Xander Soldaat BotBench.com Topics What is Mindstorms? How can you build with it? What can you build with it? Programming the NXT
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Xander Soldaat BotBench.com
Topics What is Mindstorms?
How can you build with it? What can you build with it?
Programming the NXT What’s inside the brick?
Sensing the world
Topics My activities Why do I do it?
Books Communities Questions
What is Mindstorms?
How can you build with it?
• NXT brick • Motors • Sensors • Lego (Technic) parts • Parts in other Technic sets • Parts available online through webshops
What can you build with it?
What can you build with it?
What can you build with it?
2 0 0 9 L E G O W O R L D
What can you build with it?
2 0 1 0 L E G O W O R L D
What can you build with it?
2 0 1 1 L E G O W O R L D
Programming the NXT NXT-G Graphical programming using blocks and lines Comes with the set when you buy it Easy to get started with it Very suitable for children
Programming the NXT ROBOTC C-like environment 100x faster than NXT-G Debugger More difficult to learn Not free
Programming the NXT NXC/BrixCC C-like programming language/IDE Can use standard LEGO firmware or enhanced firmware Free (MPL) Lejos Java on your brick!
Very complete API, really great classes Free (MPL)
What’s inside the brick?
Bluetooth module 2.
AT91SAM7s256 @ 48 MHz 3.
Atmega8 @ 8MHz • • • 3 x Motor ports 4 x Sensor ports 1 x USB
Sensing the world
Sensing the world Sense: colour, light, sound, pressure flex, touch, shapes, distance rotation, acceleration, temperature position, altitude, velocity Control: servos, motors, lights, relays Communicate: USB, XBee, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, RS485, IR
Sensing the world LEGO: <10 sensors Mindsensors: > 20 sensors HiTechnic: >15 sensors Dexter Industries: 8 sensors MicroInfinity, Codatex, Vernier, POB
My activities Software tester for Robotics Academy (Carnegie Mellon University) Part of the LEGO MCP4 Hardware tester for all major sensor companies.
Develop and maintain a ROBOTC driver suite, 50+ devices supported, 4500+ downloads
My activities Co-owner Mindboards community Maintainer of BotBench.com (300-500 visitors/day) Contributor on official ROBOTC site Give workshops and presentations (like this one) Attend big LEGO events (LEGO World)
Why do I do it?
It’s nice to help people Keeps you mentally fit Recognition within the Mindstorms community “Thank you” emails from FTC teams, professors, teachers and users.
Most of all, because it’s FUN!
Books Countless books available For beginners For advanced programmers Many different core subjects Building Programming Electronics; “hacking” Themed books
Some examples Just a few of the 65 results in Amazon.com
Communities Massive online LEGO communities Lego User Groups (LUGs) (Belug, LowLug) Mindstorms communities and blogs NXT Step Mindboards BotBench.com
Many other personal websites
Additional URLs HiTechnic: hitechnic.com
Mindsensors: mindsensors.com
Dexter Industries: dexterindustries.com
ROBOTC: robotc.net
NXC: bricxcc.sourceforge.net
Lejos: lejos.sourceforge.net
Additional URLs Laurens Valk’s websites: laurensvalk.com
(personal) discovery.laurensvalk.com
(book site) Mindboards: sourceforge.net/apps/phpbb/mindboards The NXT Step: thenxtstep.blogspot.com
Mindstorms site: mindstorms.lego.com
De Bouwsteen: debouwsteen.eu
LowLug: lowlug.nl
Xander Soldaat BotBench.com