HRC 2014 funding roadshow PowerPoint presentation (PPT 5.22mb)

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Transcript HRC 2014 funding roadshow PowerPoint presentation (PPT 5.22mb)

Opportunities for HRC Funding 2014

Investment Processes


• Annual Funding Round 2014 – Career Development Awards – Research Investment Streams • Contract types & Budgets • Application & Assessment Processes – Tips for Grant Writing • Contract Responsibilities

• • • •

Mission: Benefiting NZ through health research

Established as a Crown Entity by the Health Research Council Act (1990) Responsible to Minister of Health Funding for research mainly from Vote Science & Innovation through MBIE Supports ~ 30 organisations and ~ 2,800 researchers

HRC Secretariat

Dr Robin Olds, Chief Executive • Rachel Brown, Group Manager, Māori Health Research • Dr Vernon Choy, Group Manager, Investment Processes • Melanie Duncan, Group Administrator, Investment Processes • Dr Deming Gong, Project Manager, Public Health Research • Stacey Pene, Project Manager, Biomedical/Clinical Research – Katie Evans and Lucy Pomeroy are on 12 months maternity leave • Dr Tania Pocock, Group Manager, Research, Policy, Strategy & Evaluation • • Dr Nuhisifa Seve-Williams, Project Manager, Pacific Health Research Vivien Lovell, Knowledge Management & Information Systems Finance & Corporate Services, Ethics, Communications, Research Partnerships

Research Investment Streams

Research Policy, Strategy & Evaluation Dr Tania Pocock

Research Investment Streams

End-users involved Research for NZ Health Delivery Immediate impact on health policy, clinical-decision-making &/or service delivery Applied Health and Wellbeing in NZ Understanding health and preventing illness & injury Improving Outcomes in Acute & Chronic Conditions in NZ Basic Rangahau Hauora Māori Building Māori knowledge & capability to address Māori health issues

Investment Signals

Purpose Scope (what’s in & what’s out) Goals Priorities (only HW and IOACC) Research characteristics (RNZHD) Examples • • • Research areas in scope Research better aligned with other RIS FAQ

Selection of RIS

• • • All applications – – Apply to one RIS Where research will have greatest impact on Goals and priorities Programmes – – Can span RIS, but must state primary RIS Not in HD HRC will not reallocate applications – Consider registering in others if uncertain

Avoid Falling into Wrong RIS • • 2014 ACs may penalise proposals in wrong RIS – Max score of 1 for ‘Impact’ criterion if ‘out of scope’ Read Investment Signals

Contracts and Budgets

Results from FR2013 and Budgets for FR2014

Results 2013: Programmes

• • • • • 24 registered 18 applications in 7 Science Assessing Committees (SACs) 9 considered fundable by SACs 5 fundable by Programme Assessing Committee 5 funded (~ 30%) – – 1 HW 4 IOACC

Results 2013: Project EOI Applications

• • 370 EOI in 4 RIS assessed by 11 committees 111 invited to submit full applications EoI Full HD 47 17 HW 139 34 IOACC 162 49 RHM 22 11 Total 370 111 % 36.2



50 30

Results 2013: Project Full Applications

• • 110 applications assessed by 8 SACs 33 Funded (30%) RIS HD HW IOACC RHM Total Fundable Not Fundable Total Funded % 6 9 15 6 40 16 18 34 7 20.6

31 19 50 16 32.6

4 7 11 4 33.3

57 53 110 33 30

2014 Funding Round Budget

Contract Type Programme Project Emerging Researcher First Grant Feasibility Study Explorer Grant $M 25 33 1.5



# 5 33 10 6 3


• • • • Objectives – – Support the long-term development of a health field Fund research with strategic, long-term vision Budget – $5M, 5 years Eligibility – – > 3 Named Investigators with peer reviewed contracts/track record may hold other grants Assessed by both SAC and PAC committees

Requirements for Programme Director

• • • • • • PRG Director with ≤1 year remaining; or PRG director in last 5 years; or First NI on ≥2 PRJ grants from HRC or equivalents in last 4 years; or First NI on 1 HRC project begun in last 2 years, leading ≥ 2 First NI on PRJ grants from HRC or equivalents in the last 4 years; ≥ 0.2 FTE to this PRG; and Employed by a NZ organisation and residing in NZ


• • Not available for Health Delivery RIS Permission may be given for a Programme bid from a team not meeting the PRG criteria – – consultation with HRC before registration specific research domains; e.g. a clinical trial • HRC currently has 27 active programmes – 16 are 5 year contracts • 6 PH/9 BM/1 MH

Project – two-stage application: EOI and Full • Objective: Support individuals/Teams to address well-defined research questions • Budget: ≤$1.2 M, generally for 3 years – – for shorter contracts, budget at average $0.4 M pa FR2013: Average budget = $1.0 M

Emerging Researcher First Grants

Full Application: 30 August – 27 September 2013 • Objective: Working expenses for emerging researchers • Budget: ≤$150,000, ≤3 years – Excludes support for a postgraduate degree • Eligibility of PI: – – – – without a contract for research expenses of ≥$100,000 normally no more than 6 years from attaining a postgraduate degree Applicants must justify how they fit this category Developing an independent research stream • FR2013 results: 10/34 applications (30%)

Feasibility Study

Full Application: 30 August – 27 September 2013 • Objective: Support small studies that test feasibility issues affecting a planned, larger study • Budget: ≤$150,000, 12 months • Eligibility: Public health or clinical research • FR2013: 6/31 funded (~20%)

Explorer Grant

Full Application: 11 October – 1 November 2013 • • • • Objective: provide seed support for transformative research ideas at an early stage Budget: <$150,000 working expenses, < 24 months Eligibility: host support, RIS FR2013: 3/116 funded

Career Development Awards

• • • • • Clinical Practitioner Research Fellowship (CPRF) Sir Charles Hercus Health Research Fellowship Clinical Research Training Fellowship (CRTF) Foxley Fellowship Girdlers’ New Zealand HRC Fellowship • • Māori Health Research Career Development Awards Pacific Health Research Career Development Awards

• • •

Clinical Practitioner Research Fellowship

Registration/Application: 5 June – 3 July 2013 Objective – – Strengthen health care practice and health services Support translation of research into clinical practice Budget – $50K/year expenses, < 5 years Eligibility – – Citizens/residents been engaged in clinical practice for 10-20 years, leadership, 0.3-0.5 FTE FR2013: 2/10 funded

Sir Charles Hercus Health Research Fellowship

Registration/Application: 5 June – 3 July 2013 • Objective: – Intended to build future capability to conduct world-class research – Support research stars whose scientific fields have the potential to contribute to health/economic goals for government’s investment • Budget: ≤ $0.5M, ≤ 4 yrs • Eligibility: Citizens/residents, 4-8 years post-PhD, 0.5-1.0 FTE • FR2013: 3/13 funded

Clinical Research Training Fellowship

Registration/Application: 5 June – 3 July 2013 • Objectives: – support health professionals to undertake a PhD or equivalent – provide a training that will combine academic research with course clinical experience • Budget: ≤$250,000 (pro rata if <3 years) • Eligibility: Citizens/residents, medical/dental graduates, psychologists and nurses • FR2013: 7/18 funded

Foxley Fellowship

Registration/Application: 5 June – 3 July 2013 • • • Objectives – – enable health professionals to undertake a sabbatical in NZ enhance links between HRC-funded research and health care delivery and/or health policy Budget: Salary + <$20,000 research costs, 1-2 years Eligibility: > 0.2 FTE, health professionals with > 5 years experience Not to be used to fund a degree

Girdlers’ New Zealand HRC Fellowship

Registration/Application: 5 June – 3 July 2013 • • • Objective – – provide advanced research experience bring benefit to the health sciences in NZ Budget: ~£45,000 pa (salary + other costs, travel), 2 years Eligibility: citizen, PhD or equivalent, < 5 years experience

HRC funding and ethical approval

• • • • Required for release of funding Cannot be extended from one contract to another Should be specifically linked to HRC contract number More information

Research contract obligations

• • Final reports from past 5 years required at full application Media/News items (Suzy Botica: [email protected])

On-line reporting process - data

• Use top menu bar to update outputs for your profile • • Select research contract Enter info: milestones, progress etc • Select outputs in main menu specific to contract

Online reporting process - submission

Completed: PI click to finish report Forwarded: PI forward report to RO (PDF generated) Signed off: RO sign off report & submit to the HRC

Final reports & future impact

– Includes discoveries & achievements, workforce development, outcomes & impact, dissemination & knowledge transfer – Help identify newsworthy findings & demonstrate the benefits – of funding health research & continued investment Note all outputs specific to contract – reported to Ministry (Publications, impacts on policy, conference, media) • – HRC retains 3 month payments until report received – Compliance could determine future funding

Submitting Your Project Expression of Interest (EOI)


On-line submission system, EASY • • • Must log on If a new user - create a user account Research Office can reset passwords

Project EOI Forms (GA214S, RHM214S) • Section 1: General Information • Section 2: Proposed Research • Section 3: CV • Section 4: Lay Summary (design method, e.g. RCT) • Section 5: Research Classifications

EOI Form: GA214S Section 2 Proposed Research

• • • • • • HW, IOACC, HD RIS 3 pages limit + 1 page for references Rationale for Research Design & Methods Research Impact Responsiveness to Māori Expertise & Track Record

Submitting Your Full Application


Forms and Guidelines

• • • • • • Programme, PA214 Project, GA214F Feasibility Study, FS214 Emerging Researcher First Grant, FG214 Career Development Award, HRC-CDA Explorer Grant, EX214 • Budget file, HRC214budget.xls

See separate guideline document for each

Tips for grant writing

• • • • • • • • Think about writing your grants earlier Ensure grants are well written, with well-structured paragraphs Make your objectives clear, realistic and achievable Include design and power calculation details at EOI stage Experience with techniques/preliminary data Include an appropriate budget and timeline Describe your impact on RIS (only have to meet one goal) Provide appropriate responsiveness to Māori

Tips for grant writing

• • Good team with appropriate FTE, skills and collaborations Sell your team more and give more background to why someone is needed • • • Engage with stakeholders and end-users Clear roles of NZ NIs within a large international study Remember SAC includes discipline specific and broadly experienced members • • Read Generic Feedback after EOI stage annual-funding-round Check spelling and grammar, and have it proof read

Application & assessment process for Projects

External review Registration 9 July 2013 EOI 26 July 2013 SAC EOI results: 7 Oct 2013 Full Application 20 Nov 2013 Work to Research Office due dates!

Rebuttal 26 Feb-7 Mar 2014 SAC GAC HRC Board Outcome June 2014

Application & assessment process for Programmes

External review Registration 29 Aug 2013 Rebuttal 26 Feb-7 March 2014 Full Application 16 Oct 2013 SAC PAC GAC Board Work to Research Office due dates!

Outcome June 2014

Application & assessment process for ERFG/FS

Registration 29 Aug 2013 External review (ERFG) Full Application 27 Sept 2013 Rebuttal (ERFG) 14-24 Feb 2014 SAC (ERFG/FS) Board Work to Research Office due dates!

Outcome May 2014

Science Assessing Committees (SAC)

• • • Project EOI ~12 SAC with ~10-12 members Project ~ 9 SAC with ~ 6-10 members Programme 1 PAC: multi-disciplinary • • • • Emerging Researcher First Grant Feasibility Study Career Development Award Explorer Grant

Grant Approval Committee (GAC)

• • Recommend Fundable Projects/PRG to HRC Board Guided by – – – Ranked SAC scores RIS budgets (flexible) Split between Projects & Programmes

Changes for 2014

• • • Eligibility for Clinical Practitioner Research Fellowship Emerging Researcher First Grant (Eligibility, Assessment) NIs cannot be added after due date of Project EOI registration Details all updated in Peer Review Manual and CDA Peer Review Manual and Guidelines

Any queries?

• • Peer Review Manual/CDA Peer Review Manual 2013 Guidelines

[email protected]

Level 3, ProCare Building, 110 Stanley Street, Auckland Email: [email protected]