Transcript Merit

Merit Process
2015 Merit Program
Overview – General Information
Employee Eligibility
Source of Funds
Key Dates
Overview – General Information
CMO approved merit with Base Salary adjustment effective
September 1, 2015 (October 1, 2015 paycheck)
Merit is a salary adjustment to recognize an employee’s
contributions in meeting established goals & objectives.
Based on most recent performance evaluation
Pool allocation by employee category cannot be supplemented or
exceeded with the exception that A&P merit funding can be used
for classified staff awards but not vice versa.
Overview – General Information
 Merit Allocation pools based on:
 Annual salary rate of eligible university employees as of
May 31, 2015
 3% pool for all eligible university employees
 No additional allocation for salary changes that occur after
May 31, 2015.
Template & instructions will be provided to Merit Area Leads in
upcoming informational sessions (July 20 & 21, 2015)
Each division may have a different internal process as long as rules
outlined in the policy are followed
Employee Eligibility
 Employed as of the effective date of merit (September 1, 2015)
 Hired on or before February 28, 2015 (must be employed at least six
 Benefits eligible – full or part-time (50% or greater)
 Student titled positions are ineligible
 Must have a current performance appraisal on file in Human
Resources (for the period 2/1/14 – 1/31/15)
 Benefits eligible non-tenured track faculty may be eligible based on
criteria established by the Provost
Source of Funds for Merit
Education & General (E&G) merit eligible employees are
funded from a central budgeted source
Non-E&G merit eligible employees are funded from the fund
source of the position on the date merit is paid.
Grants & Contracts merit eligible employees will be awarded
merit pay if allowable by the grant or contract.
Exceptions to the above must be approved in advance by VP
Business Affairs
Key Dates
The Merit Policy and additional information will be posted to the Budget
website by mid-July: