File - AP US History
Transcript File - AP US History
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APUSH Chapter 27
Empire & Expansion
1. Commercial/Business
U. S. Foreign Investments: 1869-1908
2. Military/Strategic Interests
Alfred T. Mahan The Influence of Sea
Power on History: 1660-1783
Alfred T. Mahan
U.S. Naval Officer
U.S. must keep
up with other
nations that est.
global military
By 1890 U.S. is
world’s 3rd
largest navel
3. Social Darwinist Thinking
The Hierarchy
of Race
The White Man’s
4. Religious/Missionary Interests
in China, 1905
Cultural Superiority?
U.S. thought American way of
life is the best
It was their duty to
“Americanize” & Christianize the
rest of the world
5. Closing the American Frontier
U. S. Missionaries in Hawaii
Why was Hawaii
becoming increasingly
important to the US in
the 19th Century?
Main industry to invest
First Christian
missionaries arrive in
what year?
Effect of the McKinley
Tariff of 1890?
Imiola Church – first built in the late 1820s
U. S. View of Hawaiians
Why did
American sugar
planters have to
import laborers
from other
By 1900
Hawaiians 3 to 1
Hawaii becomes a U. S. Protectorate in 1849
by virtue of economic treaties.
Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani
Hawaii for the
U. S. Business Interests In Hawaii
1893 – American
businessmen backed an
uprising against Queen
U.S. Marines are sent
in to “protect”
Americans in Hawaii,
actually help overthrow
the Queen
Sanford B. Dole
proclaims the Republic
of Hawaii in 1894.
Sanford B. Dole
To The Victor Belongs the Spoils
Ceremony, 1898
Essential Question:
Why did American expansionism during the turn of the
century result in the Spanish-American War and the war
in the Philippines?
Spanish Misrule in Cuba
The Imperialist Tailor
Cuba Libre
During the 1800s
Cuba repeatedly
tries to gain
from Spain
Why does this
concern the
invest millions in
Cuban Sugar
Rebels hoping for Cuban
independence began a revolution and
destroyed property owned by
Spanish and Americans in Cuba
“Yellow Journalism”
Sensationalizes & exaggerates headlines to sell newspapers
Joseph Pulitzer
Hearst to Frederick Remington:
William Randolph Hearst
You furnish the pictures,
and I’ll furnish the war!
Valeriano Weyler’s
“Reconcentration” Policy
How would the actions of Weyler
encourage yellow journalism?
Nicknamed “The Butcher”
300,000 Cubans in
concentration camps
De Lôme Letter
Extreme patriotism in the form of
aggressive foreign policy.
Dupuy de Lôme, Spanish
Ambassador to the U.S.
Criticized President
McKinley as weak and a
bidder for the admiration
of the crowd, besides
being a would-be politician
who tries to leave a door
open behind himself while
keeping on good terms
with the jingoes of his
Remember the Maine
and to Hell with Spain!
1898: ship
blows up in
Havana Harbor
Funeral for Maine
victims in Havana
The Spanish-American War (1898):
“That Splendid Little War”
Effects of location?
Effects of climate?
Key Battles:
Kettle Hill
San Juan Hill
How prepared was the US for war?
Theodore Roosevelt
Assistant Secretary
of the Navy in the
Imperialist and
American nationalist.
Criticized President
McKinley as having
the backbone of a
chocolate éclair!
Resigns his position to
fight in Cuba.
Analyze the political cartoon on
p. 627 of your textbook.
Explain in your own words what is
What does this cartoon imply?
What is imperialism?
The policy in which stronger nations
extend their economic, political, or
military control over weaker territories
Is He To Be a Despot?
Who actually
the attack on
the Philippines?
How long did
the US Navy
have to wait on
May – August 1898
Dewey Captures Manila! *
*With the help of Emilio Aguinaldo
The Spanish American War
lasts only 16 weeks
• Treaty of Paris – 1898
- Cuban independence (Teller Amendment?)
- Spain gives U.S. Puerto Rico & Guam
- $20 mil for Phil
(U.S. buys The Philippines for $20 million in 1898)
William H. Taft, 1st
Gov.-General of the Philippines
US is forced to send 126k troops to put
down an armed rebellion
Filipino fighting tactics?
Who led the Filipinos?
Great administrator.
Emilio Aguinaldo
Leader of the Filipino
July 4, 1946:
Philippine independence
Our “Sphere of Influence”
The American Anti-Imperialist
Founded in 1899.
Mark Twain, Andrew
Carnegie, William
James, and William
Jennings Bryan among
the leaders.
Campaigned against
the annexation of the
Philippines and other
acts of imperialism.
Cuban Independence?
Teller Amendment (1898)
Orville Platt
Platt Amendment (1903) – Cuba becomes a protectorate
1. Cuba can’t make treaties that limit independence or
allow foreign power to control territory
2. The U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs if necessary
to maintain an independent govt.
3. Cuba must lease Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. for
naval station.
4. Cuba must not build up an excessive public debt.
Puerto Rico: 1898
1900 - Foraker Act.
PR became an “unincorporated territory.”
Citizens of PR, not of the US.
Import duties on PR goods
1901-1903 the Insular Cases.
Constitutional rights were not automatically
extended to territorial possessions.
Congress had the power to decide these rights.
Import duties laid down by the Foraker Act
were legal!
Stereotypes of the Chinese
Exclusion Act,
The Open Door Policy
Secretary of State
John Hay.
Give all nations equal
access to trade in China.
Open Door Notes = preserve Chinese
independence and protect
American interests
Guaranteed that China would NOT be taken
over by any one foreign power.
Open Door
The Boxer Rebellion: 1900
“kill the foreign devils”
“55 Days at Peking.”
Foreigners & Chinese Christians
Election of 1900
Teddy Roosevelt
Bryan - again
What is the role of
Teddy Roosevelt?
TR as VP – Why?
1. Popularity as war hero
2. “Kicked upstairs” by
political bosses of NY
How was TR different
from McKinley?
How will this effect
the USA?
P. 647 - 651
What were the essential principles
of Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign
Apply these principles to one of the
situations below:
1. The Panama Canal
2. Japan/Russia
Panama: The King’s Crown
p. 648
1850 Clayton-Bulwer
1901 Hay-Paunceforte
Philippe Bunau-Varilla,
agent provocateur.
1903 Hay-BunauVarilla Treaty.
Revolution in Panama
American Spirit
p. 191-192
What was the role
of the US in the
How is this an
example of
Panama Canal
TR in Panama
(Construction begins in
Canal Construction
One of the greatest
engineering feats
Finished in 1914
43,400 workers
5,600 died on the job
Final cost to the U.S.
was $380 million
The Roosevelt Corollary to the
• Roosevelt
Corollary states that
disorder in Latin
America will force
U.S. to act as an
international police
• U.S. will use
military force if
necessary to protect
its interests in Latin
Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick!
“Big Stick Diplomacy”
Constable of the World
Treaty of Portsmouth: 1905
Ends What conflict?
Russo – Japanese
War p. 650
What was the
b/w the two nations?
How was the US
Effect on US
relations with
Nobel Peace Prize for Teddy
Who “opens up” Japan to the West in 1853?
Commodore Matthew Perry
Opens Up Japan: 1853
The Japanese View
of Commodore
Gentleman’s Agreement: 1908
A Japanese note agreeing
to deny passports to
laborers entering the U.S.
Japan recognized the U.S.
right to exclude Japanese
immigrants holding passports
issued by other countries.
The U.S. government got the
school board of San Francisco
to rescind their order to
segregate Asians in separate
1908 Root-Takahira Agreement.
America as a Pacific Power
The Great White Fleet: 1907
The Great White Fleet: 1907
p. 651
The Mexican Revolution: 1910s
Victoriano Huerta seizes control of Mexico
and puts Madero in prison where he was
Venustiano Carranza, Pancho Villa, Emiliano
Zapata, and Alvaro Obregon fought
against Huerta.
The U.S. also got involved by occupying
Veracruz and Huerta fled the country.
Eventually Carranza would gain power in
The Mexican Revolution: 1910s
Emiliano Zapata
Venustiano Carranza
Pancho Villa
Francisco I
Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy”
The U. S. should
be the conscience
of the world.
Spread democracy.
Promote peace.
Condemn colonialism.
Searching for Banditos
General John J. Pershing with Pancho
Villa in 1914.
U. S. Global Investments &
Investments in Latin America, 1914
U. S. Interventions in
Latin America: 1898-1920s
Uncle Sam: One of the “Boys?”