed
Not only in the deeds confessed
But in the most unconscious way
Is Christ expressed.
Is it a calm and peaceful smile?
A holy light upon your brow?
Oh no! I felt his presence
When you laughed just now.
For me ‘twas not the truth you taught,
To you so clear, to me so dim,
But when you came to me you brought
A sense of Him.
Author Unknown
Session III
“Opportunity Knocks”
loving – 1 John 4.16
holy – 1 Peter 1.16
just – 2 Thess. 1.6
sinful – Romans 3.23
 deserving
of death – Romans 6.23
spiritually helpless – Isaiah 64.6
is God and man –
John 1.1, 14
 died in our place –
1 Peter 2.24
 offers forgiveness –
Ephesians 2.8, 9
Jesus’ offer–John 1.12
Him as Savior and Lord – 1 John 1.9
the new life He gives– 2 Cor. 5.17
Humanity’s sin – Romans 3.23
 Sin’s Penalty – Romans 6.23
 God’s Provision – Romans 5.8
 Humanity’s Response of Faith – Romans
 Humanity’s Response of Commitment –
Romans 12.1-2
Admit your need.
 Believe on Christ.
 Commit yourself to Christ.
Everyone is a sinner
 All sinners will die.
 Sin’s penalty has already been paid.
 You can be saved by believing Jesus died
for your sins and asking Him to forgive
The way to peace is easy – and yet it is
hard – because you have to decide to
surrender everything to the Lord. But
when you do that you have this promise:
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and
just and will forgive us our sins and purify
us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1.9
“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer to
everyone who asks you to give the reason
for the hope that you have.”
People are interested in you.
People can relate to it.
People can’t easily argue with it.
Tell your story is easy to do!
What’s the thread that runs through your life?
What was life like before you accepted Jesus?
What was your conversion experience?
What difference has Jesus made to you?
Be natural.
Be creative.
Be open.
Be loving and gentle.
Be simple.
Be specific.
Be bold.
“How, then, can they call on the one they
have not believed in? And how can they
believe in the one of whom they have not
heard? And how can they hear without
someone preaching to them?”
Session IV
“Now What?”
“So neither the one who plants nor the one
who waters is anything, but God who causes
the growth. The one who plants and the one
who waters have the same purpose, and
each will be rewarded according to their own
Dear Lord,
I know that my sin has separated me from You.
Thank You that Jesus Christ died in my place and
rose again to be my Savior. I want to ask You to
forgive me of all my sins. I want Jesus to be my
Savior and Lord. Come into my life and lead me.
Thank You for giving me a relationship with You
In Jesus’ name,
Affirm their commitment.
Paint a realistic picture.
There are few areas in the Christian
Church where we fail more
catastrophically than in the care we
give to new believers.”
Michael Green
Feeding – 1 Peter 2.2
Protecting – 1 Peter 5.8
Training – Colossians 2.6-7