Transcript PowerPoint

How to Access Your Group’s
Budget Number
Step 1: Log on to your group page
Step 2: Click “Additional Information” to see if
your budget number is already listed
Budget # should be here
If your Budget Number is not there…
 Hover over “profile” and click “edit profile”
Enter in your Budget Information…
 If you are not sure what your Budget Number is, ask
a staff member
Sports groups should ask Gabby Castallano in Sports and Rec
Academic Groups should ask their corresponding department
Graduate groups should ask the GRO
SAC Groups should ask The Office of Student Activities or the SAC/SGA
Greek Groups should ask Robert Turning
Performing Arts Groups should ask Eric Beatty
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Useful Information
 Budget Numbers are frequently used, if you know
that you need to make any sort of transaction be sure
to have your budget number handy
 Budget Numbers typically start with “8001” or
 You should know your group’s balance
Make sure that your treasurer is keeping a running ledger of all
group transactions
 Budget Numbers are also referred to as:
 Internal Order Number
Most Importantly!
 Please be sure at the end of your term as officer, you
explain to the incoming group officer how to access
the group budget number information
 It’s also important that outgoing group officers
update their Hopkins Group page with incoming
group officer information, that way we know how to
get a hold of groups
Please only contact Jolle with Budget Inquiries if you
are an SAC Group… Other inquires should be
directed elsewhere.
Please ask Jillian Rickerd or our new Financial Coordinator Jolle Davis.
[email protected]
[email protected]