Transcript PowerPoint

CS 551 / 651
Dynamics Modeling and Culling
Chenney, Ichnowski, and Forsyth
The world is full of moving things
Cars, people, clouds, leaves on a tree
Lasseter believes everything must be moving to look “right”
• The equations that define how they move
• The process of computing the dynamics
Simulation makes the world go ‘round
Simulation is expensive
• Small timesteps for dynamics computations
• Lots of moving limbs
• Flexible objects like hair/cloth
• Collision checks (n2)
Reduce costs of simulation
Perception permits simplification
• What simulation fidelity is needed?
– Out-of-view
 No need to render correct movements
 What happens when object returns to view?
– Distant or in periphery
 Some part of simulation must be accurate
 Other parts can be approximated
Building simpilfications
How is simplification constructed?
• Cull DOFs
• Reduce temporal resolution
• Permit more collisions
Current technology: simplify by hand
Preserving accuracy
Graceful degradation
• Suspension of disbelief
– If simplified thing looks unrealistic, belief in “virtual”
world may be jeopardized
• Accuracy of outcome
– If simplified thing behaves differently, outcome of
game or training application may be wrong
Related work
Geometric level of detail (LOD)
• Cost of rendering geometry must be justified
– Perceptually based perception metrics
– Geometric simplification algorithms
– Visibility culling
• Do these translate
to simulation?
Funkhouser and Sequin, 1993
In a perfect world
For each frame
• Compute effect on realism vs. all simplifications
• Set “reality” dial on each object to suit its importance
Simplifying periodic systems
What does periodicity buy us?
• Object’s description is a function of where it is relative
to one “cycle”
– Find “t”, where it is in the cycle
– Build f(t), a function mapping t  system state
Predicting where the blue-line bus is vs.
predicting where Osama is
Roller coaster
Where is the car and what is its orientation?
Roller coaster
Build mapping, f(t)
• Observe position/orientation of
car during one cycle
– How long is a cycle?
• Train neural network to correctly predict mapping
– f(t) = x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw
– Neural net is just a function approximator, so it can
do this!
Roller coaster
Using the simplified model
• Replace true dynamics with
neural network
– Just keep track of t and increment
A lot like motion capture
Roller coaster
Are there shortcomings
with using motion capture?
• Not responsive to changes
in environment
• Not alterable
Does it matter?
• Use this simplification when responsiveness and
flexibility are not required
Simplifying non-periodic systems
What does non-periodicity buy us?
• People aren’t good at predicting future states
– There is room for error/noise/approximation
• People get worse at predicting as time elapses
– Short lapses are predicted using extrapolation
– Longer lapses are predicted using generalization
– Really long lapses lack preconceptions
Examples of these?
Where are all the cars?
• A chaotic system where physics matters
Short time lapses
• Use previous state as a basis for
prediction of future states
– Extrapolation of accelerations
and velocities
Medium time lapses
• Use previous state as a basis for
prediction of future states
• Extrapolation only works for
small dt
• Use neural network to model change in state after
dt seconds have passed
– f (statet) = statet+dt
Medium time lapses
• Training a neural network
– Sample system at time t
– Sample system at time t + dt
– Network has one input for each DOF
– Network has one output for each DOF
– Train network to predict state after t + dt
Medium time lapses
• A particular neural network only
predicts state after dt seconds
• What if object pops back into
view after ½ dt seconds?
– Build a second neural network for ½ dt
– Build a third neural network for ¼ dt
Medium time lapses
• Any point in time is approximated
by series of neural networks
• Ex: Approximate 3.75 seconds
– Let NNs exist for dt = .25, .5, and 1.0
– state1 = NN1.0 (state0)
– state2 = NN1.0 (state1)
– state3 = NN1.0 (state2)
– state3.5 = NN0.5 (state3)
– state3.75 = NN0.25 (state3.5)
Medium time lapses
Position after dt
True Dynamics
Neural Net
Velocity after dt
Medium time lapses
Difference image masked by
stationary distribution image
Neural Network Prediction
Long time lapses
• Previous state is not a starting
point for prediction… stochastic
• What does the traffic on I-29 look
like at 5:00 this afternoon?
– I have a basic model, but no bias to previous states
 Obviously if an accident happened at 4:00, my
prediction would be wrong
Long time lapses
• How do I build a basic model?
– Based on observations
– I am more likely to expect system states that
occurred frequently in my observations
– Some system states will be implausible because of
limits on feasibility that I determine
Long time lapses
• How do I build a basic model?
– State of world is defined by DOFs
– DOFs define n-dimensional space
– Reduce the space to a finite volume
² Limits on feasibility
² What are min/max for each DOF?
Example: state space of two-joint arm
Long time lapses
• Discretize state-space volume into
• Run the simulation for a while
– At each timestep, record which cell system is in
– Accumulate counters in each cell
• Each cell is a assigned a value corresponding to the
probability system is in that state
Which model do we use?
Extrapolation vs. NN vs. Stochastic
• NN is accurate for designated dt
– Start using NNs at smallest dt
• At some point, knowing exact state at time t doesn’t
– As time passes, state of system begins to match
the basic prediction of stationary distribution
Medium time lapses
Difference image masked by
stationary distribution image