Transcript file

LEGO 101
Day 2
Dr. Nannette Napier
Marcus Michalske
Victor Moy
Rachael Wright
First Lego League Info
First Lego League Animation (1:14)
Where Gracious Professionals Get in the Game
 What
blocks did we use
from the Common
 What is the difference in
the options below?
8 Loop Block
 Controls
how long the actions inside the loop
are done
By count (for example, 6 times)
By time (for example, 5 seconds)
8 Drive in a Square
 Repeat
4 times
Drive forward
Make 90 degree turn
9 My Blocks
Custom Palette allows you to
1. Create and name your own block
(including the icon) that you can use
over and over in different programs
2. Simplify your program
Today, you will
 Continue
to work on the first two courses
 Use the NXT editor to complete the following
(Tutorials 8 and 9)
Use the Loop Block to repeat actions
Create My Block for customized code
 Time
permitting: Working with Light Sensor
Build the Light Sensor
Work on Tutorial 16 Detect a Line
Work on Tutorial 17 Follow a Line
 Last
15 minutes of class: Instructions for Dance
Contest will be revealed
Requirements for Dance Contest
 Time
limit: No more than 45 seconds
 Inside of a loop
Use at least 1 image
Use sound(s)
 Use
10 Blocks or more
Musical Robot: Sing a Song
 Use
a variety of Sound Blocks to play a
 Each Sound Block would have a different
tone with different duration
 Consider using Loops and My Blocks to
shorten your program
Before working with Light Sensor:
Calibrate Light Sensor
To use the method built into the NXT software,
connect your NXT to your PC (with the NXT cable
or Bluetooth), then select the Tools -> Calibrate
Sensors menu item, choose Light Sensor, and
choose the correct sensor port (port 3 is used by
these line following programs) and press the
Calibrate button. At this point the software will
download a program called "Calibrate" to the
NXT and run it. Place your robot over the surface
to be used and use the screen prompts to sample
the two values
After calibration, "Black" should report very close
to 0 and "White" very close to 100
Light Sensor Challenge with
 On
a white surface, detect a color
When you reach green, have the brick say
something special (like “Hello”).
When you reach black, have the brick say
something different (like “Good Bye”). Brick
should also stop.