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"Intra-industry trade with
emergent countries: what can
we learn from Spanish data?"
Juliette Milgram-Baleix and Ana
Isabel Moro-Egido
Comentarios: Laura Márquez-Ramos
Empirical Model
Distj as proxy of transport costs
- Assumes that t ij  t ji
- Need to obtain better transport cost measures and to
use these measures to expand gravity models
(Anderson and van Wincoop, 2004)
- Deal with the endogeneity of the transport cost
variable in this kind of equation (Anderson and van
Wincoop, 2004)
- “The impact of distance is always negative and very
significant” (p.5): Also when other transport costs
variable is included. Geographical distance may
represent a series of factors such as cultural
proximity, a shared history, a perception of closeness
and information costs (trade costs)
Empirical Model
- “Dummy that takes the value 1 if the trading
partner belongs to the European Union and
0 if not” (p. 4)
- Baier and Bergstrand (2004) develop the
first theoretical and empirical analysis of the
economic determinants of FTA formation
- Baier and Bergstrand (2005) show the
importance of treating FTAs as endogenous
when the determinants of trade flows are
analysed. They show that when the
endogeneity of the FTA variables is taken
into account in gravity models, their effect on
trade flows is quintupled.
Econometric Results
- “Results from the OLS estimations show that
technological differences unambiguously enhance
intra-industry trade” (p. 6): Maybe a better
technological measure is needed, why not a
composed index? (Filippini and Molini, 2003)
- “Another important feature is that a high GINI
index enhances any kind of IIT in the case of
other countries while it reduces IIT in the case of
the EU” (p. 6): Negative and significant for EU
and not significant for emergent countries. Why?
Econometric Results
Heckman method (discrete framework)
“Nor distance nor the GINI index have a
significant impact on the probability to
engage in IIT…Thus, distance, GINI and the
dummies for contiguity and EU membership
present the expected signs, while they fail to
explain the probability of IIT to occur” (p. 7):
Maybe inequality and adjacency have a
higher influence on other variables, as the
existence of integration agreements.
 Anderson, J. E. and van Wincoop, E., 2004. Trade Costs.
Journal of Economic Literature, 42, 691-751.
 Baier, S.L. and Bergstrand, J.H., 2004). Economic
Determinants of Free Trade Agreements. Journal of
International Economics 64 (1), 29-63.
 Baier, S.L. and Bergstrand, J.H., 2005. Do free trade
agreements actually increase members’ international
trade?, Working Paper 2005-03, Federal Reserve Bank of
 Filippini, C. and Molini, V., 2003, The determinants of
East Asian trade flows: a gravity equation approach,
Journal of Asian Economics, 14, 695-711.