Distilling the Wisdom of CEOs *
Transcript Distilling the Wisdom of CEOs *
Distilling the Wisdom of CEOs *
•Distilling the Wisdom of C.E.O’s,” Adam Bryant, The New York
Times, April 16, 2011.
Great CEOs Have
Passionate curiosity
They ask big questions
Students of human nature
Learn from everybody
Challenge orthodoxy
Battle-hardened confidence
Know how to deal with adversity with confidence
Best predictor of behavior is past performance – how
they dealt with failure (ask this question in an
Takes ownership of challenges
Work ethic forged in adversity
Internal locus of control – believe they can shape
events based on what they can control.
Team smarts
Understand how teams work and how to get most out
of teams
Understand reliability, not talent, is key.
Understand ad hoc teams and how organize around a
common goal
Understand what’s best for team, for organization,
not for themselves (unselfish)
A simple mind set
Are concise, get to the point, and make it simple -and expect others do the same.
No lengthy PowerPoints
Know how to summarize, know what’s really
important --- the essence of a problem.
Simplify, eliminate complexity
Comfortable being uncomfortable – no road map or
Constantly challenge the status quo with calculated
and informed risk taking.
If things aren’t broken, break them.
An appetite for change