Transcript PowerPoint

Chenney & Forsyth, 2000
CS 551 / 651
Chenney/Forsyth Paper
Likelihood of an animation
pw (A) = probability ball bounce animation
A is observed
• A ball bounces on flat table i times with
– normal vector mean at 0 degrees
– standard deviation 10 degrees
We want pw(A | C)
• Examples
• The ball must start here and land there
• The ball must go through this point
• The initial acceleration must be foo
Bayes’ Rule
A = P(an animation is natural)
C = P(an animation satisfies constraints)
• Chenney ignores denominator because it is the same
for all animations and washes out
• P(C|A) becomes a new function Pc(A)
How do we compute P(A|C)
Could generate lots of examples…
• Select those that satisfy C
• Out of all those that satisfy C, how likely is A
Generating lots of examples of bouncing
ball will not generate many that satisfy C
How do we compute
Generate any example animation, A
• Evaluate how likely is it in the real world
• Evaluate how well it satisfies the (soft) constraints
Ball example
Gaussian function defined
on final position of ball, d
We’re onto something here
Our goal is to find animations that are likely and satisfy
• Animations with high P(A|C)
Because it’s hard to find animations that satisfy constraints
exactly, we’ll be satisfied with animations that are likely and
come close to satisfying constraints
• Animations with high P(A)Pc(A)
Animations with high P(A)Pc(A) are likely to
also have high P(A|C) so let’s search…
Searching for likely candidates
• Given an animation, A, how “good” is it
• Could a simple change to A make it better?
Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Markov chain
• Given a sequence of events, the present state is only
dependent on the preceding state and independent of the
previous states
– Only the present influences the future
– The past doesn’t influence the future
– A random walk (why?)
Monte Carlo
• Using random numbers to solve a problem
MCMC Algorithm
Compute p(A0)
Use markov model to perturb
degree-of-freedom values from Ai
Compute p(Ac)
MCMC Algorithm
How likely is change from
parameters used to generate
Ac to parameters used for Ai
Ball example
Transition probability, q
n ball bounces, k were changed
10 values for
normal (+/- 5)
• First term = prob of choosing particular set of degrees
of freedom to change
• Second term = prob of choosing any particular value
for a degree of freedom
MCMC Algorithm
Key component
• propose ( )
– “designed through intuitive reasoning and
– “use past experience as a guide”
MCMC Algorithm
Provable feature of algorithm
• As i inf, samples are true reflection of probability
distribution of model
• Sampling animation from the set of samples produces
well-understood plausibility
2D Ball
Solving for ball
Take the log
2D Ball
Lesson learned about standard dev
 s too small  most animations are improbable
because they don’t land in correct place
 s too large  most animations are probable because
they land within landing region but they miss the exact
Tuning probability function, p(A) is tricky
Degrees of freedom
• Ball (diameter, initial position, initial velocity, initial angular
• Pin (initial position)
• Initial pins up, final pins down
• Gibb’s Distribution
Lesson learned
• If constraints are too strict, iterative perturbations will not
frequently “jump” from one legal animation to another
Rolling Dice
Normal function (for tabletop)
• Example from bouncing ball won’t work
– Nearby points should have similar normals (not
– Object bouncing in same place should use same normal
each time
• Create “surface” using b-splines
– Degrees of freedom are control point heights, initial pos
– Also use restitution and friction values at control points
Rolling Dice
Lessons learned
• Creating a good proposal algorithm is difficult
• Algorithm finds first constraint satisfying animation (in
one hour) and has hard time jumping to another
satisfying animation (“many” hours)
Rolling Dice
• Any position/orientation at any time
What’s easy about this?
• Getting a simulation
• Selecting some degrees of freedom
• Building the MCMC algorithm
What’s difficult?
• Building p(A|C) function
– Tuning bouncing ball standard deviation
– Authors used Gibbs distribution function to assist
• Building proposal function
– Dice example had simple proposal algorithm
What’s difficult
• This is a search problem
– Global vs. local search
– Requires infinite samples to be perfect
² Simulation time and search space size are
realistic constraints on feasibility
Big Picture
How to synthesize animations that
accomplish specific goals
• Keyframing
• Simulation
• Motion capture
Data-driven simulation is a compromise