Stress Management for Test Takers

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Stress Management for
Test Takers
Stress Can Be:
• Helpful- help you accomplish goals set
• Harmful- continuation of stress for prolonged
periods of time, can lead to depression, anxiety,
and fatigue.
Stress related to test-taking
can take either of these form.
• Be proactive in Studying – exams start next week, take some
of the test taking strategies learned today and begin to use them
in anticipation of finals coming up
• Study area- should be quiet and away from distractions, no
phones, computers, or friends
• Resist- temptation to get up and eat, wash clothes, call home,
and all the other distractions that come up when you sit down to
finally study
• Position- avoid laying on your bed, be some place comfortable
but not to comfortable that you can’t concentrate
• Take frequent breaks during studying- study for 30 minutes,
then take a 10-15 minute break
Day of the Test
• Get plenty of rest the night before- avoid staying up late to
cram more in, chances are you won’t remember it the next day
• Get up in time to have something for breakfast- gives you
energy and allows you to avoid distraction of hunger pains and
stomach growls during the test
• Get to the test area in plenty of time to get you a seat- take
this time to relax and prepare your mind for concentrating on
the test- can do relaxation techniques during this time
• Taking the test- don’t panic when you get the test and
seemingly forget what you have studied, take a few minutes to
collect your thoughts, peruse through the questions and then
begin answering when you feel ready, some anxiety is normal
Relaxation Techniques
• Deep breathing
• Progressive muscle relaxation
• Visual imagery- Imagine yourself doing well on
the test
Final Notes
• Recognize your limits- good to strive for all
good grades, but allow yourself some room for
mistakes, particularly when you have done the
best you can do
• Reward yourself for a job well done