Introduzione Corso Torino

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 Dall’1 al 3 dicembre 2016 si svolgerà a Torino, presso il Centro Congressi del Lingotto, la terza edizione di EUS-­‐ERCP CONNECTION: THE “EURCP” CONCEPT, un international live course organizzato da SIGE (Società italiana di Gastroenterologia) ed EGEUS (European Group for Endoscopy Ultrasonography). Presiede il Prof. Giorgio Maria Saracco, dirigono i lavori i Proff. Claudio De Angelis e Guido Costamagna. I tre giorni del corso si svilupperanno su due sessioni giornaliere (mattina e pomeriggio) il giovedì 1 dicembre e il venerdì 2 dicembre, mentre il sabato 3 dicembre vi sarà solo la sessione mattutina. Le sessioni mattutine del giovedì e venerdì cominceranno alle ore 8.30 (letture introduttive e sessioni live) e termineranno alle ore 13.45. Le sessioni pomeridiane avranno inizio alle ore 15.00 e termineranno alle ore 18.30 con le sessioni teoriche (letture e presentazioni frontali). Il sabato vi saranno due sessioni parallele, con inizio alle 8.30, una sessione per i medici (termine alle ore 13.45) e una per gli infermieri (termine alle ore 12.40). Le due sessioni consisteranno di letture frontali, tavole rotonde e video casi. Tutte le sessioni live verranno trasmesse dal Servizio di Endoscopia Digestiva della SC Gastroenterologia Universitaria dell'Ospedale Molinette, AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, corso Bramante 88, Torino, con tre sale live che lavoreranno in contemporanea ogni mattina. Il corso è indirizzato a medici specialisti (gastroenterologi, endoscopisti, internisti, chirurghi, oncologi), a medici specializzandi e agli infermieri. I crediti ECM sono stati richiesti per i partecipanti italiani. Le lingue ufficiali del corso sono l'inglese e l'italiano e vi sarà un servizio di traduzione simultanea. EUS-­‐ERCP CONNECTION: THE "EURCP" CONCEPT -­‐ Turin (I), December 1-­‐3, 2016­‐ercp-­‐connection.pdf 1 INTERNATIONAL LIVE COURSE SIGE – EGEUS EUS-­‐ERCP Connection: The “EURCP” Concept, Torino December 1-­‐3, 2016 Aims of the course/Razionale scientifico EUS has well-­‐known diagnostic and staging capabilities, but lacks the effect of endoscopic therapy while ERCP can get histology and treat biliary obstruction, but lacks staging capabilities. So in the last years the idea of a combination of EUS and ERCP has caught on and this integration can provide most of the information needed for managing biliary and pancreatic pathology. Aim of this advanced live Course is to provide the instruments for learning the new possibilities of interventional EUS and the therapeutic and new diagnostic capabilities of ERCP preceded or followed by EUS procedures (EUS with or without FNA, IntraDuctal UltraSound – IDUS, Extraductal UltraSound – EDUS). All this together with the new diagnostic and therapeutic ancillary techniques and newly developed devices, such as peroral cholangioscopy and pancreatoscopy, confocal endomicroscopy and the correct use of new concept stents, named luminal apposition devices and new prototype in the field of the EURCP concept. Participants will be given the opportunity to learn from a theoretical point of view indications, new techniques and new devices in the field of biliopancreatic interventions by means of several lectures, discussions and video presentations and a dedicated symposium for nurses and also they will be given the possibility to see the same procedures and devices applied in more than 10 hours of live clinical cases both in the ERCP and EUS-­‐FNA rooms, with the opportunity of direct interaction between the audience and well-­‐known experts from many countries. Learning objectives of the Course: • Evaluate recent advances in EUS and ERCP; assess their clinical usefulness and level of evidence • Apply new endosonographic and endoscopic techniques, instruments and devices in biliopancreatic diseases • Compare them with standard and traditional procedures and accessories • Choose the optimal EUS and/or ERCP approach and ancillary techniques for specific case management • Manage failed interventions and adverse events • Demonstrate the need and the importance of an interdisciplinary approach • Recognize the importance of quality in EUS and ERCP and in the combined EUS-­‐ERCP approach Topics: 1. Interventional EUS live demonstrations 2. ERCP and EUS-­‐ERCP live demonstrations 2 3. IDUS, SPYGLASS DS and biliary/pancreatic Cellvizio live demonstrations 4. Interventional EUS: current indications and therapeutic perspectives 5. ERCP: therapeutic indications and current diagnostic possibilities 6. Pancreatic solid lesions: EUS differential diagnosis, staging and FNA 7. Pancreatic cystic lesions: diagnosis, follow-­‐up, treatment 8. EUS/ERCP instruments and devices 9. Role of endoscopy in the management of pancreatic NET 10. Biliary complications of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 11. Biliary diseases: role of EUS, IDUS and EDUS 12. Challenges and controversies in ERCP 13. HCV and HBV infections and biliopancreatic pathology. 14. EUS-­‐guided biliary and pancreatic access 15. Therapeutic EUS: established and experimental techniques 16. Peroral choledocoscopy and pancreatoscopy 17. Biliopancreatic Confocal Endomicroscopy 18. Elastography and contrast media in biliopancreatic EUS 19. The EUS/ERCP = EURCP concept 20. Nurse management of the EUS/ERCP operative room: patient, suite, instruments and devices 3