Guest Lecturer, Check Requests, and Confirming Purchase Orders

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Transcript Guest Lecturer, Check Requests, and Confirming Purchase Orders

Texas Woman’s University
SEPTEMBER 22, 2015
Guest Lecturer/Performer
 What is the definition
 An Individual presenting lectures, speeches, seminars, workshops,
and/or performances
 What is included
 The entire payment for the service (including expenses)
 When is the form not acceptable
 Businesses, faculty or staff members, students
 Payment is greater than $5,000.00
Guest Lecturer/Performer con’t
 What must occur to process payment
 Form submitted within five (5) days after service is rendered
 All appropriate signatures must be obtained
 There is money in the account
 Individual must be in the vendor system
or a W9 must be completed
Guest Lecturer/Performer Pain Points
 Handwritten forms
 Incomplete or unclear forms
 Any questions concerns?
Check Requests
 What are they used for
 Postal Services/postage
 Registrations (when Pcard is not accepted)
 Employee incurred expenses other than travel
 Student travel
 What are they not used for
 Memberships
 Employee travel
 Purchases over $5,000
 A means of circumventing purchasing requirements
Check Requests con’t
 What must occur to process payment
 All appropriate signatures must be obtained
VP/Provost if purchasing rules were broken
 ORSP if using a grant account
 Preparer printed name and signature
 Account manager printed name and signature
 A supervisor signature is required if the payee is also the account
There is money in the account
Vendor is setup in the vendor file
If not a W9 must accompany the request
Check Request Pain Points
 Old forms
 Handwritten forms
 Requests for check to be sent to the bursar
 Insufficient funds available
 No food justification form – when applicable
 No supporting documentation for the reimbursement
Confirming Purchase Orders
 Definition:
 A purchase, letter of intent to purchase, or request for scheduling in
advance of an order that is made by an individual, without having a
valid purchase order.
 Purchasing Policies
 Use of confirming requisitions and purchase orders without an
approved TWU payment method is a violation.
Even if you have a signed contract – TWU is not obligated to pay without
a valid purchase order