HIV/AIDS - Comune di Firenze

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How do I know if I am HIV positive?
Taking a HIV test is easy
With a simple blood test (no need to fast before hand)
It is free at public facilities
May be requested anonymously
Protect yourself and others:
Take an HIV test now!
You can take an HIV test or receive
information in these locations:
What should I do if the test is positive?
• Go to an infectious disease Clinic to receive further
• Do all the necessary checks
• Take regular treatment that later on will be recommended
U.O. Malattie Infettive Azienda Sanitaria Firenze
Ospedale Santa Maria Annunziata
Via dell’Antella 58 – Bagno a Ripoli
Tel. 055 6936512
E-mail: [email protected]
S.O.D. Malattie Infettive e Tropicali
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Ospedale Careggi
Largo Giovanni Alessandro Brambilla 3 – Firenze
Tel. 055 7949485
E-mail: [email protected]
SOD Complessa “Centro MTS”
Presidio Ospedaliero P. Palagi
Viale Michelangelo 41 – Firenze
Tel. 055 6939654
A disease that is still
present today
What is HIV?
HIV is a virus that destroys certain
cells progressively in your body
(CD4 lymphocytes). CD4 lymphocyte aids the body by protecting you
from infection and therefore destroying these cells in your body
making you sick.
What is AIDS?
AIDS (Acquired ImmunoDeficiency
Syndrome) a person who after the
destruction of the defenses by the
HIV virus has serious infections or
tumors with high risk of death.
This disease may be
contracted many years
An infected person may not
have any signs or symptoms
that indicate the presence
of the virus.
All infected people not in
therapy can transmit the
Only through testing can you
tell if you are infected.
What should I know about HIV?
Anyone can contract HIV.
You can contract the virus:
• By unprotected sex - sex without a prophylactic - by someone who is infected with HIV (both with relations between
men and woman and between man and man). The HIV
virus in an infected person can be found in the blood, semen, vaginal secretions and get into your body through
vaginal, rectal and/or oral small skin lesions
• Through contact with infected blood (sharing needles
among drug abusers)
• From an infected mother to fetus
• The use of drugs and alcohol that lower self-control and
therefore facilitate behaviors at risk of contracting HIV
• Thanks to today’s therapy, you can block the progression
of the disease. Consequently, you should be tested to
know the state of your health and to protect those around
• Finding out as soon as possible if you have contracted
the infection allows you to get a better response to
How can I protect myself?
By taking an HIV test
By using a condom during sex
By using gloves if you come into contact with blood
By not touching used needles and syringes; also
through tattooing and piercing
• By not using other peoples razors or toothbrushes