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Responsible Care®
Health & Safety
Task Force – 06 H&S
Team Members
Codes of Management Practice
Objectives of the Health & Safety Code
Definitions & Intent
Relation to the RC Guiding Principles
H&S Programmes of GPCA Member Companies
Description of the Health & Safety Code
Member Company Examples of Best Practice
Task Force Members
H&S Code Task Force 6
Ken Bruce
Task Force Leader
Lloyd’s Register EMEA
Jassim Darwish
Task Force Member
Ali Al-Ghamdi
Task Force Member
Bhanu Murthy
Task Force Member
Hassan Al-Marzooqi
Task Force Member
Responsible Care® Codes of Management
Health &
Responsible Care- An Introduction
• What qualifies me to talk to you on H&S?
– Lloyd’s Register is all about Safety
– Marine, Energy & Transportation
– Management Systems ISO 18001 & RC 14001
Objectives of the H&S Code
The objective of the Health & Safety (H&S) Code is to
protect and promote the H&S of people working at or
visiting member company work sites.
To achieve this objective the Code provides Management
Practices designed to continuously improve work site
H&S. These practices provide a multi-disciplinary means
to identify and assess hazards, prevent unsafe acts and
conditions, maintain and improve employee health and
foster communications on H&S issues.
Relation to the RC Guiding Principles
• To design & operate facilities in a safe manner
• To encourage a culture throughout all levels
of organisations to continually identify,
reduce & manage occupational safety risks
• To work with Governments, Agencies &
Associations at all levels in the development
of effective and efficient H&S laws & industry
Relation to the RC Guiding Principles
• To measure performance, openly report &
make continual progress towards our goal of
elimintating accidents, injuries or harm to
human health from our products & operations
• To seek continual improvement in our
integrated Responsible Care Management
system to address H&S performance
H&S Programmes – Member Companies
Probably your most mature MS
ISO 18001
High regard to worker safety on your sites
Employee H&S Training programmes
Established reporting metrics
Strive for continuous improvement
Key Definitions
• Workforce – any individual carrying out
activities on the Company site.
• Contractor – any individual not employed
directly by the Company who undertakes
work on the Company site.
• Employee – any individual with an
employment contract with any entity
working on the Company site.
H&S Code Description
Code is broken into 4 main areas:
Leadership & Programme Management
Identification & Evaluation
Prevention & Control
Communications & Training
Supported by 17 Management Practices
H&S Management Practices
Leadership & Programme Management
• Management Practice HS-1
– Management Commitment
Describes the Company’s intent to provide a safe
and healthful workplace
• Management Practice HS-2
– Employee Particpation
Promotes teamwork for meeting Company Health
& Safety goals.
H&S Management Practices
Leadership & Programme Management
• Management Practice HS-3
– Contractor Selection, Evaluation & Supervision
Is the mechanism by which the code is applied to
contractors & sub-contractors.
• Management Practice HS-4
– Written Programmes
Formalize the Company’s approach to H&S issues
and are used as a means of communication
H&S Management Practices
Leadership & Programme Management
• Management Practice HS-5
– Programme Assessments
Help to ensure that programmes are adequate
and current, and that workplace practices are
consistent with these.
• Management Practice HS-6
– Data Collection & Analysis
Provides information to be used to evaluate the
overall effectiveness of the H&S programme
H&S Management Practices
Identification & Evaluation
• Management Practice HS-7
– Hazard Identification
Involves obtaining and reviewing appropriate information
regarding plant processes and operations.
• Management Practice HS-8
– Hazard Evaluation
Can be performed to determine the degree of worker
exposure to H&S hazards, as well as the magnitude of the
risks that result from such exposures.
H&S Management Practices
Identification & Evaluation
• Management Practice HS-9
– Medical Fitness
Criteria are based upon the physical requirements
necessary to perform each job on the plant.
• Management Practice HS-10
– Medical Surveillance
Programmes should be implemented to assess
the potential adverse H&S impacts on workers
routinely exposed to specific hazards in the
H&S Management Practices
Prevention & Control
• Management Practice HS-11
– Design & Operations Review
Includes empirically evaluating potential hazards
and risks and applying controls to mitigate or
• Management Practice HS-12
– Health & Safety Equipment
Focuses on properly selecting, utilising, and
maintaining equipment specifically designed to
protect workforce health & safety
H&S Management Practices
Prevention & Control
• Management Practice HS-13
– Preventive Maintenance & Housekeeping Programmes
Simple, proactive efforts designed to maintain facilities,
tools & equipment in a safe condition
• Management Practice HS-14
– Incident Investigation
Both a reactive and proactive tool. Investigations are
performed after the occurrence of an occupational
incident, however the results are used to prevent
H&S Management Practices
Prevention & Control
• Management Practice HS-15
– Emergency Medical Assistance
Proper planning so that appropriate emergency
response activities can be instigated when
H&S Management Practices
Communications & Training
• Management Practice HS-16
– Communications
Describe the H&S information that is relevant to
specific job tasks and the work site, and the
information to be communicated to employees,
contractors and visitors
• Management Practice HS-17
– Training
Programmes that cover the types of training that
go beyond that required by regulations.
Thank You
Examples of Best Management
Ali Al-Ghamdi
Management Practice #1 :MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT
Health and Safety Policies
EHSS Policy has been developed and reviewed by SABIC EXCOM,
SABIC executive committee and signed by SABIC Vice Chairman and
Policy includes current and long-term goals in health and safety.
Based on Policy each function assigns responsibilities, authorities, and
accountabilities in all levels of the organization
Issued the written policy.
Communicate the written policy through meetings, postings, site
newsletters, mail, etc.
Management Practice #1 :MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT
Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Develop “RACI” Matrix (Responsibility, Accountability, Consult and Inform)
which defines the responsibilities at every level of the organisation
Measure employee performance for their assigned responsibilities & EHSS
Consider health and safety performance as a key factor in all employee
performance reviews
Management Practice #1 :MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT
Provide Sufficient Resources to Achieve H&S Objectives
• Retain qualified health and safety personnel for handling specific health and
safety issues.
• Make provision for health and safety issues/requirements in capital and
expense budget planning cycles.
• Provide appropriate training and resources to employees at all levels of the
organization. e.g., encourage employees to attend health and safety
seminars, meetings, and conferences.
Implement Workforce Participation
SABIC Involves employees in health and safety activities such as health
and safety awareness campaigns, Incident investigations, Risk
Assessment, Job Safety Analysis, departmental meetings, reporting
incidents, near misses etc.
Provide suggestion boxes or other online facilities for employee input of
Health &Safety ideas or concerns.
Recognize individuals or teams for constructive improvement.
Individual employee’s EHSS performance and contribution recognition
Management Practice #3 : CONTRACTOR SELECTION,
Review Contractor Submittals
SABIC has specific standard to manage contractor Safety
While selecting contractor, following information needed:
EHSS management program.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for critical jobs
Previous experience and references within SABIC Divisions, Affiliates and
Subsidiaries or other facilities.
Contractor employees training and qualification documentation, including
training & qualification requirements as required by applicable local rules
and regulations.
Management Practice #3 : CONTRACTOR SELECTION,
Sustain Relationships with Contractors Who Demonstrate Commitment
to Health and Safety.
• End of Contract and Annual Contractor EHSS Evaluation
– SABIC EHSS Department evaluate all contractors’ EHSS
performance. The contractor’s unsatisfactory performance, concerns
and recommendations is highlighted to the Global Procurement
awarding contracts for their appropriate actions and ultimately be
removed from the contractors’ approved list if the weakness is not
– Consideration is given on the audit results of the SABIC Contractor
EHSS Awards program during selection/Renewal process.
Management Practice #4 : WRITTEN PROGRAMS
SABIC has developed and implemented SABIC Safety, Security, Health and
Environment standards across the SABIC facilities
Total 15 standards developed and implemented for Health, Safety, security
and environment.
Management Practice #5 : PROGRAM ASSESSMENTS
Establish Procedure for H&S Program Review and Define the
Means to Assess Work Practices
SABIC has implemented following three tier audit program at each SABIC
– Annual Self- Audit
– Every two (2) years companywide Internal-audit
– Every three (3) years SABIC Industrial Security & Environment shall
conduct audit
– Performance Reviews
Analyse Health and Safety data and communicate the result of these
SABIC Affiliates are performing annual Incident analysis as per SABIC
standard on Incident investigation (SHEM 10)
Management Practice #7 and 8 : HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND
• Review Sources of Information on Potential Workplace Hazards
– products being considered for purchase are reviewed for
potential adverse health and safety impacts prior to purchase,
– Review recent incident reports and descriptions of "near
accidents" or "near misses" to identify potential areas of concern.
• PHA cycles has been implemented through SABIC SHEM standards
with cycle of 5 years for revalidation to evaluate the Hazards and its
potential risks.
Management Practice #9 : MEDICAL FITNESS
Assess an Individual's Ability to Perform a Particular Task or
Assignment Using Medical Criteria that Are Task Related
SABIC has standardize Pre employment medical test before the placement
of any employees and long term contractors
SABIC has implemented Hearing loss conservation program
ERT Medical Testing.
Management Practice #10 : MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE
Employees to Participate in Medical Surveillance Programs
Implement Periodic Medical Surveillance Examinations or Tests for Workers
at Risk for Agent-Specific Adverse Health Effects Due to Chemical,
Physical, Biological, or Ergonomic Hazards.
Design medical surveillance protocols to detect the effects of exposure to
specific hazards. For example, pulmonary function blood testing may be
performed on workers with exposure to hazardous chemicals
Utilize the results of hazard assessments to identify employees who should
be part of a medical surveillance program and to evaluate medical testing
Management Practice #11 : DESIGN AND OPERATIONS REVIEW
Establish Design/Modification Reviews That Consider Health and Safety
Review for inherent safety early in projects while design is still flexible.
Pre start up EHSS Review is mandatory for all initial start up and new or
modified facilities
For all changes related to that are not replacement in kind, Management of
change (MOC) process is mandatory.
Management Practice #12 : HEALTH AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT
Select and Acquire Equipment Based on Hazard Assessment.
• Perform a workplace equipment "needs assessment" (Reliability) to clearly
identify the types of health and safety equipment that would be appropriate.
Maintain and Use Equipment in a Safe and Healthy Manner
• All concerned personnel are trained to use Health and safety equipment
• Equipment inspection and maintenance program designed and established
Management Practice #13 : PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND
Identify Facilities, Machinery, Tools, and Equipment That Require
Scheduled Inspection and/or Maintenance
SABIC has implemented SHE critical equipment identification process and
developed its periodic inspection and maintenance program
Develop Written Procedures and/or Checklists for Inspections,
Maintenance, and Repair
Inspection and maintenance procedures are standardized and implemented
across all SABIC facilities
Management Practice #14 : INCIDENT INVESTIGATION
• SABIC has developed and implemented Incident reporting,
classification investigation and analysis standard across SABIC
• Centralized online incident record and reporting system for each
• Incident classification are being done based on incident severity
• Involvement of different levels to lead investigation based on
• Involvement of Contractor
• SABIC has developed global – Crisis Management procedure to
hand global emergency
• SABIC has developed and implemented SABIC standard on
Emergency planning and response standard to mitigate all onsite
• Special team called –ERT trained to handle Affiliate specific
emergency scenarios
• Emergency equipment inspection and maintenance program
• Availability of site Clinic for first aid Responce
Management Practice #16 : COMMUNICATIONS
• Policy is communicated to all employees by appropriate means
• Online intranet portals are developed for each Affiliate to provide
current information and development to the all employees
• All level of employees are involved in departmental meetings to
enhance effectiveness of communication
• Worksite hazard information is being communicated to all concerned
employees through intranet portal
Management Practice #17 : TRAINING PROGRAMS
• Training needs is being identified for all roles and responsibilities
• Online SABIC training portal is developed to book the appropriate
training course, conference and workshop
• Specific programs such as PDP and JQP are developed to meet the
competency requirements.