Session 3 Anita Greenhill (University of Manchester): Exploring the Future of Information Sharing with Science Fiction Prototyping

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Transcript Session 3 Anita Greenhill (University of Manchester): Exploring the Future of Information Sharing with Science Fiction Prototyping

Introducing Science
Fiction Prototyping
Dr Anita Greenhill© & Samuel
What is SFP?
 Fictional prototyping seeking explore a series
of alternative futures through the techniques of
fiction and drama.
The technique prototypes objects and devices
being currently developed in the “real world”
to see how they might be utilised or how
people might respond to new designs, tools or
Why SFP?
Opens up the imagination
Encourages creativity
Easily accessible, familiar and workable framework
Has a logic that requires connections between the
beginning, middle and end of a story as well as
sufficient elaboration of characters, events and
Ben Johnson’s 5 steps
First- Pick Your Science and Build Your
• Select the technology or science you
want to explore as well as consider
the broader elements of the story,
such as when and where the story
will take place and who the
characters will be.
Second: The Scientific Inflection PointEnvision the impact that you think the
technology will have on the various
elements in the story .e.g. Individuals,
communities, cities, government, farms/
farming, your characters
Ramifications of the Science on People
Evaluate how the knock on effects of the technology might cause
societies and systems change in response to the technology in a
lasting way. Consider both the negative and positive effects.
Push these effects to the extreme to find new areas to explore,
but pare them down in the story.
Fourth: The Human Inflection Point
Bring the story back to your characters and inspect
in depth how they are adapting to the technology .
Together What Did We Learn?
Reflect on the lessons learned by creating the world
as described in the previous four steps