Chapter 6.4 American Revolution The effects of the Enlightenment in

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Transcript Chapter 6.4 American Revolution The effects of the Enlightenment in

Chapter 8.1 Forming a Union

 June 12, 1776 ◦ A Committee in Second Continental Congress agreed to create a national government if America does declare independence from England.

July 4, 1776

 Congress issued the Declaration of Independence ◦ Written by Thomas Jefferson ◦ Now it’s time for the new government to take place.

 Why? ◦ So when the war is over we can start our own country.

Americans Create a Republic

When the war ends… ◦ All 13 states ratify a constitution known as the Articles of Confederation  Ratify ◦ Give official approval  Established the US as a republic ◦ Citizens rule through elected representatives

A.O.C. Creates a Weak National Government

Articles of Confederation has one branch of government ◦ Called Congress  It’s job? Make the laws for our country!

◦ How does it function?  Each state shared power by having 1 representative ◦ 7 of 13 state representatives had to agree to make a law. ◦ No President or judicial branches

Early Problems in the Republic

 Congress could not:  Congress could: ◦ Collect taxes ◦ Borrow money from other nations ◦ Keep states from printing their own money ◦ Declare war ◦ Enter treaties ◦ Pass laws without majority of 13 states agreeing ◦ Pass laws with a majority

One thing the A.O.C. got right…

 They passed the

Land Ordinance of 1785

◦ Set up a system for dividing up the territory west of the 13 original states.

 This created the opportunity to make new states in the future.

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

 By 1787 enough people had moved into Ohio Valley that laws had to be made to govern them.  Called Northwest Ordinance of 1787

How did the NW Ordinance work?

 Created the Northwest Territory ◦ Would eventually become states  Illinois     Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin  Set rules for these states to be created. ◦ Population had to be 60,000 or more ◦ Had to set a local republic form of government  Led by a Governor ◦ Could not have slavery!!!

Northwest Territory

 What is the Articles of Confederation?  What is the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

 What states are included in the Northwest Territory?

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