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Restaurant Introduction
In 1997, AMY'S Five
stores remodeled as a "
AMY'S Taiwanese
restaurant&pub", the use of
popular Oriental elements,
furnishings nuances have
yellowed old days
advertising calendar, Ladies,
wooden furniture, antique
red lampshades, retro
Western-style bars,is started
desktop flavor of local food.
Restaurant origin
Summer 1984, in the hanging neon signs "AMY'S"
shop, drinking wine, with a genuine desktop fried
dishes, travelers, sailors eyes Eau smile! Amy and
her mother in 1984 on Yanchengpu started the first
store-AMY 'S BEER HOUSE. It became sailors and
bars’s fashionable landmark. AMY'S Taiwanese
restaurant&pub also choose Yanchengpu to start the
shop and it became office workers favorite.
Introduction dishes