Monthly Bulletin - Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk

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Transcript Monthly Bulletin - Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk

Keizersgracht 220
1016 DZ Amsterdam
November 2016
Pastoral Word
[email protected]
Monthly Bulletin of the
Roman Catholic
Onze Lieve
Monday till Friday (Dutch)
12.15 - 19.30 Chapel
Saturday (Dutch)
19.00 Church
Sunday (Dutch)
11.15 Church
Sunday (English)
18.00 Church
Daily starting half an hour
before Holy Mass
It is already November! This month brings us All Saints
and All Souls, two festivities that during centuries have
helped us to remember that the Church has three
sections: a combatant one (on earth), a purifying one
(the purgatory), and a triumphant one (heaven). The
three sections support each other and need each other
in the unity of their prayer and sacrifice.
But the month will mainly be devoted to the closing of
the Holy Year of Mercy. Therefore, we will visit for the
last time those places where we can go through the
holy door, will do some work of mercy and express our
confession during the grace year. After November 20,
the feast of Christ the King, we will miss receiving so
much grace that is offered to us. Let’s receive still this
month the God's graces that we call indulgences and
apply them to living and deceased members of our
church family in unity.
Wim Veth pr.
Family Announcements
Grace Nora, daughter of Claire and Tijmen Schipper on 1 October
Erik Jean, son of Dianne and Jonathan Boscher-Baunbaek on 1 October
Lancelot Mario, son of Carolijn Schoofs and Marco Girella on 8 October
Sophia Stella, daughter of Laura and Alexander Rodenberg-Ghidini on 8 October
Daniel, son of Anna-Sofia and Quentin Le Noach-Geib on 22 October
Liturgical Calendar
Tu 1 Nov
We 2 Nov
4 Nov
Sa 5 Nov
Su 6 Nov
Sa 12 Nov
Su 13 Nov
Sa 19 Nov
Su 20 Nov
Mo 21 Nov
Sa 26 Nov
Su 27 Nov
Solemnity All Saints
Mass in Dutch in the Chapel
Mass in Dutch in the Church
All Souls
Mass in Dutch in the Chapel
Mass in Dutch in the Church
1 Friday of the month Mass in Dutch in the Chapel
Mass in Dutch in the Chapel and
32nd Ordinary Sunday
Mass in Dutch in the Church
32nd Ordinary Sunday
Mass in Dutch in the Church
International Mass in English in
the Church
33rd Ordinary Sunday
Mass in Dutch in the Church
33rd Ordinary Sunday
Mass in Dutch in the Church
International Mass in English
in the Church
King, Mass in Dutch in the Church
King, Mass in Dutch in the Church
International Mass in English in
the Church
Presentation of Mary
Mass in Dutch in the Chapel
Mass in Dutch in the Chapel
1st Sunday of Advent
Mass in Dutch in the Church
1st Sunday of Advent
Mass in Dutch in the Church
International Mass in English in
the Church
Foundation ‘Leesgoed’ – Christmas
You can already buy your Christmas cards, with both
classic and modern religious motives, at the stand of
the foundation ‘Leesgoed’ (‘Reading stuff/Read well’) in the hall of the Meeting
centre. Price: starting € 1,25 each piece.
Stichting Leesgoed, Keizersgracht 218 B, Amsterdam, email: [email protected]
Openings times: Sundays after the Solemn Mass at 12.15 hrs. in the hall, Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10.30 hrs. until 12.15 hrs., also in the hall.
Choir started rehearsals
On September 25 a new choir started rehearsing. Sjaiesta Togen leads the
rehearsals after Sunday Mass from 19:30 – 21:00 hrs. Join the team and learn how to
sing. Call Sjaiesta at +31 6 30510335.
Looking for volunteers
Volunteers for assisting with different tasks and activities at our International Mass
are welcome and needed! At present, we need more for volunteers to join the choir,
as well as volunteers to assist with the monthly family snack after the Mass. We are
also looking for volunteers for reading at Mass. Please contact [email protected]
Monthly Family and Friends Snack & Get-Together
Kindly be reminded that the Parish organizes on the 1st Sunday of every month, after
the 18:00 Mass, a get together where all the families and friends of our community
are more than welcome.
The next ones take place on: 6 November and 4 December. Save the dates!
Should you wish to be informed about the activities organized by the Get Together
Team and/or to join the team, kindly contact: Rita Pennisi at ritapennisi81@ or Maria Cecilia Martina at [email protected]
November 14 and 28: Catholicism
We started a new course with Fr. Barron’s
beautiful DVD series Catholicism. The topic of
the third session on Monday 14 November is:
That Than Which Nothing Greater Can Be
Thought: The Ineffable Mystery of God. The topic of the fourth session on Monday
28 November is: Our Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast: Mary, The Mother of God. The
course starts after evening Mass, at 20:15 hrs. After viewing the DVD program, we
discuss the topic in small groups.
The next dates are: December 12, January 23, February 6 and 20, March 6 and 20.
Meeting Center, Keizersgracht 218 B. Information and enrolment: [email protected]
A Quote A Month for the Holy Year of Mercy
Our Holy Year 2015-2016 is a year of Mercy and in this column we will
include each month a quote of a saint and we will suggest a spiritual work
of Mercy to live in a concrete way this Holy Year. The quote can be used
for personal moments of prayer, and the suggested spiritual work of Mercy can help
us in the exercise of Mercy. We can discuss with our family this suggested spiritual
work of Mercy and chose activities that can help all to grow in mercifulness. Why
don’t you put the quote and the work of Mercy in a visible place (the fridge?), look at
them frequently, and see how lives are transformed with the exercise of Mercy!
Pope Francis: “What a beautiful truth of Faith this is for our lives: the mercy of God!
God’s love for us is so great, so deep; it is an unfailing love, one which always takes
us by hand and supports us, lifts us up and leads us on.”
Corporal Work of Mercy: Bury the Dead.
Marriage Course in English November 2016
Amsterdam is quite an international city and it is important to think of
those who come from other countries when it comes to prepare
marriage. This course brings the participants in touch with different
married couples who share their experiences and help you to not only prepare the
wedding but to think about your future married life. You are welcome to apply for
this course:
DAY AND TIME: 4 Wednesday or Thursday Evenings from 20.00 to 22.00 hours
1 Saturday Afternoon from 15.00 to 17.00 hours
Keizersgracht 218 B – 1016 DZ Amsterdam
€ 100 the couple. Book, dinner and consumptions included.
Each session begins with tea or coffee. There is time to meet the leading couples and
other participants exchanging experiences in a friendly and informal setting. On one
of the evenings we have dinner together.
Thursday, November 3, from 20.15 to 22.00 h: Building your Marriage on a Sound
Foundation. Love. Faith. Work. By Lisette van Aken
Saturday, November 12, from 15.00 to 17.00 h: Emotional and sexual intimacy.
Fertility: if we have children, how many? By Maÿlis and Hubert de Ravel
Wednesday, November 16, beginning with dinner together at 18.30 h and
afterwards from 20.00 to 22.00 h: Seven habits for highly effective relationships
and families. By Jan and Ursula de Jong
Wednesday, November 23, from 20.00 to 22.00 h: Marriage as a sacrament. The
wedding is more than just a day. By Father Rafael Ojeda
Followed by ceremony for the blessing of engaged couples
Wednesday, November 30, from 20.00 to 22.00 h: Now all is fine, and after a few
years: how can we keep love growing? By Wil and Liesbeth van Erp
Followed by a celebrating drink and a snack
For more information: Father Rafael Ojeda 06 185 196 47
E-mail [email protected]
Your kids and the facts of life
An interview on MercatorNet with the author of an excellent
resource for parents.
By Carolyn Smith and Mary Cooney, Oct 3 2016
Have you had that talk about the birds and the bees with your
oldest child yet? Maybe your kids aren't old enough yet... or
maybe you know the time is fast approaching but you feel a little awkward bringing
up such a delicate subject? This summer, I read an excellent book that helped me
tremendously in talking to my daughter about the facts of life: Growing Up in God's
Image. Here is Part 1 of an interview with the author, Carolyn Smith, on teaching
your children about human sexuality.
Mary Cooney: How did you come to write the book?
Carolyn Smith: In the introduction to my book, I answer this in detail. Here, I will give
you a shorter version. My husband had been encouraging me to do it for quite some
time. He said he never heard anyone explain it the way I did and felt it could be very
helpful to others. Then after helping a friend with what to say to her oldest
daughter, she told me that I just had to write it down for others the same way I did
for her. So, with much encouragement and help from others, I began the task. I
wanted to write something that would alleviate the anxiety so many parents feel
when faced with this task. So, I did as my friend asked me to do. I wrote the words
parents need. There is no worry about what to say or how to say it. It’s all there. I
wrote it first for Catholic parents, but later discovered people of all ages as well as
different faiths were benefitting from it.
Why do you believe that parents, not teachers or doctors, should teach their
children about the facts of life?
First of all, all parents, whether we realize it or not, teach our children about marital
love. Parents are the first teachers of love for their children. Children watch
everything we do. Every day we are teaching them about family and the love that
makes that family. So, why would parents not be the ones to verbally speak about
intimate marital love to their children? Teachers and doctors may be able to teach
factual data, but they won’t speak to our children about love. Children can learn the
biology of sex anywhere, but it is at home where they first learn the language of love
in all its aspects.
I have not had great experiences with the medical profession and its advice to my
children regarding sexuality. My experience for the most part is that doctors assume
“everyone is going to do it” and treat everyone accordingly. Sadly, perhaps they have
seen too much. We are all fighting the culture. I find their expectations of teens to
be very low. That is not the message I want for my children.
As far as the schools go, I haven’t found a sex education program yet that would be a
suitable replacement for a one-on-one with Mom or Dad. That being said, I realize
that sometimes a sex education program can be a good supplement to what
happens at home. However, I would throw a big caution sign here. Be sure you know
what’s being taught, how it’s being taught, and how questions are going to be
addressed. There may be sensitive subjects not included in the curriculum that are
raised through questions from the students. How will these questions be handled? I
will add that every parent has the right and duty to remove their children from
programs with which they are not comfortable. Do not be afraid to take advantage
of this right. Unfortunately, even after having removed them from instruction, your
child is still subject to the playground and school bus discussion.(…)
At what age should parents begin teaching their children about the facts of life?
For example, what would you tell a very young child? What about a pre-teen?
(…) Very young children can hear about how God created them to look like Him. We
teach them the importance of taking care of their bodies because God made us holy
in body and soul. We teach them to respect their own privacy and the privacy of
others. One of the first ways they learn this is when we teach them to close the
bathroom door. We teach them to share, but we also teach that not everything is
appropriate to share. We teach them to respect personal space such as purses,
dresser drawers, etc. We teach them to be kind to others in word and action. They
are always taking new first steps under our watchful eyes. By teaching them to
respect themselves and others, we provide them with a sense of self-respect and
With pre-teens, we do a lot of building on these first lessons. We give new emphasis
to the importance of showers, proper nutrition, sleep, exercise, etc. Conversations
about modesty may begin. When I refer to modesty, I refer to the value we put on
our own privacy as well as the respect we show for the privacy of others. This refers
to private space, whether it be property, personal belongings, thoughts, feelings.
The pre-teen world lends all kinds of possibilities for “teaching moments”. At this
age, gossip is usually a biggie. Those lessons we taught about talking nicely when
they were very young take on all new dimensions now. We address self-respect and
respect for others on a new level.
It is good for them to realize that respect is also the issue with physical modesty. It is
important for girls to understand that boys are very visual. That puts responsibility
on them to dress in a way that respects that visual space and protects them. Do
some fashions make it harder for the guys to see you and not just your body? Do
these fashions really show self-respect? Be aware that some younger girls may be
oblivious to what certain fashions are exposing. They simply have not become
sensitive to it yet even if they have begun to develop. (…)
What is your advice on talking to teens about human sexuality?
The teen years are absolutely full of formative conversations. Sometimes those
conversations can go well, and sometimes not so well. These can be rebellious years,
but even when that’s the case, they are wonderful years of watching gifts and
talents unfold and take on new dimensions. It’s like watching children take first steps
all over again. I think it’s a good time to give them the book again and let them read
it on their own and even at their own pace. In their own quiet time, hopefully they
can absorb it a bit further than they could during that initial talk. I firmly believe that
if given the facts of life in all its beauty and holiness according to God’s plan, they
will recognize the counterfeits for what they are.
In our world, I would venture to say, you are not going to completely escape the
influence of the culture. These are the years when that message will probably
conflict with yours, and it’s time for talking about the consequences of sex outside of
marriage. This need not be one talk. In fact, I would suggest it is better that it not be.
I find it better to seize those opportunities when they present themselves, and
present themselves they will. Never pass them up whether the source of the reason
is media, peers, school and so on. (…)
There will always be input in your children’s worlds. Gratefully, some will be very
positive and nurturing as they make good friends and encounter nurturing adults
who truly care about them. At the same time, the culture’s message will also be
screaming at them from all sides. Nothing can replace the strength of family
relationships. Nothing can replace the tools of learning how to build those
relationships and then enjoying them. Loving families provide the perfect antidote
for the cultural chaos.
Mary Cooney is a homeschooling mother of five and former pianist living in
Maryland. This interview is a slightly edited version of one appearing on her blog,
Mercy For Marthas.
Anointment of the Sick &
H. Communion
If you would like to receive at home the Anointment of
the Sick or the Holy Communion, please contact one of
the priests.
Baptism of Children
All information for the preparatory course Baptism for
parents and godparents is provided by father Rafael
Ojeda, [email protected] or 020 2400 803.
Collection and church contributions
The church collection during the last month resulted in
€ 4.176,-. We warmly thank you for your support. You
can transfer your church contribution to our bank
account, as mentioned beside.
Mass Intentions
You can use the corresponding form that is located in
the back of the church and in the meeting centre in
order request a particular Mass intention. In the form
it is indicated how you can make a contribution.
Catechesis for Children
Our church has an attractive program for children of
different ages. The lessons take place every Sunday at
17:00 right before the 18:00 Mass. Kindly contact the
Rector R. Ojeda or Maria Cecilia Martina 06-52 541 81
who coordinates the classes.
Weekly Eucharistic Adoration
The Adoration takes place from Thursday 11.00 till
Friday 19.15. For more information, please contact
Mrs. Gerda Hoogland,
tel. 06 27286632 or email
[email protected]
Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk
NL16 INGB 0000 0838 31
Thank you for your
Rector R. Ojeda
020-2400 803
[email protected]
Fr. W.J.G.A. Veth
020-2400 802
[email protected]
Fr. J.A. Núñez
06-302 964 04
[email protected]
Mss. Iris Maas-Bremer
[email protected]
Catechesis for Children
[email protected]
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