Factor Analysis

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Measurement Theory
(Reliability, etc.)
Measurement Theory Books
Allen Mary J. and Wendy M. Yen (1979; 2002), Introduction to Measurement Theory,
Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
Anastasi, Anne (1982), Psychological Testing 5th ed., NY: Macmillan.
Cronbach, Lee J. (1984), Essentials of Psychological Testing 4th ed., NY: Harper & Row.
Ghiselli, Edwin E., John P. Campbell, and Sheldon Zedeck (1981), Measurement
Theory for the Behavioral Sciences, San Francisco: Freeman.
Nunnally, Jum C. and Ira H. Bernstein (1995), Psychometric Theory 3rd ed., NY:
Coefficient Alpha (Reliability)
Duhachek, Adam, Anne T. Coughlan and Dawn Iacobucci (2005), “Results on the
Standard Error of the Coefficient Alpha Index of Reliability,” Marketing Science, 24
(2), 294-301.
Duhachek, Adam and Dawn Iacobucci (2004), “Alpha’s Standard Error (ASE): An
Accurate and Precise Confidence Interval Estimate,” Journal of Applied Psychology,
89 (5), 792-808.
Iacobucci, Dawn and Adam Duhachek (2003), “Advancing Alpha: Measuring
Reliability with Confidence,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13 (4), 478-487.
Measurement—Miscellaneous Topics
Spector, Paul E. (1992), Summated Rating Scale Construction: An Introduction,
Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Wainer, Howard (1990), Computerized Adaptive Testing: A Primer, Hillsdale, NY:
Factor Analysis
Factor Analysis: Intros
Iacobucci, Dawn (1994). “Classic Factor Analysis,” in Richard Bagozzi (ed.), Principles
of Marketing Research, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 279-316.
Inspired, what can I say.  If you can’t find it, email me and I’ll send you a copy.
Great intros:
• Kim, Jae-On, and Charles W. Mueller (1978), Introduction to Factor Analysis: What It Is
and How to Do it, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
• Kim, Jae-On, and Charles W. Mueller (1978), Factor Analysis: Statistical Methods and
Practical Issues, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Also good intros:
• Comrey, Andrew L. and Howard B. Lee (1992), A First Course in Factor Analysis, 2nd
ed., Hillsdale. NJ: Erlbaum.
• Cooper, John C. B. (1983), “Factor Analysis: An Overview,” The American Statistician,
37 (2), 141-147.
• Cliff, Norman (1987), Analyzing Multivariate Data, San Diego: Harcourt Brace
• Gorsuch, Richard L. (1983), Factor Analysis 2nd ed., Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Factor Analysis:
“Confirmatory,” “Maximum Likelihood,” and “Statistical”
From the master:
• Joreskog, K. G. (1967), “Some Contributions to Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis,”
Psychometrika, 32, 443-82.
• Joreskog, K. G. (1969), “A General Approach to Confirmatory Maximum Likelihood
Factor Analysis,” Psychometrika, 34, 183-202.
Easier to read:
Long, J. Scott (1983), Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Harder to read:
Basilevsky, Alexander (1994), Statistical Factor Analysis and Related Methods:
Theory and Application, NY: Wiley.
Lawley, D. N. and A. E. Maxwell (1971), Factor Analysis as a Statistical Method, NY:
Topic also treated in Harman, Harry H. (1976), Modern Factor Analysis, U of Chicago
Press, pp.197-206.
Factor Analysis: Ancient, er, “Historical”
Harman, Harry H. (1976), Modern Factor Analysis, Chicago: The University of Chicago
Mulaik, Stanley A. (1972), The Foundations of Factor Analysis, NY: McGraw-Hill. (Still
a fabulous read, if you can find a copy.)
Thurstone. L. L. (1947), Multiple Factor Analysis, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Factor Analysis: Advanced Topics
Jones, Lawrence, and Dawn Iacobucci (1989), “The Structure of Affect and Trait
Judgments of Political Figures, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 24, 457-76.
(contains a higher-order factor analysis)
Tucker, Ledyard (1966), “Some Mathematical Notes on Three-Mode Factor
Analysis,” Psychometrika, 31, 279-311. (the source of the multi-mode factor analysis)
Campbell, Donald T. and D. W. Fiske (1959), “Convergent and Discriminant
Validation by the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix,” Psychological Bulletin, 56, 86-105.
MacCallum, Robert C., Keith F. Widaman, Shaobo Zhang and Sehee Hong (1999),
“Sample Size in Factor Analysis,” Psychological Methods, 4 (1), 84-99.
Factor Analysis: Advanced Topics continued
Cliff, Norman (1988), “The Eigenvalues-Greater-than-One Rule and the Reliability of
Components,” Psychological Bulletin, 103, 276-279.
Humphreys, LIoyd, and Daniel R. Ilgen (1969), “Note on a Criterion for the Number
of Common Factors,” Educational and Psychological Measurement, 29, 571-578.
Montanelli, Jr., Richard G. and Lloyd G. Humphreys (1976), “Latent Roots of Random
Data Correlation Matrices with Squared Multiple Correlations on the Diagonal: A
Monte Carlo Study,” Psychometrika, 41, 341-8.
Factor analysis smacks down principal components:
Humphreys, Lloyd G. and Randolph K. Park (1981), “Analysis of Variances and
Covariances is Misleading as a Guide to a Common Factor Model,” Intelligence, 5,
Snook, Steven C. and Richard L. Gorsuch (1989), “Component Analysis versus
Common Factor Analysis: A Monte Carlo Study,” Psychological Bulletin, 106, 148-54.
Velicer, W. F., A. C. Peacock, and D. N. Jackson (1982), “A Comparison of Component
and Factor Patterns: A Monte Carlo Approach,” Multivariate Behavioral Research,
17, 371-88.