le-comparatif - My Online Classroom

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Le comparatif
Le comparatif sert.... à comparer.
Il y peut y avoir 4 cas de figure. Prenons
l'exemple de Jules et Jim.
Jules est moins grand que Jim
Jules est aussi grand que Jim
Jules n'est pas aussi grand que Jim
Jules est plus grand que Jim
A<B Le comparatif d'infériorité
LESS + adjectif + THAN
It is less important than I thought
C'est moins important que je ne le pensais
He is less clever than Juliet
Il est moins intelligent que Juliet
Il est assez rare en anglais : on préfère
généralement utiliser le comparatif d'inégalité
(A ≠ B)
Le comparatif d'égalité
AS + adjectif + AS
His neighbours are as noisy as mine
Ses voisins sont aussi bruyants que les miens.
Le comparatif d’inégalité
She is not as clever as her sister
NOT AS + adjectif + AS
Elle n'est pas aussi intelligente que sa soeur.
Ce comparatif est souvent employé à la place
du comparatif d'infériorité, car il est plus poli,
plus délicat. Voici un exemple:
Jenny is less beautiful than Jessica.
Jenny is not as beautiful as Jessica.
A>B Le comparatif de supériorité
C'est la que les choses se compliquent. Il va
falloir prendre en compte la longueur de
Court ou long ?
Les adjectifs courts sont les adjectifs de
1 syllabe comme
big, tall, fat, great, slim, fast, large...
2 syllabes qui se terminent en -OW, -ER ou -Y
busy, pretty, clever, narrow
Les adjectifs longs sont les adjectifs de
2 syllabes qui ne se terminent par -OW, -ER ou -Y
constant, pleasant, little
3 syllabes ou plus
beautiful, expensive,
A>B les adjectifs courts
adjectif + -ER + THAN
Il fait plus sombre dehors
It is darker outside.
Modifications orthographiques :
Pretty → prettier; happy → happier
Y + - ER = IER
Quand un adjectif se termine pas un ”e”, celui-ci disparait
large → larger
Quand un adjectif se termine par une voyelle seule suivie d'une
consonne, alors on double la consonne finale.
Big → bigger
→ fatter
great → greater
Les irréguliers
Les adjectifs longs
MORE + adjectif + THAN
He should be more careful !
Il devrait être plus prudent.
John is as rich as alfred
AS + adj + AS
John is not as rish as Alfred
NOT AS + adj + AS
John is richer than Alfred
adjectifs courts
adjectifs longs MORE + adj + THAN John is more succesful than Alfred
Les irréguliers
Good →
Exercices (inégalité)
1. He is .................... .................... his brother.
2. It is .................... .................... in Brighton.
3. They are .................... .................... last week.
4. It is .................... .................... the first exercise.
5. It is .................... .................... yours.
6. She is .................... .................... my friends.
7. It is .................... .................... this chair.
Exercice supériorité
1. It is .................... .................... in France.
2. It is .................... .................... yours.
3. She is .................... .................... your Mum.
4. t is .................... .................... football.
5. IT is .................... .................... your machine.
6. He is .................... .................... Your grandfather.
7. She is .................... .................... Jane.
1. Dover is ......................... than London.
(- noisy)
2. His film will probably be ......................... ours.
(+ successful)
3. Don't you think girls are ......................... boys ?
(+ sensible)
4. A flea (une puce) is ......................... a fly (une mouche).
(- heavy)
5. She works ......................... her brother.
(+ hard)
6. His parents are ......................... mine.
(+ tolerant)
7. Public transports was ......................... it is now.
(- good)
8. I'm afraid, Geography is ......................... History.
(- interesting)
1. Is it ......................... in Summer ?
(+ hot)
2. Sit here, it's ......................... this chair.
(+ confomtable)
3. Are roads ......................... in America ?
(= large)
4. Maths is much ......................... French !
(+ difficult)
Exercices (suite)
5. They are ......................... they were.
(- friendly)
6. Do you think it is a ......................... job ?
(+ safe)
7. He drove away ......................... he could.
(= fast)
8. He doesn't feel ......................... now.
(+ happy)
1. Your case is ......................... mine. I can't carry ot !
(+ heavy)
2. The second match was ......................... the first one.
(+ long)
3. She is ......................... her aunt.
(- rich)
4. I'd like to find a ......................... job. (
(+ good)
5. Do you think they are ......................... our neighbours.
(= careful)
6. It will probably be ......................... last month.
(+ monotonous)
7. It is ......................... that !
(- bad)
8. Is he ......................... his sister ?
( = hardworking)
Exercices (fin)
1.I'd like to have ......................... holidays !
(+ long)
2. I'm sure it will be ......................... here.
(- expensive)
3. They're ......................... in films ......................... before.
(+ interested)
4. She's ......................... her friends.
(+ attractive)
5. You should buy a ......................... car !
6. In the North, the weather is ......................... in the South
7. Is Canada ......................... America ?
8. I'd like to be ......................... she is.
(+ big)
(- good)
(+ large)
(= enthusiastic)