Transcript FG-Ch02.ppt

Brief Summary of
Fay & Golomb Ch2
Chapter in Brief
• Objective: to provide an idea of the
amounts involved in energy usage and
supply by human society
• World energy usage, supplies and
associated emissions
• US energy usage
• World situation regarding energy
World Energy Consumption
• From ~ 300 (1980) to ~ 500 (2010) EJ/y
• Per capita
– 200-400 GJ/y (More Developed Countries)
– 20-80 GJ/y (Less Developed Countries)
• Per $ GDP
– 4-20 MJ/$GDP (World)
World Energy Sources
• Fossil Fuels (Petroleum, NG and Coal)
make up ~85% of all energy consumed
• Proportions of Renewables and Nuclear
slowly increasing from 1980 on and
expected to continue increasing
World Electricity Usage
• ~65% of all electricity generated from
fossil fuels
• From ~ 7 (1980) to ~ 20 (2010) TWh/y
US Energy Consumption
• 105 EJ/y (2008)
• Key consuming Sectors (2006)
– Industrial (~30%; ~10% boiler fuel)
– Transportation (~30%; ~15% personal autos)
– Residential (~20%; ~10% appliances & light)
– Commercial (~20%;~10% light & heat)
World Energy Supply: Coal
• Reserves: 1 Tton (bituminous & anthracite;
~50% US and USSR)
• Higher Heating Value (HHV) ~ 30 MJ/kg
• Energy equivalent: 25,000 EJ
• Consumption (2008): 140 EJ/y
World Energy Supply: Petroleum
Reserves: 1.6 Tbbl
Average heating value: ~6 GJ/bbl
Energy equivalent: 10,000 EJ
Consumption (2008): 180 EJ/y
World Energy Supply: Natural Gas
Reserves: ~200 Tm^3
Average heating value: ~40 MJ/m^3
Energy equivalent: 7,350 EJ
Consumption (2008): 120 EJ/y