Transcript Slide 1
Role of the Library
Wisdom Society
Dr. Vivek Patkar
[email protected]
Zuarinagar, Goa, June 15-18, 2010
Wisdom Society
Knowledge Society
(2000 CE -)
Information Society
(1950 CE -)
Industrial Society
(1450 CE -)
Agricultural Society
(8550 BCE -)
Mobile Society
Business Process:
• Dispersed production, storage, and
controlling units and global workforce
• Outsourcing for cost efficient operations
• Involving customer in operations
(self-service systems)
• Knowledge generation, assimilation and
coordination functions are themselves
mobile and selectively outsourced
• Mobility of information, ideas, knowledge
and experience helps the decision-making
Mobile Society (2)
Education and Training:
• Remote or e-learning where the learner,
teacher and administration are located
far apart (driven by ICT software products
like Blackboard, WebCT, and Lotus Learning
Space creating virtual learning environment)
• The EDUSAT is facilitating this process
in India
• Teleconferencing and Webinars used for
the conduct of training and mentoring
Reengineered Library Support
• Library where information is converted in
the digital form, stored in multimedia
repositories and supplied by digital means
• e-mobile library providing services on the
24/7 basis and that too in the personalised
manner (on the PDA or mobile phone)
• library becoming a learning organisation
which promotes learning at the workplace
for its staff in variety of ways
New Age Services
Instructing ‘invisible’ library user who
remotely accesses information
Developing best practices for the Web
and information searching to minimise
the information overload and anxiety
Imparting information literacy covering
library literacy, media literacy,
computer literacy, internet literacy,
research literacy and critical thinking
Promoting e-learning and e-research
Knowledge for Enablement
Distinctiveness: knowledge makes a
Invariance: knowledge is unfailing over a
large set of conditions
Usefulness: knowledge helps to achieve the
set goals
Coherence: knowledge has suitable links
with the existing knowledge
Formality: knowledge can be formally
expressed and communicated
Conformity: knowledge is largely acceptable
across the enterprise
Authority: knowledge is trustworthy
Knowledge Society Core
Knowledge Processing & Organisation:
• Knowledge involves action matching the
context and upheld by others
• Produces new knowledge through innovation
and its conversion into productive use
• Shift from knowledge extraction to knowledge
modelling for integrating implicit and explicit
• Use of knowledge modelling techniques like
CommonKADS, Protégé 2000, and Unified
Modelling Language (UML) with its attendant
Object Constraint Language (OCL)
Knowledge Society & Library
• Heightened Competition
(Library support to provide knowledge edge)
• Downsizing of Organizations
(Library as an institutional memory)
• Increasing Complexities
(Records management by the library)
• Emerging New Opportunities
(Evaluation of options by the library)
Knowledge Society & Library (2)
• Professional Approach
(Supply of norms & standards by the library)
• Transparency & Accountability
(Tracking the disclosed information)
• Right to Information
(Collect, collate & present information)
• Self-Renewal
(Library upgraded to the Knowledge Centre)
Elements of Wisdom
1. Highest expression of self-development
and future consciousness
2. Cognitive process probing deeply the
information and knowledge
3. A virtue or socially valued pattern of
behaviour that is by and large welcome
4. A personal good which is desirable
state or condition of mind leading to
rewarding experience for the individual
5. Ethical values guiding the actions
Wisdom Society Features
Local and global issues will have higher
interdependence (e.g. optimal use of natural
resources, waste disposal and environmental quality)
Actions will utilise the latest technological
products, processed knowledge and
incorporate wider societal concerns
Every citizen will be required to act wisely
(i.e. with utmost social responsibility)
Co-habiting with advanced multifunctional robots and nanotechnology &
bioinformatics products
Wisdom Society Features (2)
All systems will be far more accountable
in addition to being efficient and effective
Wisdom, like knowledge, would become
an object of well defined study and
practice and treated as a manageable
Openness is welcome by constantly
incorporating new ideas and innovation
Learning, experience accumulation and
wisdom development are closely linked
Learning Evolution
[shift in learning from action to method to knowledge assimilation]
[ICT can restore the lost aspects of learning]
Facilities for universal dialogue, virtual learning, second life
enactment, scenario building, information envisioning and
options evaluation do enrich the learning
Classical model:
W - C - T
Walk Chalk Talk
Emerging model:
W - C - T
Web Contact Team
Enabling Technologies – computer, networking,
audio/video conferencing, digital libraries,
webinars, cyberinfrastructure
Role of Teacher
• Learning facilitator
• New instruction material
• Information organisor
• Developer of new evaluation
and assessment methods
• Explorer of new avenues for
knowledge applications
Information Needs of the
Wisdom Society
• Articulated and balanced viewpoint
to guide the actions
• Material for developing deep learning
and critical thinking
• In-depth information and knowledge
with the documented experience to
help one realize his/her potential
• Leisure planning with value addition
Information Needs of the
Wisdom Society (2)
• Self-service guidance and promotion
• Unbiased and authoritative information
for building of online courts and online
dispute resolution systems
• Articulated information to promote the
customer participation in production
Balanced Information Input
Library Contribution
• Reducing information poverty
• Promoting archival intelligence to handle
primary sources of information
(extending records management techniques)
• Enhancing trust of online information and
allied systems
• Facilitating establishment of both online
and offline ‘communities of practices’
• Adoption of the ‘value sensitive design’
(VSD) approaches to introduce human
values in information system operations
LIS Preparations
Periodic research-based studies to cover:
• changing user needs,
• information seeking behaviour,
• information consolidation & interchange,
• information surfeit,
• knowledge application,
• incorporation of ethical aspects,
• machine-mediated dealings, and
• organisation of material and services to
move towards ‘ubiquitous library’
Library Upgraded
Wisdom Support System
ensure informed dialogues,
restore art with technology,
support multi-culture, and
strengthen the economic &
ecological interdependence
In the forthcoming
wisdom society too
the library would play
a pivotal role with
focused services and
broader perspective
Thank You