Minutes - 14th February, 2006 Appendix 1

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Transcript Minutes - 14th February, 2006 Appendix 1

Private Sector Housing Investment
Claremont, Weaste & Seedley
Dylan Vince
Programme Manager HMR
Private Sector Housing Investment in Claremont and
Weaste & Seedley
• +£4m private sector Housing Investment in CWS since
• Focus on Neighbourhood Renewal Areas
• Mainly from Council resources, Housing Market
Renewal Funding, E.R.D.F, etc.
• Complementary investment by partners such as Space
New Living Ltd
Weaste Neighbourhood Renewal Area
• Declared on 2nd April 2003
• £2m Facelifts schemes to Kennedy Rd, Barff Rd.,
Glendore, New Cross street, Weaste Road, Tootal Rd.
• Renovation / Home Improvement Grants
• Environmental Improvements
• Drying Yards
• Alleygating
• Street Lighting improvements
Eccles New Road Neighbourhood Renewal Area
Declared on 2nd April 2003
Clearance Area Acquisition – Bridson Street, Nelson Street.
Supporting Home owners
Strategic Site Assembly – Eccles new Road
Facelift Schemes
Renovation / Home Improvement Grants
Environmental Improvements
Demolition and Site treatment
Street Lighting improvements
Other investment
Burglary Reduction Initiative
Streetscapes project and other environmental works
Home Improvement Assistance (HI and Renovation
• WSC Area Action Plan and other Neighbourhood
Understanding Housing Markets
Neighbourhood Renewal Assessments
Neighbourhood Planning
Tracking Neighbourhood Change
Housing Market Assessments
House price information
House Price Information
Moving Forward to develop a Housing Investment
• Reassess the Area Action Plan Process
• Would always have been a need to build on
information collected in the Neighbourhood Renewal
• Review information gathered as part of wider Housing
Market Assessments
Moving Forward to develop a Housing Investment
• Review what information we already hold including resident
• Examine the issues regarding housing investment
• Use this information to work with the community in bringing
forward neighbourhood planning, both public and private sector
• Redefine the boundary to bring forward housing led
neighbourhood planning
• Determine the governance for this process
• Develop an implementation plan within the resources potentially