Energy Crisis

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Transcript Energy Crisis

America is in a hole and
its getting deeper. We
imports 70% of our oil
at a cost of $700 billion
a year.
Overview of Problem
• Fossil fuels currently provide more than 85% of
all energy consumed in US
– Nearly 2/3 of our electricity and virtually all our
transportation fuels
Very little oil has been found within past 30 years and
prospect of finding much more is dim
– Within the decade world oil production will decline,
slowly at first, but then accelerating
– Every time anyone spends an American dollar, the
energy equivalent of half a liter of oil is burned to
produce what that dollar buys!!!
Energy Consumption
• Earth’s total oil, before humans used it, was
about 2 trillion barrels of recoverable oil.
Consumption has rapidly increased and about
half is already used.
• Consumption= 31 billion barrels/year
• If rate does NOT change, oil will be gone in 32
Example of Problem
• Some of worlds oil producing regions have
already experienced steep declines:
– Us in 1971
– North Sea 1999
– Mexico 2006
Soon to hit Russia and Middle East
• The causes are from FOSSIL FUELS
– These include coal, oil, and natural gas
Other causes
Rapidly escalating demand for energy
Energy pricing policies
lack of incentives to invest in domestic energy facilities
depletion of domestic oil and gas reserves
Solutions to the Problem
• What people are doing to lessen the effects…
– In 1989 the department of energy shut down a
1,050 acre uranium processing facility in Ohio
– People are also buying energy efficient appliances
– Switching to using renewable energy
– AND taking public transportation
*things you can all do too!
United Nations
• Numerous different programs and committees…
ONE is UN-Energy
It was established to help ensure that energy
policies and disciplinary responses are coherent.
Aims to provide system wide collaboration in the
area of energy since there is NO part of UN primarily
for energy
United Nations Cont…
• Another group is…. UNDP (United Nations
Development Program)
Goals are to create major improvements in quality
and quantity of energy services in developing
Personal Solutions!
Multiple options when it comes to saving
energy, a few are:
Buy energy efficient appliances
Make sure your home is properly insulated
By electric or hybrid cars
Walk or Bike when possible
Turn heaters a couple of degrees
Take public transportation