NORTHWOODS BN LEADERSHIP - University of Wisconsin

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Transcript NORTHWOODS BN LEADERSHIP - University of Wisconsin

ROTC Overview

• Itinerary – Benefits of ROTC – PAN/LEAD – Enrolled “Z” Status – Academic Alignment & 104-Rs – Scholarships/contracting paths – Contracting Board – Contracting – Questions

Military Science & Leadership

• MSL 101/102: Open to every student on campus!

– Even if student cannot serve in the military • NO OBLIGATION/COMMITMENT FOR FR/SO • Very Little Homework but 4 hours/week – 1 hour lecture – 1 hour physical fitness (6:15-7:15am) – 2 hour lab, in uniform (7-9am Thursdays, 8-9 can be waived) • Not a recruiting pitch • Not just “Army Stuff”; leadership in general • 30-50% attrition of Freshman students is normal/expected

• • • • • • • •

Non-Tangible Leadership Critical Thinking Goal Setting Time Management Problem Solving Public Speaking Management Skills Discipline

Benefits of ROTC

If you enjoy the Non-Tangible and wish to serve after college, then there are Tangible Benefits as well

Scholarships – Pays Tuition or Room & Board • Full in-state or out-of-state Tuition – Stipend (Monthly) • $300 Fr/$350 So/$450 Jr/$500 Sr – Book Stipend • $1200 (Annually) – Prior Service • $350/month Kicker to GI Bill


• • • PAN: Participating Not-Enrolled –

The bulk of in MSL 101 (Fall)/102 (Spring) Students Actively testing driving Army ROTC & the Military ROTC does not submit names to database/tracking

• Allowed to attend class, Ranger Challenge, PT, Lab, etc –

Allowed to do everything other Cadets do even if not/can’t contract

• No monetary assistance at this point • No obligation to serve during or after college • Can sign up for MSL 201(Fall) / 202 (Spring)

Enrolled: “Z Status”

• • • Cadet says “I’m thinking about contracting”

Entered into ROTC database Easy dis-enroll: Still a test drive, can still walk away

• Must be in a “Z” status to contract or have a scholarship application submitted • Civil reviewed • Medical initiated – MEPS within 2 years of contracting date allowed • Requires six easy forms to become Enrolled in ROTC • Begin 104-R (Planned Academic Program Worksheet)

Academic Alignment & 104-Rs

• – First thing that happens when a Cadet says “I might contract…” – At very latest, start by the time Cadet is enrolled (Z status) – Identify how many semesters are left until graduation – IOT contract, must have “PME” for every semester (10 auth) • 101/102/201/202/301/302/401/402/Military History/Ind. Study • It is the Cadet Responsibility to generate 104-R – Let Cadre know how we can help if you are having issues

Why is the 104-R a big deal?

If you contract and fail to graduate on the date indicated on the 104 R…you have violated the Contract and may pay back $$

Contracting Board

• • Requirement to contract or have a scholarship application submitted (does not count AD)

Board consists of ROTC Cadre, Senior Cadets, and university official(s)

• Contract immediately after the board (same day) • If Cadet does not contract right after (due to summer training), then contract is 1st day of school next semester • PMS does not sit on board, but does review board findings and makes final determination on contracting


• Test drive is over: You will serve as an Army Officer – PT 3 times/week if 270+; 5 times/week if 269 • Cadet is counseled every semester, to include 104-R • If contract is voided at no fault of the Cadet (Medical, family hardship, etc), likely not have to pay back funds • If contract is voided due to “I don’t want to play” or “I didn’t follow my 104-R”, Cadet pays back full scholarship • Can now participate in CULP, Airborne, Air Assault, etc

Two ways to Serve

• Active Duty – Full-time Job with free medical, 20 YR pension, 401K, etc – Likely not in WI and move every 2-4 years – See the world – Very Competitive (not guaranteed) • Army Reserves (USAR) / Army National Guard (ARNG) – Part-time Job: One weekend/month; two weeks in summer – Very affordable Health insurance, pension, 401K – Expectation is that you need a full-time job; AGR – Generally can stay in one area of the state • Can still move/transfer state-to-state if needed

Paths to Contracting

• Paths that allow for Active Duty – Non Scholarship SMP Cadets – Traditional Campus-Based Scholarships – Non Scholarship non-SMP • Paths that do NOT allow for Active Duty – 2 Year non-dedicated GRFD – 3 (or 2.5) Year Dedicated GRFD


Veteran Services

John Bensend – Military Education Benefits Coordinator Beth Uetz – School Certifying Official VA Workstudy Assistants 109 Bowman Hall – Registration and Records 715/232-1659 [email protected]

Who we work with

• Active Duty service members • Active Duty veterans • National Guard and Reservists – With or without deployments; Some are prior active duty • Spouses and children of veterans and service members

Military Structure

• Department of Defense (DoD) 5 braches of the – Air Force – Army – Coast Guard – Marine Corps – Navy • Components of the military – Active Duty – National Guard • Army or Air Force – Reserves • All branches

What we do

• Veteran and military education benefits • Programing for current student veterans • Support student veteran organization (Veterans Club) • Work with Registrar and Dean of Students on related activities


John Bensend Military Education Benefits Coordinator [email protected]

715/232-1659 109 Bowman Hall – Registration and Records 715/232-1659 [email protected]