Transcript Chocolate

Chocolate: Did You Know?
Information gathered from:
Chocolate: A Sweet History by Sandra Markle (New York, NY: Grosset and Dunlap, 2005)
Photos by Margaret Sites
Did you know…
that chocolate comes from a cacao tree? The cacao
tree grows in Mexico because of the tropical climate.
The cacao tree grows pods and inside are the seeds.
We roast the seeds and grind them up. They are the
most important ingredient in CHOCOLATE!
The roasted seeds
A cacao pod
Did you know that a long time ago in Mexico you had to
be rich to have chocolate? The ancient Mayan people
were buried with their treasure and in some tombs there
were cacao beans!
This structure at found Chichén Itzá is an example of
the impressive pyramids the Mayan people built.
Did you know that in the year 1730 a machine was
invented that made chocolate a lot easier to make? The
machine ground the cacao beans. Using the machine
made it cheaper to make chocolate, so people who
weren’t rich could have some, too!
The roasted beans go into the grinder and come out as liquid. It doesn’t
taste good yet, because it doesn’t have any sugar in it.